AN- Hello, ShadowRebirth37 here!! Well… since you guys seem to like this idea… I guess I'll give it a shot! But just to tell you, this is not a Raven/Moonbay or a Raven/Reese pairing unless you see it that way!! I suck at writing any sort of romance, and frankly I'm not a huge romance fan. A few of you may see a little bit of a pairing, but that just depends on how you interpret it. Oh, and before any of you snap at me about the beginning, screaming "… you're just rewriting chapter 3 of Fury's Core!!", I'm not doing that! Okay, just wanted to let y'all know that. XP Lol. I know that there are a few other fics like this, and if the authors of said fics are reading this, I want you to know I'm not trying to steal your thunder, I just wanted to write about something other than Organoids for once, and this idea just came to me. Anyway, just keep an open mind with this fic, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Well, here's the prologue, enjoy!!

Disclaimer- Nope, I do not own Raven, Reese, Shadow, Moonbay, the Geno Breaker or anything that has to do with Zoids!! Although I wish I did… T.T

.:Prologue- Stolen Away:.

Raven lay unconscious in the shattered cockpit of the Geno Breaker, bleeding from the deep wounds that covered his body. The broken remains of the glass cockpit cover were strewn across the floor, the result of a direct hit. The smashed controls were dim and silent, the Zoid's power completely exhausted. A gaping hole in the cockpit armor, dealt from another Zoid's claws, let in the desert wind, the soft breeze gently washing over Raven's unmoving body.

The sound of movement made Raven open his eyes slightly, their normal bright color now dull and empty. He looked to his left without moving his head, trying to determine what was moving around. A dark figure shifted in the shadows, and two bright sky-blue eyes blinked open as a rumbling growl filled the air.

"S-shadow…?" Raven breathed, lifting his head slightly. The dark Organoid growled softly, lifting his head from the metal floor where he had been laying.

/I'm here…/ Shadow said quietly, lightly nosing Raven's arm. Raven looked down at his Organoid, and realized that he too was injured. He was lying awkwardly on his left side, his belly slashed and the armor of his right leg cracked open, revealing the delicate inner structure, leaving it vulnerable to the harsh desert sand and wind.

"Sha-adow… are you…?" Raven struggled to talk, his lungs refusing work properly.

/I'm fine Raven…/ Shadow reassured him, even though it was a lie, /… don't worry about me…/ he added, despite the overwhelming pain radiating from his wounds. Raven didn't answer, for his strength was fading fast. He lowered his head and closed his eyes, taking a ragged breath as he struggled to stay conscious.

As he felt himself drift farther away from reality, Raven thought back to the events that unfolded earlier, the events that left him near death in the remains of his Geno Breaker in the middle of the desert…

Raven sat before the Geno Breaker, staring off into the desert, a cool morning wind playing with his hair. He barely seemed to notice Reese, who was leaning against his side, her head on his shoulder. Her eyes were closed, but she was far from asleep. They were just stopping for a few minutes to rest before the heat of the sun made the sands unbearable.

Shadow growled softly and nipped Raven's left arm as he laid his head on Raven's lap, wanting attention after being ignored all morning. Raven tore his gaze from the empty desert and looked down at his Organoid partner, laying his hand on the great Organoid's snout. Shadow relaxed and closed his eyes, purring as Raven ran his hand up and down his muzzle. Raven couldn't help but smirk at his 'dangerous' Organoid, whom was stretched out and purring like a little kitten.

"I'm amazed he can fight at all… he's such a pushover…" Reese said, chuckling slightly. Raven smirked and shook his head as he patted Shadow's snout, who purred even louder.

"Look who's talking, Reese…" Raven turned to her and smirked, "… he knocked you out in three seconds flat when we got him back from Prozen."

"He was under the Dark Kaiser's control, that doesn't count…" Reese retorted, opening her eyes and looking at him. Raven just rolled his eyes and looked back down at Shadow, who was completely oblivious to the conversation.

