Hey everyone! This is my first official story. I was so nervous about actually posting it, but my friends TwiLigHtDancEr93 and TwilightSagaLover543 told me I should post it! But I hope you enjoy my first ever story!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Stephenie Meyer's awesome character, but I do own the ideas to make them do stupid things. And I do not own the magical things called Oreos. If I did, I wouldn't even be sitting here typing this.

Flashback to earlier today:

My phone is ringing. Who could it be? Edward said he won't be over until tonight.

"Hello?" I said while running to the kitchen picking up the phone, of course tripping a few times.

"Bella." came a musical sounding voice.

"Edward?" I said because that's who I thought it sounded like

"Of course silly, who else would it be?" he said sarcastically.

"Well I don't know, maybe Jacob calling me to make sure I'm still coming over." I said with a smirk but saying it seriously.

"WHAT?!" a hint of panic and angry obvious in his voice.

"Edward, hold your horses, I was just kidding. And you said I couldn't act."

"Bella, don't ever do that to me. You know I don't want you anywhere near that mutt."

"Yes Edward I know." Now I was the one who was annoyed and angry.

"What did you want Edward or did you call to diss one of my best friends?"

"Bella, you know my views on your, umm… best friend." weariness in his voice.

"Anyways Bella, as I was going to say, I would love to have you come over right now. Is that alright with you?"

"Yes, Edward. I thought I wasn't going to see you until tonight. I thought I was going to die of boredom(no pun). I'll be over in a few minutes. But I have to go to the store first to get a few things. See you in a few?"

"Ok my love. I can't wait to see you!"

"Bye Edward."

"Bye my dear Bella."

I sighed as I got off the phone with him. There is nothing that boy can do to make me not want to be with him. He did sound a little bit excited though. Hmm I wonder why. Well I better get to the store .

End of flashback.

So here I was now sitting in my truck on the way to the store to get a few things for myself for later tonight. I pull my truck up to the Thriftway and hop out of the cab.I made my way in the store. And it was then that I saw them.

Double stuffed Oreos! My absolute favorite!

I grabbed about 10 packages of them because, let me tell you, I can go through a pack in about a day when I have any. I made my way to the cashier. And of course she is looking at me like I'm a psycho. She tells me the total, I give her the money and receive my change, and head back out to my truck to continue my journey to the Cullen mansion.

I love going over there. I feel like I am already a part of their family.

So now I'm pulling up in the driveway in front of the house.

As soon as the truck shuts off, my door is throw open and almost off the hinges.

"Jeez Alice, you know this truck could be as old as you. I would appreciate it if you would be more careful. I love this truck almost as much as I love Edward."

"Yeah yeah Bella, we know. But come on you got to get inside!" She was literally bouncing up and down from all the excitement. I take it she had a vision of something that was bound to happen and with me involved in some way.

"Fine Alice, take me away." I said while holding my arms out straight like I was a convict getting arrested.

She then proceeded to pick me up, throw me over her shoulder and race into the house.

All I remember seeing was a bunch of blur and then a white couch.

She had thrown me face first onto the couch in which was currently being occupied by someone else.

The couch for some reason was shaking and I couldn't understand who was there and why it was shaking.

It wasn't until I looked up and saw Emmett, did it finally dawn on my why the couch was shaking.

He was laughing his ass off at me because Alice had thrown me face first on the couch, and now he was laughing even more because I had turned a very, very bright red.

"Nice to see you too Emmett." I said sarcastically. He then beamed me a smile and pulled me into one of his bear hugs.

"Emm….ett….can't….bre…athe!" I said while being stuck in his embrace.

"Oh yeah, I forgot your still fragile. But your face sure is a very nice red." he said through his laughs.

"Emmett can you, for once, not make fun of Bella."

Yes my savior!

Edward had walked in the room to see what was going on and as soon as he saw me, he smiled and ran over to me.

The next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap with his face a mere few inches from mine.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hello." he whispered back blowing his sweet fragrance in my face.

He moved even closer, and as soon as his lips were about to touch mine, Emmett had to open his big fat mouth and ruin the moment.

"Ewwww. Grosss. Get a room you two. Then maybe little Eddie here won't be so repressed anymore. God only knows that he'll blow one day from being a repressed and what not." His statement then proceeded with a loud whack, from Rosalie, across the back of his head.

"Jeez Rose, what was that for?"

"Emmett, that was for being a idiot." She said with a smirk.

I sent her a look of thanks and she proceeded with a 'your welcome' look.

"Your all just jealous because I am just a sexy stud muffin."

I had to cover up my laugh with a cough and then Edward proceeded to look at me to see if I was ok.

I just mouth the words: stud muffin.

He then started to snicker when he realized it was Emmett who had indeed said that.

"Rose, tell your stud muffin that he is all yours." I said smirking and laughing the whole time.

"Is little Eddiekins not a sexy enough stud muffin for you Bella?"

"Of course he is Emmett, but that is something for me to know and you to never find out." I whispered being all secretive.

Everyone in the room just laughed at that comment and of course I turned a very bright red.

