Hey everybody...its Taco again...I really like fics like this but in one way or another...they just end up disspaointing me...so now i'm gona do this my way as Naruto becomes the Ultimate weapon...Enjoy...

Don't Own Naruto


Dear Mr. Uzamaki Namikazi, Naruto,

First, We, the people of Konoha, would like to personally apologize for our actions in banishing you fifteen years ago after you returned Sasuke to us. We were merely worried about what had happened to the last Uchiha. We are looking past your Triple S-Missing Nin status and cordially inviting you to be a guest at this years chunnin exams in the fall. We feel that it is the least that we can do for you after you single handedly destroyed the traitorous Sannin, Orochimaru. We would be honored if you would accept this offer. Your friends also wish to see you. Please consider.


The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Naruto blinked after reading the letter. Well THAT certainly doesn't happen everyday. Why would Konoha want him back. They probably didn't know what he had been up to in the past years. They just wanted to that him for sending Tsunade the package with the snake's head in it. They probably just wanted him to fight the Uchiha, thinking he would lose. Stupid humans. A lot had changed since he was banished. He was no longer the No. 1 knuckle-headed ninja. He was...different. He stood six foot, four inches tall. His hair was tied in a pony-tail behind him. He wore long black pants and no shirt. Where flesh should have been on his torso, were black bandaged that wrapped all the way to his wrists. One odd thing about his hands were the two mouths on his palms. He and Ataksuki were on good terms after he released the genjustu Madra had on all of its members. Deidra had given him his ability to make explosives. He had shinobi sandals and a straw hat. On his back were two zambatou. Both were shaped like a cleavers, but one had serrated edges, while one had spikes that pointed downward. The serrated one had the kanji for "Fox". While the spiked one had the kanji for "Ramen". His only other weapon, other than the clay, was a three tipped kunai. He had gotten it from his clans vault before he was banished. He had learned how to do the Hirashin in a short time. Their was a seal on the kunai that allowed him to summon himself to it. But he had taken it one step further and had set up thousands of permanent seals all around fire country that allowed him to move around the continent at ease in a yellow flash. The final, and most noticeable, feature were the nine fox tails behind him. While fighting Orochimaru, he and the fox had come to an agreement. Since the fox would cease to exist after Naruto died, they went with a fusion ritual that made them on. The backlash of energy had rocked fire country and killed Orochimaru. Naruto gained all of the fox's knowledge and power, while the fox lived with Naruto. The two could still talk and had become close friends. Naruto weighed his options.

'What do you think, Kyu?

'I say you go for it, kit. If the situation got sour, you could just flash out, you got nothing to lose. Besides, maybe that sand girl you like will be there...'

'I do not like Temari, she's just a friend...'

'you just keep telling yourself that, Gaki'

'shut it fox. Fine, i'll go. The letter came a little late. The exams are tomorrow. Good thing I put a Hirashin seal near Konoha, eh?' Naruto said, before disappearing in a yellow flash.


Naruto walked along the road up towards Konoha. His Hirashin seal had been a few miles out, so there was a small walk to Konoha. Of all of the places he traveled, he never had come back by Konoha. The city didn't look to different. In fact, it looked almost the same. He slowly made his way up to the two chunnin guards.

"Halt! State your name and business in Konoha." one said.

"One, Naruto Uzamaki, here by request of the village" he said. He laughed as the two chunnin paled at the sight of the bingo book's only Triple-S criminal.

"R..R..r... right this way, Uzamaki-san" they stuttered and opened the gates for him. Naruto just laughed and entered the village. When he made it to the Hokage's tower. An evil thought entered his mind as he notice a window open at the Hokage's office. He slowly jumped up to it to see Tsunade and Shizune doing paperwork. Naruto relaxed and lounged in the window cill. After watching the two work furiously for over five minutes, he decided to make his presence known.

"You know Baa-chan, it's much easier if you use kage bushin to do paperwork." he said. Tsuande and Shizune jumped into fighting stances at the intruder.

"Who are you?" Tsunade said gritting her teeth that she hadn't noticed this person. Naruto mocked being hurt.

"Well I'm hurt Baa-chan, I'm gone fore fifteen years and you treat me as a threat even after you invited me to the village." he said. Realization hit Tsunade full force.