Before long, Specula walked up from where she had been napping at Reese's new Helkat's feet, yawning loudly as she stood next to her master. The great sapphire Organoid leaned down and nudged Reese's shoulder, whining loudly. Reese sighed and stroked her Organoid's head as well, which caused the Organoid to flop down and purr even louder than Shadow.

"Now which Organoid is the pushover, Reese?" Raven sneered sarcastically, narrowing his violet eyes at the Zoidian. Reese just glared at him, but it had no effect what-so-ever on the young Zoids pilot. The pair fell silent for a few minutes, with the only noises coming from their Organoids as they continued to stroke them.

"Hey… do you see that, Raven?" Reese broke the silence, looking out into the desert.

"You're gonna have to be a little more specific, Reese…" Raven sighed, looking up from his purring Organoid.

"That…" Reese pointed to a small cloud of dust in the distance, "I think it's a bunch of Zoids…" she said, narrowing her eyes slightly as she tried to determine what the object-in-question was. Raven became slightly nervous at the mention of Zoids. Even though the war was over and the world was at relative peace, a few people were still determined to hunt him and Reese down for their past actions, despite their help with the defeat of the Death Saurer.

"Reese, get in your Helkat." Raven said, slowly getting to his feet after pushing both Shadow and Reese off of him. Reese brushed off her blue dress as she got to her feet and as she turned to her Helkat, Specula following her closely as she hurried to the bowed blue Zoid.

Raven stood there for a moment, watching the still far-off Zoids closely, trying to determine what kind of Zoids they were. Shadow stood beside him, his bright eyes narrowed, likewise to Raven's. Something about the way the Zoids were moving unnerved Raven, and he became slightly worried that it might be a group of bandits after the Geno Breaker… or Reese and the Organoids.

"Shadow… get the Geno Breaker ready for combat…" Raven said flatly, still staring at the fast approaching Zoids. Shadow looked at Raven curiously, not understanding why his master was so worried. He growled softly and gently nosed Raven's shoulder, trying to tell him that there was nothing to worry about.

/Raven, I bet it's just a group of Strays or some Sleepers…/ Shadow tried to put Raven at ease, but Raven ignored him.

"Shadow, again, go get the Geno Breaker ready for combat." Raven repeated rather sternly, turning to look at his Organoid. Shadow sighed and lifted Raven up as he transformed into his energy form, rocketing into the mighty crimson Zoid. The Organoid dropped Raven in the cockpit before he fused to the Core, preparing to meet the unknown Zoids.

Raven quickly strapped himself into the safety harness, pausing to flip on the Breaker's radar. Within seconds, the radar registered five medium-sized Zoids, and Raven breathed a sigh of relief.

"This'll be a snap, huh Shadow?" Raven asked as he grasped the controls, preparing for an easy fight. Shadow growled in acknowledgement from within the Core, withholding the full combat system so the Breaker wouldn't freeze when he unfused.

"Raven! Look! It's the Guardian Force!" Reese shouted over the link, recognizing the unmistakable Zoids as they drew close. Raven held his breath for a moment, for he hadn't talked to any of the members since the last battle. The Zoids disappeared behind a sand dune, which made Raven all the more nervous.

"Of course…" Raven said sarcastically, for the first Zoid over the dune was the Blade Liger, followed by the Lightning Saix, Dibison, Zaber Fang and Gojulas. The Liger stopped at the base of the dune and turned, staring down the Geno Breaker.

"Raven!" Van yelled over the Zoids' link, turning the Liger fully towards the crimson Zoid.

"What do you want, Flyhieght?" Raven snapped, already annoyed with Van. The other Zoids stopped moving around at his words and turned to face the Breaker, further unnerving already nervous Raven. Reese's Helkat slowly sidestepped towards the Breaker, as if she was scared of all of the Guardian Force members.

"Reese, actually…" Van said, nervousness showing in his voice, "… Dr. D wants to experiment with Reese's powers and Specula's Organoid abilities."

