"Sweetheart, Oh dear. She's slept in once again. Poor child." Kagome didn't recognize the voice, it was female and belonged to an elderly woman. "I'm Up." She heard a small child's voice and realized, it was her voice! "Um…" She sat up. Looking this way and that. An old woman with gray long hair and soft dove gray eyes smiled at her. "Well, your up." The woman was dressed in a blue kimono with a yellow ribbon tied around her waist. Kagome noticed that the room was large and fancy. Many portraits hung on the walls, some of herself, some of the old woman, some of both, and some of many people she had no idea who they were. The walls were a soft blue color, the carpet was a darker blue and her bed was blue with green pillows, again…thousands of pillows. "Where…Am…I?" Kagome looked up at the woman. "Well, your palace for starters. This is your home. You worked so hard yesterday, your mother decided I should let you sleep in. It is, after all, summer." Kagome shook her head. Unable to understand. "Plus, a bride needs rest." Kagome jumped from the bed away from the woman. "What? Bride? Who?" Kagome fell to a soft chair. "You. You're the bride."
"Yes, You."
"How old am I again?"
"You've just turned eighteen."
"Who am I getting married too?"
"You don't remember?"
Kagome shook her head.
"You've seen each other since you were born."
"Who?" Kagome asked again.
"A young demon named…InuYasha. I believe."
Kagome grew happier. "InuYasha?" The woman nodded, seeing Kagome was happier.
Kagome sat at a large table, wondering when she would be able to see InuYasha. As soon as she was able so was out the door. She was dressed in…old fashioned undergarments. Pants that went to her knees and a blouse that was a tank top, they matched and both white with red and pink trim. "M'lady! Wait!" The old woman with a few other maids called after her, she ignored them. She raced pass many people. Some were dressed in jeans, or dresses or skirts and T-shirts and blouses. Some people had long hair, others had short hair, some had pointed ears, some had ears that didn't look like ears. At she slowed to a walk she studied the people. They looked…familiar. In some way. Suddenly Kagome walked into someone and fell on her butt. She heard many murmurs about that was the prince of another Kingdom…one higher in power, and ruled this kingdom too, and how she'd probably be beheaded. She looked up to see two men in black tuxes, shades and arms crossed, they were bald but not old. And they were tall, too. "Ow." she said, glairing at them. "What's the hold!" A woman from the carriage yelled, clearly the queen of this far way place. "This young woman." One man said. Kagome tilted her head to one side, her large brown eyes confused. What'd she do? The she saw InuYasha, he was the prince! Kagome did what she though was smart and kept her mouth shut, see if this InuYasha was a similar version she knew and loved. "Oh, mother. She seems harmless." InuYasha studied her. "And unable to properly dress." Kagome knew by the way he had just spoken he was the same. Not in mind, but in heart. "What? I don't see what's wrong with my cloths." Kagome said, the queen seemed to get angry. Murmurs were said, Kagome stood their, smiling sweetly. InuYasha smiled back. "For one thing, They are undergarments." Kagome blushed. How stupid was she? "They seem to cover enough to pass as normal wear." She snapped. InuYasha smiled, his mother became upset. "Do not speak in such a tone child. What is ye name?"
Mouths popped open.
"Oh dear, InuYasha. I had no idea. I would have never agreed to let you marry this…young child." Kagome knew InuYasha's mother did not approve.
"Well, Guess you can always call it off." Kagome looked hurt. She hadn't felt this way since she was in that tiny room, when InuYasha had come in with a knife in hand. InuYasha sighed and climbed out of the carriage. Kagome had turned to walk away just as InuYasha caught her arm. She turned and looked up at him. "I don't know about calling off the wedding. You may be fun." He smiled. His joke wasn't perverted or in any way sexual, but she still blushed anyway. He pulled her to the carriage. She looked up set and fought till the two big guys stood behind her, she smiled weakly and followed willingly.
Kagome sat in the Carriage in the corner, away from InuYasha. His mother had called her own carriage and left them…alone. Kagome hoped she never saw the woman again, she'd claw her eyes out. In a blink Kagome found herself on the seat of the Carriage, looking over at InuYasha. She didn't remember laying down…and she thought she was next to InuYasha, not across. "Uh…" then they were at her palace, her home. "OH! M'lady! Never run off in your underwear again!" The old woman said and smiled at InuYasha and his mother.
Kagome lay awake since six in the morning, it was now eight at night. She had refused to open her eyes or sit up. She just wanted to lay there and forget the fact one world she had made up. Though she was still with Noelle and the others or in her royal life…she wished she had made up them both. This world and the world with InuYasha, she wished she didn't live in either world. Kagome noted that she hadn't heard any voices in the time she had been up, and the smell was different, the bed felt different…Kagome's heart sped up, she was afraid to open her eyes and find another world. Kagome slowly opened her eyes. The room was white and pale, not at all homey. She sat up and noticed some odd feeling. A slight pinch feeling. She looked at her arms and saw IVs in several places. "Crap, crap, crap. Not again." She groaned as she pulled the needles out. "Hate this world jumping thing. When will it ever end? Or Where." Kagome stared blankly as she said the last part. She wondered where she's end up. Or if she would ever stay in one world.
The End. That's it. Thank you all who have read this and liked it enough to review.