Reviews for Madness is Like Gravity
Guest chapter 22 . 5/2/2018
I'm not crying, really (/tt)\
guest chapter 22 . 10/13/2017
I really, really like that story :)
Kichigai17 chapter 22 . 4/25/2017
This story was absolutely incredible it was exactly what I was looking for! I loved the tension between them ahh it was so good!
acetwolf94 chapter 22 . 2/19/2017
Red Turk chapter 15 . 8/11/2016
Hey there! I've been keeping up with this fic for a while now and I have got to tell you how much I love it. Your handle of the characters is solid, your prose is lovely, your pacing is amazing, and I really love the interactions between them. I can't wait to devour the rest of this!
SF365 chapter 22 . 4/12/2015
This was probably the best batfic I have ever read. Bravo. *dabs tears away at final chapter* bra-vo. *Joker slow clap*
proverbial-golden-light chapter 22 . 3/27/2015
I can barely explain how incredibly THANKFUL I feel for having found this now (when it has just been finished) and not when it begun... I would have most certainly gone mad with the waiting! (All that's needed is a little push after all...) Nevertheless, I must say it's been one hell of a ride, and I adored every single word of it. Seriously, it's been killing me for a week! It robbed me of each and every moment of spare time I could find, but it was sooo worthy. It even taught me a lot of new words! (English is not my first language you see) If only learning could be so enjoyable all the time *sigh*... Hehe, sorry for the rambling. In the end all I can really say is: Thank you very very much for your efforts, and please keep up with the great work!
Guest chapter 22 . 2/27/2015
Love this story. So sad to see it come to an end.
hahathechokesonyou chapter 22 . 2/26/2015 Beautiful. I love this last chapter, I'm sad that it's over but it was wonderful. Sequel? ;) hahah. But really, this whole story was amazing.
JakeJSL chapter 21 . 2/13/2015
Really? Oh Joker! : D
Caricature of a Witch chapter 20 . 2/9/2015
Okay, uh... wow... I really am not a great fan of graphic sex scenes, to be true. It's okay if you write them and all and I won't say anything against it and it's just a personal opinion I guess, but that's the only reason why I won't absolutely praise the chapter ;)
Which was, by the well, still pretty fascinating nonetheless. Joker was really confused, considering it was all his idea Can't wait to find out how this will go on!
hahathechokesonyou chapter 20 . 2/8/2015
I absolutely love this story. Can't wait for more!
Duarte89 chapter 20 . 2/8/2015
I'm so happy that this was updated! I love the tension between the two!
WomenOfMonologue chapter 19 . 2/2/2015
Nooo i'm about to cry , I want to read more pleaaaaseeeeee,I absolutely love this story . I like how you portrayed both batman and joker ...your officially amazing .

Caricature of a Witch chapter 19 . 1/29/2015
Okay, kissing, then fighting, then punching, then discussing, then... well. My, these two are having serious relationship problems... Looking forward to the next chapter :)
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