"I don't want to go! Ever since the Republicans ran those horrible tests on me… I never want to do that again…" Reese said quietly, looking down at the controls in her hands. Van shifted slightly, as if he hadn't expected her to say no, and now was trying to think up his next move.

"Reese, Dr. D ju-" Van started again.

"Did you not hear her, Van?! She doesn't want to go with you! Just leave her alone!" Raven cut him off, moving his Geno Breaker between the Liger and Reese's Helkat.

"Raven, just stay out of this…" Van said, turning the Liger to see around the Geno Breaker at Reese's Helkat, "… this is just between Reese and us."

"Van, she doesn't want to go! Can't you see?!" Raven growled, edging the Breaker a little towards the Guardian Force members. The Blade Liger and Lightning Saix took a step back, while the Gojulas and Dibison stood their ground.

"Raven, you're interfering with Guardian Force business, if you don't step aside, we will have to take action." Herman spoke from the Gojulas, preparing for a fight.

"What do you mean 'Guardian Force' business?! You're not even in the Guardian Force!" Raven snapped, turning the Geno Breaker towards the mighty Gojulas.

"No, but Van and Thomas asked Karl and I to assist them if you turned out to be a problem." Herman replied, gripping his Zoid's controls tightly. Karl's Zaber Fang walked up beside the Gojulas, the great ebony and crimson cat crouched low, ready to pounce on the Breaker at the slightest provocation.

"Raven, either step aside or we will use force." Karl stated, warning Raven a last time. Raven didn't move his Zoid, which made the Guardian Force members slightly nervous. The group of Zoids shifted nervously, but didn't back down or move forward. Raven pressed a button on the control panel, opening a link only with Reese.

"Reese, if they attack, I want you to run, your Helkat won't survive any of these Zoids' attacks." Raven said flatly, still looking at the group of Zoids.

"I can't leave you Raven…" Reese protested, gripping the controls, preparing to fight.

"No, Reese…" Raven shook his head, "… they're after you an-"

"I'm not going to leave you!!" Reese shouted, cutting him off.

"… and I don't want you to get hurt…" Raven finished his sentence quietly, looking away from the Guardian Force and to the link. Reese fell silent, staring at him with wide eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, but nothing came out.

"Raven, this is your last warning, step down or we will use force!" Van interrupted, moving the Blade Liger closer to the Geno Breaker.

"Reese… run now!" Raven shouted, the Lightning Saix charging towards Reese's Helkat. The Geno Breaker spun towards the black feline, biting into its tail and pulling hard. The Lightning Saix was pulled off its feet, snarling loudly. The Geno Breaker effortlessly tossed the Zoid at the other Guardian Force members, the Saix crashing into the Gojulas and Dibison, knocking them over.

"You've done it now, Raven!" Irvine yelled, his Saix jumping to its feet and lunging at the crimson Zoid. The Geno Breaker was unable to dodge in time, and the Saix smashed into its side, knocking it over. Raven was slammed violently into the controls, breaking some of his ribs. The Lightning Saix snarled and tore at the Geno Breaker's exposed belly with its sharp claws, exposing the delicate wires and cables, which it began to tear and rip out with its sharp teeth. The Geno Breaker screamed in pain, writhing as the Saix continued to rip it open.

Raven screamed as electricity arced around him, showering him in hot sparks. Dozens of alarms and sirens sounded, drowned out by the Breaker's screams of pain. With the Breaker helpless, the Blade Liger lunged and bit down on the Breaker's back, its fangs sinking in between the claw-arm and boosters.

The two cats bit and tore at the fallen Zoid, ripping through armor and tearing at delicate wiring. The Lightning Saix pushed its head into the Breaker's stomach, knocking it onto its back, completely exposing the Zoid's already torn belly.

"Reese, get out of here, now!" Raven shouted, rolling the Geno Breaker back on its feet, knocking the Saix off. Reese turned her Helkat and ran, leaving Raven to fight the Guardian Force alone.