"NARUTO!!" she yelled as she threw herself at the boy. The boy laughed and hugged his mother figure as she cried.

"Hey granny, i'm back...oh, hey Shizunen-nee-chan." he said. Shizune soon started crying and hugged the boy. After a few minute Tsunade was talking to the boy.

"Where have you been? What have you done? How did you kill Orochimaru? When will you stop calling me Baa-chan?" she asked rapid-fire questions. Naruto laughed.

"One at a time granny, don't want you to have a heart attack. O.k. In this order...Around, Stuff, Power Backlash, and never, cause I outrank you" he said with glee. Tsunade looked at him quizzically.

"What do you mean, I am the Hokage." she said. Naruto laughed.

"When I killed Orochimaru, I merged with the Kyuubi to save him from eternity in the void. So I got all of his powers and knowledge, while he is now kind of like my conscious. He's not to bad once you get to know him...but back on topic, because I am now the new Kyuubi, you will adress me as Naruto-SAMA!!" he said proudly. Tsunade looked shocked at this information, but soon rolled her eyes at the boys antics.

"You have the power to whip out all of fire country, yet your still the same Naruto...you will sever seace to amaze me kid. Now, lets get over towards the stadium. All Konoha jounin are there training their teams." she said. Naruto hesitated a bit, but a certain fox convised him to grow a pair and go. When they got to the stadium, they found Sasuke, Kiba, Neji, Shino, Sakura, and Shikamaru training their genin teams with Chouki, Hinata, TenTen, Ino, and Lee there to watch. They all stopped and bowed to Tsunade.

"Greetings Hokage-sama, what brings you here?" Ino said.

"Well Ino, I just wanted to re-introduce everyone to an old friend." she said, pointing to Naruto. No one else recognized him though. Hinata was the first to voice her difficulty in recognizing the man.

"Who is he Hokage-sama...He looks like the Yodamaine..." she said. Tsunade and Naruto laughed.

"Well...I should hope I look a little like him, he was my dad after all..." Naruto said. At once everyone remembered that the Yodamaine had only one son...Naruto. This recognision got a mixed reaction from everyone. Hinata, Shino, Chouki, TenTen, Neji, Lee, Shikamaru, and Kiba and Ino looked overjoyed to see their friend back. Sasuke and Sakura had kunai poised to attack. Naruto noticed.

"Well, this is certainly bitter-sweet" he said. Sakura looked to see everyone else looking happy to see him.

"How are you happy?! He's a Triple-S Class Criminal!!" she screeched. Everyone held looked at he odd. One genin on Shikamaru's team spoke up.

"Um...Shikamaru-sensai, who is this?" she asked. Shikamaru's eyes never left the blonde.

"This is one of the most troublesome ninja I know. This is the ninja I told you guys stories about one those missions...This is Namikazi Naruto." he said. The genin looked at the man with new found awe...well some of them. Sasuke's genin had a different question.

"Are you the one that beat Sasuke-sensai with borrowed demon power?" he asked. Naruto raised an eyebrow and looked at Sasuke before laughing.

"Did your sensai tell you just how bad I wiped the floor with his ass even without the kyuubi's power?" he shot back. Sasuke growled. One small girl on Neji's team timmidly raised her hand.

"Why do you have tails?" she asked. Everyone looked immediately to see nine-tails flowing behind Naruto. He gave a foxy grin and rubbed his head.

"THAT...Is a really long story that I can only tell your sensais..." he said. Trying to avert the question, but Kiba would have none of that.

"Ok Naruto, all the sensais are here, spill it." he said defiantly. Naruto sighed.

"Well, you guys all knew I had the Kyuubi sealed inside me, Right?" everyone nodded so he continued. "Well i've been able to talk to it for a while and I found out that if I die, he would be sent to the void for eternity. Going to the void is not something you wish upon anybody, so I asked him if their was anything I could do. Well when we fought Orochimaru, he figured it out and said the only thing we could do would be if I were to fuse with him and take over his spot as the Kyuubi no Kitsune. So I did, and all of his chakra became mine and I got these tails..." he said. Everyone was silent. Until Ino, Hinata, TenTen, and all six of the kunochi genin had the same thought.

