What follows is how I'd interpret The Joker's thoughts in a scene that will become apparent to you from The Dark Knight. I'm concentrating on Heath's Joker. I don't own characters or events that came from DC et al. This may be difficult to read, for which I'm sorry, but future chapters (which may be slow in coming, as I'm not sure where or how I want this to go-ideas are appreciated) would likely be written more traditionally. Please review, let me know what you thought, where you might like me to go next. Thank you.

Chapter One

A Little Push

I can't admit that I'm... not frightened. Nervous, nervous... Unsettled, maybe? Disturbed. But not crazy, never crazy, no... I'm not.

It's just him and me now, just him and me. "He and I", you're supposed to say! That's what's correct. But nothing's truly correct, is it? What is "correct" in the big scheme of things? Damn the big scheme!

Wait, wait, where was I, where was I... Yes, yes, yes. Just him and me, here, alone. And he's hurt, I did that, I hurt him. I can hold my own with even him. I should be proud, if I were someone else. Pride is for the unconscious, the schemers, if you will. If "I" will, I should say. Hahaha...

Where was I?

...Yes. We're alone together. I can't hold him down too much longer, I can see in his eyes, I can sense, I can smell that he's working towards something, he's got a scheme of his own against me. I'd take off that big, black suit and dismantle all its tricks if the experience wouldn't be so SHOCKING. Hahahaha, shocking, get it? Haha...

He's probably wondering what I'm laughing at right now, mind always twisting, turning around in there. Wonder what it would look like to get inside there, wonder if it feels like mine. Feels...

I'd tell him why I did that, why I blew his girl away, threw his girl away... haha, threw yourself after her... that was good, if I may say so myself. ...Yes, I'd tell him why if he wouldn't think me insane. Which I'm not, not at all, not in the slightest, no, no. Not me. He wouldn't believe it, how could he believe it, what I thought?

Even I can admit that it's odd, what I thought. Not crazy, just odd. Not usual, but not abnormal, not at all, not that, no. No. No...

He has to stop struggling against me! Stop fighting, stop fighting it... How am I supposed to try to explain, explain the why of everything, the how come? I tried to tell you before, at Gordon's house, I was starting to... What would I do without you...? You complete me... But you wouldn't let me finish and I got all caught up, all tangled up in your fists. I couldn't concentrate anymore, we were having so much fun... Hold still a minute, so I can tell you!

I wasn't jealous, not of the throw-away girl, never. She was a schemer, doesn't he understand? A schemer, just like the rest of them, playing two against the other, not making a choice, just playing, playing, scheming... It's better this way, don't you see? You'll see, you'll see, give you time, time, time, tick, tock, time. I don't have much now, he's too strong, so terribly, wonderfully, strong...

Don't you see that you always have to make a choice, choose one over the other? Always one over the other, you can't have it both ways, I never could... you never can... you have to choose one or the other.

Now you have to choose me... So strong... You have to choose me now, why? You have to choose me now because you have no choice, hahahahaha!

I made a choice and took yours away from you, I took the power and took your choice, doesn't that make you angry? Doesn't it all make you furious? Mad, even? Not MAD, just mad, angry, mad, angry...

Too strong! I'm yours now, you have me, you make your choice with this life, my life, my life, your life. I give it to you, it's yours, I don't want it, never did, never do. Couldn't let anyone else take it, though, not good enough, not good at all. I was waiting for you. Didn't know it, but I was waiting for you to take it away, throw it away, throw me away like I threw her away. You want that revenge, don't you, you want to get me back for that, don't you? I see it in your eyes, I see it, I see it, I see...

Oh! The sky, the buildings, the air, beautiful, wonderful, marvelous, glory, ending at last, my hero, thank-!

What? What? What, what, what?

You saved me. Me. Me, me, me... He took me back, he couldn't do it, couldn't throw me away, not forever, no, no.

It's just him and me now...