"Stop!!" Thomas yelled, aiming his Dibison's canons at the fleeing Helkat's legs. Raven turned towards the Dibison, and realized that Thomas's aim was off, and that if he fired, he would hit the Helkat's cockpit. His eyes widened as the Dibison lowered its head and spread its front legs, preparing to fire.

"No! Don't fire!" Raven shouted, but Thomas took no heed. Raven had no choice. He aimed his Weapon Binder and fired, hitting the Dibison's leg, causing it to tumble over, freezing the combat system. The Megalo-Max fired, but with the aim broken, the hundreds of missiles and lasers shot in every direction, aimed at both friend and foe.

Van's Blade Liger jumped and set up its shield, the Dibison's rounds bouncing harmlessly off. The Lightning Saix had no problem weaving through the golden beams, even without its shield. Karl's Zaber Fang just stood completely still, the rounds falling around it, leaving it unharmed. Raven dodged most of the shots, but one scored a direct hit on the cockpit, blowing out some of the cockpit's orange glass, covering Raven in sharp shards. Herman and his Gojulas were not as lucky. The heavy Gojulas was unable to dodge, and the powerful missiles peppered its thick armor. The mighty dinosaurian Zoid screamed and fell forward, landing on its stomach, unmoving.

"Herman! Are you okay?!" Van called, turning his Liger towards the collapsed silver Zoid.

"Yeah… but my Zoid's frozen…" Herman answered, banging on the Core Status display in anger.

"That's it Raven, you're going down!" Van shouted, his Blade Liger lunging at the Geno Breaker. Raven felt Shadow activate the full combat system, and smirked as the mighty Zoid's sword lowered. The Liger was going to run straight into it, and there was no way to stop it now.

"Zeke!!" Van cried just seconds before the Liger rammed into the lowered horn. The sharp horn pierced the Liger's chest, and the blue cat screamed loudly. It hung from the sword, fully impaled by the barbed horn. The Liger's paws gripped the sword, trying to pull it from its chest, but to no avail. Zeke roared from nearby, flying towards the failing Liger.

Raven smirked as he watched the Liger's weak struggles, surprised Van fell into his trap. He could easily rip out the Liger's Core with the Breaker's claws, but he didn't want to be the aggressor in this fight… for once. He watched as Zeke merged to the Blade Liger, its body glowing bright blue for a fleeting moment. The Liger extended its sharp claws and grasped the horn, pulling at it as hard as it could. The barbed sword was stuck fast, and the Liger was unable to get free.

Van pulled on the controls, making the Liger release the horn and instead dig its paws into the Geno Breaker's chest, right over the cockpit. The Liger's claws gripped the brown cockpit armor, threatening to crush it, and Raven along with it. Raven reacted by reaching up and grabbing the Liger's head with the Breaker's hands, pressing the claws into the orange glass as a warning.

It was a stalemate, neither able to make a move without endangering themselves…

Suddenly, the Liger roared and swung its blade forward, connecting with the Breaker's chest, just feet below the cockpit. The Breaker roared and released its hold on the Liger's cockpit, screaming in pure agony. Van took the chance to attack, slashing the cockpit with the Liger's powerful claws, digging a gaping hole in the covering armor.

Raven screamed in pain as the cockpit literally exploded around him, glass and sparks falling on him, cutting into him. The Geno Breaker roared in pain, staggering backwards as the Liger pulled itself free. The Liger roared loudly, and the Lightning Saix and Zaber Fang appeared beside it.

"Hold the Breaker down…" Van said flatly, and the two feline Zoids pounced, pinning the great crimson Zoid down on its stomach. Raven growled and struggled against the two Zoids, trying to get free, but it was all in vain.

"Why are you doing this?!" Raven yelled, jerking on the Breaker's controls in a desperate attempt to get free. Van merely laughed, only fueling Raven's anger.

