A/N: Yeah, I'm back baby with a new story, it's called Mortal KomBlack. What gonna happen? Just read, please, and find out.
Disclaimer: I don't own the Koopa Bros. or anything else that's Nintendo related.
The Misadventures of The Koopa Bros.
The Koopa Bros. Starting in: Mortal KomBlack
Ep. 1: The Moneymaker Scheme
It was an ordinary evening in the Mushroom Kingdom, The Koopa Bros. were just returning to their brown two-bedroom apartment after failing all of their recent missions.
"Alright, dudes, I donna about you three dorks, but after getting my shell handed to all day by some overweighed Italian Stereotype in red overalls, I'm bushed, so I'm gonna hit the hay." Red said, stretching his arms, while yawning.
"Oh, yeah! I have one more request." Red said, suddenly stopping. "No interrupting me while I'm sleeping, alright?" With that said and done Red went into his room.
"Yeah, whatever your majesty." Green said, sarcastically, while rolling his eyes. "So, what are you two gonna to do, go to sleep as well?" he said turning to Black and Yellow, they were standing right next to each with their hands behind their back.
"What you think, Green?!" Black said, veins popping all throughout his thick skull. "C'mon, Yellow! A growing boy needs his DAMN sleep!" Black shouted in his Patrick Star like voice, while motioning toward the bedroom.
"Uhh…Okay, Black." Yellow giggled, skipping behind Black. "Goodnight, Green! See ya in the morning!" Yellow and Black then inside their room.
"I guess that leave the rest of the house to me." Green then grinned. "Sweet! But…Hmm…what should I do?" Green then turned and noticed his favorite chair sitting there in front of the fireplace. "Oh, yeah, I think I'll sit and unwind for a bit." (Oooh…It Rhymes)
Green walked over to the chair, sat there, and then pulled out his favorite book. "Yeaaah, this is what I'm talking about." Green sighed, sitting back in the chair as he started reading his book, The Tale of Two Cities. "The only thing I'm missing now is…" Green then turned noticed a rather expensive smoking pipe laid down on there a coffee table. "Aww…Yeaaah."
Green then picked up the pipe and started smoking it, as he continued to rock back and forth. "Dude, even in your dreams…You're still a loser nerd…" A voice suddenly said, smugly, while snickering.
"Huh?!…Who said that?" Green shouted, as he stood up in his chair. "Who's there?!"
Green then heard the voice again. "Don't worry about who this is, dude, just know that this is a dream and you're SO a nerd!" The voice said, snickering again.
"Hmm…That voice…!" Green said to himself, while looking around. "ERR! RED!!" he shouted angrily.
"So what, dude, you figured out that it was me saying those words. Big whoop. What? You're gonna pat yourself on the back, for a job well done? Whatever, do it then." Red chuckled. "But, it still doesn't hide the fact that this is still just a figment of your imagination…Oh, and you're still a nerd."
"Tch. Whatever, Red, you jerk. Your stupid mind games won't work on me. I know for sure that this isn't a dream…And I'm not a nerd, thank you!" Green then sat back down in his chair, and started back reading his book. "EW…What the…" he yelped, quickly leaping outta the chair, feeling something wet in the chair.
Green then looked down and saw a yellow pool of water inside the chair. "What the?! What is this?!" As Green walked backward, he felt that the ground was also wet as well. "Ehhh…The ground too?"
Green turned and noticed that the whole room was overflow with the strange yellow water. "Wha?! When did…How did this room get overflowed with water?!" he shouted, while flailing his arms around.
"Uh…W-Wait a minute…" Green muttered, as he started sniffing around the room. "What's that putrid smell?" he then bent down toward the water and sniffed it. "Sniff…GAHHHH! It's the water?! It's…It's…IT'S…" he then suddenly shouted. "URINEEEEEEE!!"
"WAHHHHHHHHH!!" Green shouted, hysterically, as he suddenly sat straight up. Sweat was running all down his face and he was breathing heavily. "Uh…W-Where am I?"
Green then started looking around and noticed that he was in the same old bedroom he was forced to share with Yellow and Black. Green had been sleeping inside Yellow's oversize racecar bed; that took almost all the space up in the little bedroom, the whole time.
"Tch. Great, just GREAT! I guess RED was right. It was only a dream." Green sighed. "I've should of known, though. I mean, there's no way Red would have said: Figment of imagination and actually knew what it meant."
Green then went to get up, when he suddenly felt something wet in the bed. "Uhh…What the…?" he then put his hand up to his nose and sniffed it. "…AHHHHH! It's the urine?!" he then started looking around and saw that it was Yellow.
Yellow was lying in bed moving back and forth, while moaning and was still peeing. "O-Oh, my god...YELLOW?!" Green shouted.
"WAHHHHH! What? What?! Yellow yelped, shooting straight up in bed. He then turned and noticed how mad Green was looking at him. "What's wrong, dude? Why are you looking mad at me for? What did I do?" he said in his babyish like voice.