"KAWIIIIII!!" they squealed as they all grabbed a tail and began to pet them, causing Naruto to space out with a happy grin on his face. Tsunade rolled her eyes.

"Who would've thought. The King of Demons taken down by petting his tail, I'll have to remember that." she said.

"Screw you baa-chan, you don't have a tail." replied the blonde demon. She laughed and left. The boys, except Sasuke, who was brooding, were laughing as their blonde friend. Kiba was on the floor laughing while Shino and Shikamaru chuckled. After a few minutes the Jounin sent their genin away and sat down with Naruto.

"So...whats with the swords, Naruto?" Kiba asked.

"Oh these? Well Kisame taught me how to use them..."

"WHAT!! KISAME AS IN ATAKSUKI KISAME!!" everyone screamed. Naruto rubbed his ears.

"Yea, me an Ataksuki are one good terms now. While They were all fighting me, I punched Madra and apparently lifted this mind control genjustu he had on all of the other members. They all turned on him. It was brutal. I made a mental note not to ever make Pein angry again. But once that was done, they all came to thank me. Kisame taught me how to use zambatous. Deidra gave me his clay palms. Sasori taught me puppetry, Konan taught me Oragami, Zetsu showed me about poisons, Hidan showed me all about his religion. Kakuzu gave me the bandages, Itatchi taught me some Katon jutsus, and Pein became my sensai for a while. Their all nice people once you get to know them." he said. Everyone one seemed a little suspicious but let it slide.

"Is that three tiped kunai what I think it is, Naruto?" Shikamaru asked. Naruto pulled it out and twirled it before the jounin.

"My prized possesion. The Kunai for my dad's Hirashin. But I did update it. I've put permeant seals all over fire country. Allowing me to be almost anywhere instantly" he said with pride. He noticed the suspicious looks. "Don't believe me? Wait here." he said. He dropped the kunai and dissapeared in a yellow flash. A minute later, he re appeared with a bottle in his hands. He tossed the bottle to Chouji.

"Whats this?" shouji asked.

"That is the finest sake wave has to offer." Chouji's eyes widened as he and Kiba bowed to him.

"WE ARE NOT WORTHY MASTER!!" they chanted. Hinata and Ino rolled their eyes and grabbed their husbands with Ino grabbing Chouji and taking his sake. Naruto coughed.

"coughWhipped cough"

"Shut it, tailey." Kiba snapped.

"Oh, Tailey...I'm cut deep..." Naruto laughed as he put his hands on his heart. Everyone rolled their eyes at the twos antics. Sakura had had enough of Naruto.

"So why are you here?" she barked. Naruto looked at her coldy.

"Well I got this letter saying they wanted me to be here as a judge for the chunnin exams..."

"When are you leaving?" she interupted.

"Well I don't know. After the exams I guess." he said. She sneered and went back to whispering to Sasuke. Other than that, Naruto caught up with all that his friends had done and was happy for them. Chouji insisted that all the guys stay at his house for a party in honor of Naruto's return. All the guys but Sasuke agreed and began to go to Chouji's house after saying goodbye to their wives. Ino would stay with Hinata. As they all left Ino and Hinata stopped Sakura.

"Ok Sakura, whats your problem. Your old team mate came back and your being a total jerk?" Ino said.

"He's a demon. Can't you guys see that. He almost killed Sasuke-Kun. He should be killed." she said. A crack was heard as Hinata slapped her...hard.

"Your selfish whore. Naruto did everything for you, he brought Sasuke back. Your just an Ungrateful slut." Hinata yelled before grabbing Ino and storming off, leaving a dazed Sakura behind.


Naruto and the guys were sitting around Chouji's house talking and drinking sake.

"Well Naruto, I think your going to need to get to work. Your like twenty-six and your still single." Kiba said. Naruto laughed.

"Ha! I think I live a little two hectic of a life to settle down. Besides, who would like the king of demons?" he said.

"You know, I was talking to Garaa the other day. He said that Temari had developed quite a crush on you when you went to visit her. She'll be here at the exams..." Chouji said. All of the guys were completely wasted, and they didn't notice Naruto smile get wider.


Yay!! First Chapter Up...From now on...I'll focus on updating my other stories too...expect an update within a week on all of my stories...Review Please!!