"When Reese sees you pinned down and helpless, she will have no choice but to come back to help you… falling right into our trap…" Van said slyly, very proud of his plan. Raven growled and gripped the controls tightly, ignoring the pain radiating from his scared hand from the pressure.

Raven closed his eyes and evened his breathing, trying to calm himself down. When his thoughts cleared, he tried to open a link to Reese's Helkat. He grew worried when only static answered him. 'She's probably just out of range…' Raven tried to reassure himself, but deep down he was worried for the Zoidian's safety.

"I'm picking something up on radar, heading this way." Karl said suddenly, his Zaber turning to stare at some unseen foe.

"Perfect… she's falling right into our trap…" Van said, purposely trying to rile Raven, "… get ready to take her down, and remember, Dr. D needs her alive."

"I'm not going to let you hurt her!!" Raven snarled, his Geno Breaker wrenching free from the two Zoids' grasp. It roared and knocked the two felines over, lunging at the Blade Liger. Van wasn't expecting such a move, and the Liger wasn't able to move out of the way as the heavy Breaker rammed it, sending the Liger flying.

As soon as the Breaker attacked, so did Karl and Irvine. The two feline Zoids lunged, their teeth sinking into the Breaker's sides, pulling it down. The Breaker roared and struggled, but the combined power of the two cats overwhelmed the exhausted and wounded Zoid. The mighty Geno Breaker was pulled to the ground, and the two cats put their paws on it, holding it down, like lions would a zebra. Despite it being outnumbered and overpowered, the Geno Breaker kept struggling, not wanting to give up. The two Zoids pushed it further into the sand with their paws, tearing at the armor in an attempt to weaken it.

"Stop squirming…" Irvine grumbled, his Zoid struggling to keep the massive Geno Breaker down. The Zaber Fang was having the same problem, but it being more powerful than the thin Lightning Saix, was able to keep its hold. The Blade Liger, recovered from the blow, lunged at the Breaker, sinking its long fangs in the failing Zoid's shoulder. The Breaker screamed in pain as the Liger began tearing at it, ripping through the tough armor.

"Raven, I'm truly surprised that Reese hasn't realized our plan yet, maybe she isn't as much of a threat as we thought…" Van said flatly, watching the distant form of Reese's sapphire blue Helkat appear over a dune. The blue cat froze when it saw the scene of Raven's Geno Breaker being torn apart by the Zaber Fang, Lightning Saix and Blade Liger, the crimson Zoid writhing in pure agony as the Zoids ripped it apart.

"Raven!!" Reese screamed, her Helkat charging forward. Raven turned and looked at the approaching Helkat, watching as she fell into the Guardian Force's trap. He quickly tried to open a link, but his body felt sluggish as he tried to push the buttons on the control panel, and he realized in horror that he had lost much more blood than he thought. His vision began to blur and his breathing grew irregular, and he knew that if he didn't do something soon he was going to lose consciousness.

"Shadow…" Raven groaned, seeing the Organoid's energy display, which was dangerously low. "… eject, you can't afford to stay fused any longer…"

/But if I unfuse the Breaker will freeze!/ Shadow protested, not wanting to put Raven in danger.

"It can't do much anyway…" Raven smirked weakly, "… and I can't lose you again…"

/But-/ Shadow began to argue.

"Unfuse now!" Raven shouted, and the Organoid relented. Shadow ejected and flew up into the sky, narrowly avoiding the Saix's jaws as the ebony Zoid snapped at him. The Breaker whined and went limp, its energy gone and command system frozen. Shadow circled the unmoving Zoid, roaring loudly and ducking down, trying to get inside the Zoid, but the Guardian Force Zoids would snap at him when him tried, preventing him from getting in.

"Leave Shadow alone!" Raven growled, gripping the unresponsive controls tightly. Van and the others ignored him, and their Zoids continued to snap at the exhausted black Organoid.