Just then a commercial came on. There was a old lady and her granddaughter in a diner, where what was in front of the girl, double stuff Oreos.

I then remembered what I had gotten and then I told everyone I would be right back.

They said ok and they continued to watch the commercial in interest.

I, of course, have already seen this commercial, so I continued my way out of the truck to bring in my ten packs of Oreos because I had gotten a sudden craving for them as soon as I had seen the commercial start.

I grabbed them and ran back in, but this time Carlisle and Esme were sitting in there watching the commercial too.

Everybody looked possessed as they watched.

"Hey guys I'm-" I was abruptly cut off when everybody shushed me. They wanted to know who would win the race.

I sat back on Edward's lap, and I had opened a pack of my Oreos.

I didn't realize how loud I actually was until I was through my tenth Oreo and I looked up to see everybody staring at me.

"Whag?" I spluttered out through my mouth full of Oreo.

"What was that Bella?" Emmett said looking at me like I was crazy.

I swallowed and then said, "I said what. Why is everyone staring at me?"

"Well Bella," this time it was Carlisle, "we were wondering why on Earth do you have them and why are eating them that fast?"

"But this is how I normally eat them."

Great they all thought I was crazy. Edward then walked up to me and bent down to whisper, "Bella, you are scaring us at how fast you are eating those. That is the tenth one within about twenty seconds."

Oh so that's what this was about.

"But I normally eat them that fast, you just have never been around me while I eat them. I kind of have a addiction to Oreos."

"Hey Jasper."

"Yes, Emmett."

"How would you like to make a bet with me? Loser get's to do one dare the other person chooses and they can't back down from it."

"Ok." Jasper was grinning like a mad person when he said this.

"Ok so you know how we were just watching that commercial with the old lady and the little kid racing to see who could finish the Oreo first?"

"Yes. Please continue."

"Well I bet you I could beat you in finishing five Oreos first by licking them all and not spitting them back up. What do you say brother?" Emmett was smirking now, he clearly thought he could beat Jasper.

"Fine. I can't wait to see you do what I have planned for you when you lose."

"Ha! You wish Jasper. Let's go. But first we need another pack of Oreos cause by the looks of it I don't think Bella has enough left to let us use."

Everyone then decided to see how many I had left and by the time they did I had only two left in the pack. I turned a nice cherry red color.

"What?" I asked them.

"Bella, you just basically ate that whole pack in the time it took to make that bet which was only about five minutes." This came from Rosalie.

"Yeah, so, what's your point?" I really didn't understand what the whole problem was.

"I have never, ever seen somebody eat that much food in that little time." Rose said with a look of….disgust?

"Oh well. I love my Oreos!" Of course by now I had opened a new pack, which no one knew where it came from.

"Ok…so now we need another pack of Oreos." Alice wanted to be in charge of everything.

"Um…you guys can use one of my packs if you want. But I swear to god, if you decide to do anything to the extras, so hope you run like hell because I love my Oreos and I don't wanted any wasted." I said it with such a serious face that no one even questioned me.

"Bella, how many extra packs do you have?" Edward asked.

"About ten." I mumbled extremely quiet hoping that none of them heard that.

"What was that?" he said.

"I said ten. Shesh. It's like you all think that I'm completely crazy for having that many packs."

God they really could be so oblivious to the obvious sometimes.

None of them said anything but the looks on their faces all said 'why the hell would someone have that many packs of those?'

"Ok so anyways, on with the bet." Alice was bouncing up and down while saying this.

We all proceeded into the kitchen where both Jasper and Emmett took their seats at the island. One on each side. I then took five Oreos for each of them and then set them down in front of each of them.

"Ok, we need to cover the rules first." This of course being said by Esme.

"Number one, I want a clean contest. That means no touching each other or distracting each other while doing this. That goes for everyone else in this room. Number two, if anyone and I mean anyone decides that they get bored in any way, shape or form and decides to start throwing the Oreos in MY kitchen, so help God, I will make who ever did it, serve a punishment."

With this being said, everyone looked at each other with wide eyes. I was completely confused as to why they looked this way. I mean it was obvious that you never, and I mean never mess up Esme's kitchen.

"Umm guys," they all turned to look at me with their big eyes, "what is this punishment if it has all you looking like that?" I was asking no one in particular.

"Well you see Bella, a while back when we were at our last house, everyone thought it would extremely funny to play paintball in my kitchen. Let's just say that they never will look at a paintball gun the same way again."

I started to giggle. Vampires afraid of paintball guns and Esme? Now they must have done something extremely bad.

"Bella, sweetie," Esme said while looking at everyone else, " have Edward explain it to you later. Right now I believe we have a contest to watch." She then winked at me and moved her eyes to behind her. There in her hand was a video camera.

This was going to be good.

Ya I'm kinda evil for leaving it there, but I'm still not sure how I'm going to continue it. If anyone has any ideas as to what the dares should be or has any other ideas of how I should continue please message me! Now go to the left corner below this and click the little box that says go and leave me a review! It will make for a happy author and that could lead to a faster update!