"Dammit! Yellow, look at yourself!" Yellow then looked down at himself and then looked back at Green with a vacant expression. "Uhh…" Green sighed, slapping himself on the forehead. "You pissed up the whole friggen bed! What's wrong with you?!" Green had an annoyed look on his face as he stared at Yellow.
"I'm sorry, dude!" Yellow whimpered. "It's just, just, just…I had a really scary dream…It was the scariest of all scariest dreams, dude…" he said, as he hugged the covers.
"Really, Yellow? It was so scary, that it made you piss up the whole bed?" Yellow just nodded incessantly. "Alright, then. Tell me what this 'so-called' scary story was about."
"Alright, dude, if you say so…" Yellow then took a deep breath and said. "I was dreaming, dude, I was dreaming that Bowser was yelling at me and, and, and, I was trying to run away, but he grabbed me and, and, and kept yelling, dude…" Yellow sniveled, wiping snot from his nose. "I was so scared…"
Green just stared at Yellow. "So, you're telling me that you dreamt that Lord Bowser was yelling at you and that's it?" Yellow nodded. "Yellow, you're 15 yrs old. You're too damn old to be still peeing in the bed. Plus, how can you be scared of Lord Bowser, when you see him almost EVERYDAY!" he then muttered under his breath. "Beside, it not like he ever talks to us anyways, he only talks to Red."
However, despite what Green just said, Yellow just continued to snivel. "Sniff…You see, I knew you wouldn't understand, dude…" he whimpered, while wiping his nose.
"Oye…" Green sighed, slapping his forehead. Suddenly, something covered in the urine came popping up from underneath the bed sheets. "AHHHH! What the?" Green then took a closer look at the figure. "Ba-Black?"
"WARHHHH! Don't worry, Yellow, I'll save your ass!" Black said, grabbing Yellow and then shaking him.
"Black, what's wrong with you? You're covered all in Yellow's urine!" Green said, his face all distorted, while backing away from both Yellow and Black and to the door. "Eh…You need a bath…BAD!"
However, Black ignored Green completely and dropped Yellow on the ground. "I'll make Bowser pay for scaring you, Yellow!" Black then turned and noticed a picture of Bowser hanging on the wall. "There your ass is!" he yelled, pointing at the poster. "You're gonna pay for scaring Yellow!"
Green then watched as Black lunged toward the poster. "Black, you idiot, that's not Bowser!" But, Black didn't listen; instead, he started punching the poster. "What the?! Stop punching my wall, you moron!"
Black then bald his fist up and performed a powerful haymaker, shattering the wall. "damnnnnnnnn…" Black screeched, falling through the hole.
"NOOOOO!" Green cried, staring at the huge hole in the wall. "Black, you imbecile! I just got that wall repaired!!"
"Uhhhhh…" Black moaned, slowly rising to his feet. The broken support beams from the wall then snapped into and fell on top of Black, burying him inside the wall.
"WAHHHHH! Got Dammit! Black, I'm getting tire of your crap! You're gonna pay for that hole!" Suddenly, the door swings opened and collides into Green's face. "OWWWW!" Green yelped, falling to the ground.
"Hey, Green, I need you! Where the hell are you?!" Red yelled, suddenly barging in Green, Yellow and Black's bedroom.
"Uhh…R-Red?" Green moaned, holding his face, looking up at Red.
"In the flesh, dude." Red smirked, flashing his trademark thumbs up.
"Err! What do you WANT?!" Green growled, still holding his face.
"Huh? What do I want? Hm…I don't know. I forgot." Green just groaned, while glaring at Red. "Oh, yeah! For some strange reason, your face being all banged up makes me remember."
Red then left and went into the hallway. "Uhh…Where are you going?" Green then watched as Red returned into the room, holding onto a rusty pipe. "What're you…? I-Is that a toilet pipe?"
"Yeah, dude…" Red said, sheepishly. Red then lifted up the pipe. "You see, I was taking a dump in the bathroom, when all the sudden this pipe broke off the toilet. Dude, it was horrible!"
Green stood there with his mouth agape. "Re-Red, A-Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?"
"Yeah, if you mean that this house is a piece of shit and you really need to consider calling a repairman, then you're right on, dude." Red said smugly, pointing his fingers at Green.
"My…My beautiful bathroom." Green muttered, staring out in space. He then turned and looked at Red; he was standing there digging his nose. "Maybe, if you guys actually tried making your own money, this house wouldn't be so crappy!" he muttered, grinding his teeth.
"What was that, dude?" Green was just about answer, but a knock from the door got Red's attention. "Hold that thought, dude!" Red then ran toward the door.
"Yeah? What do you want?" the arrogant little turtle rudely said, answering the door.
There was a nervous looking Toad with red spots standing on the Koopa Bros' doorstep. "Uhh…Yeah, um, my name's Toad Ethan and I live next-door…" Toad Ethan said nervously, while mumbling.
"Uhh…Yeah, and I suppose to care about this…WHY?" Red said, annoyingly, folding his arms.
"Uhh…Yes, R-Right…Um…I suppose that really wasn't important…" Toad Ethan said, turning away from Red.
"Uh, dude? What it is exactly do you want?" Red said with an annoyed expression on his face.