Suddenly, a blue bolt struck Shadow at high speed. Raven watched in horror as Shadow fell, falling from the sky with a pain-filled roar. He hit the ground hard, and the blue bolt followed him. It was then that Raven realized what the blue-bolt was- it was Zeke. The silver Organoid lunged and attacked the fallen black one, tearing at him like the Liger was the Breaker. Shadow tried desperately to fight back, but he was exhausted from the fuse and was barely able to move, let alone fight the energetic silver Organoid biting at him.

"Van, stop!! Zeke's going to kill Shadow!!" Raven shouted, jerking the unmoving controls in a desperate attempt to get the Breaker operational again.

"You should have heeded our warnings, Raven…" Van said calmly, watching Zeke attack all-but-unconscious Shadow. "… but now your going to pay for your stubbornness…" Van added, drawing the sword on his Liger forward, the glowing blade just inches away from the Breaker's throat.

"Goodbye Raven…" Van said, his Liger preparing to slice the Breaker's throat. The blade swung back, and began to swing forward. Just a moment before the blade connected, the Liger was rammed by a blue blur, knocking it away, but not before the blade nicked the downed Zoid's throat. The crimson Zoid shook, and Raven was thrown violently into the side of his seat, his head hitting the hard metal. Everything seemed to slow down, and all Raven was aware of was the overwhelming pain that washed through his body from his head.

Raven was oblivious to everything besides Reese, who was being overpowered by the combined strength of the three Zoids. She was fighting back, but her Helkat stood no chance against the three powerful Zoids, even with Specula's help. He watched helplessly as the Blade Liger lunged, its fangs sinking into the Helkat's shoulder, causing electricity to race around its body. Both Reese and the Helkat screamed in pain, but there was nothing either of them could do. The Helkat whined a last time before it fell limp, hanging lifeless in the Liger's jaws, its pilot unconscious.

"Reese…" Raven said weakly, watching the Liger drag the Helkat away. The other Zoids, their combat systems recovered, followed the Liger, leaving Raven and Shadow to die. Raven watched helplessly, unable to do anything to save her. He was surprised to see one of the Zoids stop, Karl's Zaber Fang, and glance back for a brief moment, before bounding after the others.

Raven heard Shadow's weak growls of pain, but there was nothing he could do to help himself, let alone his Organoid. He tried to mentally reach Shadow, but he was too weak.

The pain from his wounds was overwhelming, and with a weak groan, he lost consciousness…

A gentle nudge from Shadow broke Raven's thoughts. Raven groaned and opened his eyes slightly, looking down at his Organoid partner. Shadow growled softly and laid his head on Raven's lap, like he had before the attack. Raven smiled weakly and laid his hand on the huge Organoid's muzzle. Shadow closed his eyes, but was too weak to purr.

"D-don't… worry Shadow… w-we're gonna be… be okay…" Raven said weakly, even though he knew they weren't. Shadow growled softly, sensing Raven's pain and failing strength. He wasn't going to last much longer, but there was nothing the Organoid could do. With his all but broken leg and ripped-open belly, he was barely hanging on himself.

Shadow purred and licked Raven's hand, trying to comfort him. Raven smiled slightly, but even Shadow couldn't bring him comfort. He knew that unless he got help, he was going to die. But he knew no one was going to help him, after everything he had done.

Raven's hand slipped from Shadow's snout as he closed his eyes, his strength fading. Shadow growled in concern, but Raven couldn't answer, his lungs refused such an action.

His consciousness slipped from his control, and he drifted from reality and into darkness…

AN- What'd ya think? I think I did okay with the little bit of Raven/Reese in there. That was my first ever shot at a pairing, EVER!! Lol. XD I think I did alright, how about you? Lol. Sorry if I made the Guardian Force seem a little evil, but they have a lot of hard feelings towards both Raven and Reese. I hope you liked this!! The next chapter will introduce Moonbay into the picture and such. Please leave a nice review!! ;)

Ibeyla :P