"Uhh…Yes." Toad Ethan muttered, twirling his fingers. "My wife told me to come over here and ask you guys to die down the noise on your conversation a bit. You see, we have a newborn baby and I'm afraid we can hear you talking from our house."
"Oh, so you want us to turn down the volume a bit, huh, dude?" Red said, staring at Toad Ethan.
"Well, as a cop, I really think that would be really appreciative, Mr. Koopa." Toad Ethan smiled.
"Well, copper, let me think about it…NOOO!" Red then slammed the door in Toad Ethan's face. "I totally made that Toad pee his pants." he snickered, standing by the door.
Toad Ethan's face was all distorted as he turned and stared at his house. "…The wife's not gonna like this…"
Toad Ethan then sluggishly made it back to the his house and was just about to open the door, but a woman holding a baby Toad with purple spots met him at the door. "Mookie, did you tell them noisy neighbor of ours to shut up, like I asked you?" she said in a Mexican accent. Toad Ethan's wife was a Toadette with light blue spots.
"Well…" Toad Ethan then paused. "…No."
"WHAT?! Why not, Mookie!" she snapped.
"Uhh…They were busy?" he said nervously, grinning.
"Uh-Uh, Mookie! Now you know that little Estaban Lopez Ordonez needs a lot of sleep." she growled, placing her hands on her hips. "And no thanks to those troublesome neighbors, he hasn't been able to get any! Now you go back over there and set them straight."
"Huh, I thought his name was Steven!" Toad Ethan said, scratching his head.
"That's what I said, stupid!" she yelled, rolling her eyes.
"Hey, dude! You REALLY need to put a muzzle over that mutt you call a wife!" Toad Ethan and his wife then turned and saw Red, standing on his porch; he had overheard Moo…I mean, Toad Ethan and his wife the whole time.
Toad Ethan's wife, Maria, was appalled. "Uh-Uh, Mookie! I know you're not gonna let him talk to me that way?!"
"Hey, she's right! You can't talk to my wife like that!" Toad Ethan groaned.
"Dude, you're talking about we're making a whole lot of noise!" Red then chuckled. "I bet everybody on the block can hear you two!" Humph. And you actually thought I was gonna be quiet for your son, little Chipotle. Pleassse!"
Toad Ethan and Maria stood there with their mouth agape. "W-What did you just call my son?!" Maria muttered, seething in anger.
"Now, honey…C-Calm down…" Toad Ethan said rubbing his wife's back.
"NAH, MOOKIE!" she yelped, slapping his hand off her back. "He just insulted my…Or child! Don't tell me to calm down!" she then started yelling in Spanish, while pushing him!
"Honey, honey! Now you know I can't understand you, when you're speaking in Spanish. Let me get my book." Toad Ethan then pulled out his translation book and started flipping through the pages. "Now, what? Please, honey, slow down and let me find that word..."
"This is getting stupid. I'm going back inside!" Red then went to go back inside, but Maria started yelling at him in Spanish. "And, Da getto Taco Bell to you too, dude!" Red then walked inside, while Maria continued to yell at him in Spanish.
Red walked back to the front room, where he saw Yellow and Black sitting on floor, Green was standing over them with his hands on his hip. "What's going on, dudes?" Red said, as he sat down on couch.
"It's you three guys." Green said, while staring annoyingly at his brothers. "I'm tired of having to use all my paycheck to pay ALL the bills! I have to pay everything, even for the things you lazy bums want. I never can get what I really want. Not to mention that I'm not even allowed to sleep in my own bedroom. Which is totally unfair, because I rented this HOUSE." he then eyeballed toward Red.
"Dude, you should be grateful that a person as awesome as me is letting you buy things for…me." Green just glared at Red. "Beside, what are you gonna do? Start forcing us to make our own money?!" Red chuckled, while folding his arms. "Don't make me laugh."
As Red continued to laugh, Green just stared at him. "Hmm…Now, that's not a bad idea." he said, while placing his hand on his chin. "You guys can find a job and work like me."
"Dude, you can't be serious." Red said, standing up.
"Red, I'm as serious as serious can be. When you guys finally find a job, you'll finally be able to pay your own individual bill."
"Dude! I'm not about to do succumb myself into…" Red then said, while moving his eyes back and forth. "Manual Labor…"
"Well, you guys got to do something to contribute! I can't keep doing this on my own." Green sighed.
Suddenly, a commercial on TV came on, getting the Koopa Bros' attention. There was this Toad who was dressed up like Fei Long from Street Fighter; he was standing in the middle of a steel cage.
"Hello, I am Toad Fang, Middle Lightweight Champion of the MXC! All who dares! Come and try to win the grand prize of 10,000 dollars in my Martial Art Tournament at the Koopaseum, located in Gritzy Desert." Toad Fang said in a Japanese accent. "Do you think you can handle the heat? Then bring it!"
Red then turned toward his brothers smirking. "Dudes, I just thought of this awesome idea to get us stupid paid!"
"Oh, I don't know about getting paid, but I defiantly see something stupid in here." Green sighed, staring at Red.
Stay Tune for Ep2: The Toad Dragon Strikes