I'm a bit nervous with this chapter, after reading my lovely reviews. I hope I can keep up to everyone's expectations ; I trust nobody minds the different tenses. It's to show the difference between this and the rest of the story. Another random fact, but when I was originally imaging this fic, I saw Vaan in his FF Tactics 2 outfit. Just thought I'd add that :)
That night, fast asleep against the railing, Llyud dreamt of his wedding, and his gift for Filo afterwards.
Filo fought for an aegyl wedding. Llyud fought for a hume one. They decided on half of each.
Not owning enough sky bandits for everyone, the couple decided that the audience can sit on the Galbana. Filo wears a hume wedding dress, an elegant gown that just covers her feet. It is long and flowing, pure snow-white and sparkling. Her hair is tied up to compliment her sleeveless dress and show off her simple silver necklace.
She walks – or fly in this case – up the aisle. Instead of her father, Llyud presents her, as aegyls believe in unity from the very beginning.
They say their vows, mixtures of aegyl and hume. They each proclaim their love, promising to stay together in sickness and in health, 'till death do them part. Filo presents Llyud with a ring, a simple gold band, and a thin black ribbon. Llyud gives his new wife a thick, white ribbon and a silver ring. Over a purifying flame, they slip the rings onto the ribbons. Llyud places Filo's in her hair, and she ties his around his neck.
Both an aegyl priest and a Hume wedding conductor pronounce them one, forever until the end of time.
It takes Llyud a few minutes after they get through the door to realize there is no light in the room. He looks around to the different candles, all out, and wonders where the matches are.
Filo recaptures his attention, planting her lips against his again. Each kiss molds into the next, and the aegyl fights against throwing her onto the bed and making the young sky pirate his. Llyud pulls back just to breathe and crush her body against him. Filo runs her hands under his top shirt and lets her hands explore his muscular torso. Caressing her with his lips, he kisses every inch of her skin he can find.
Her hands go to his neck, where his ribbon sits. She tugs it gently, pulling his face back toward hers. They kiss again, hot and longing, and Filo fingers the rings around his neck. Still moving with her kiss, Llyud takes her hand in his, moving it away from the ring.
"Let's get you out of that dress," he whispers against her cheek, and she murmurs in agreement. Still kissing her neck, her shoulders, her collarbone, his hands adventure down her back and began loosening the ties. She begins to wiggle out of the dress, hands going for his belt.
Once she is almost half out, a knock comes from the door. "Are you guys alright?" asks Vaan.
Llyud looks at Filo, her skin glowing in the faint moonlight, and smiles playfully. Letting her go, the aegyl walks to the door and opens it a crack.
"Why haven't you - " begins Vaan.
"We're getting ready," answers Llyud, glancing behind him. Filo is out of sight. Vaan rolls his eyes disgustedly and leaves, footsteps echoing down the sleeping hall.
Turning back to his room, Llyud sees Filo go into the bathroom. He smiles to himself and begins peeling off his jacket and shirt. "You're going to want to put different clothes on," he calls out to Filo.
She comes out, beaming mischievously and wearing only a thin robe. "How about this?" she says seductively.
Llyud grins back. "Do you want people to see you in that?"
Filo walks over to him, wrapping her arms around his bare chest. "It matters who," she whispers. He feels the thin robe slipping off between them.
Llyud kisses her again, long and hard. He can feel her blood pounding against her skin, and smell her sweet perfume.
"Wait," she gasps, pulling back again. "Should I really change? Where are we going?"
He unwraps his arms from her body, and Filo smiles gently. She plays with the belt of her robe.
"Well," he supposes teasingly, "It'll just be you and me, but Vaan might stop in and – that wouldn't be appropriate, would it?" He cocks a humorous eyebrow.
She pecks him on the cheek and says, "I'll be right back then." Going over to the dresser, she takes out clothes and begins stripping off her robe.
Llyud sits on the bed and watches. Used to his presence, Filo winks at him and continues to dress. When she is done, she walks over to Llyud; settling on his lap in a straddle, she brushes her lips against Llyud's. As he responds, kissing her back, he places gently hands on her thighs. They gradually move up to her hips. He flips their bodies slowly so that she is lying under him.
He stands and stretches out his hand, which she grasps and lets him pull her up again.
"You look beautiful," he murmurs, and Filo blushes slightly. "Ready to go?" She nods. Closing the door softly behind them, Llyud pulls her down the hall. He presses his finger against her lips to silence her, and she grins.
He leads her to the balcony. Filo squeezes his hand and asks, "What's going on?" She looks around
"You'll find out." Llyud double checks the door behind them is closed. Extending from the deck is a very long wire, and at the end of the rope is a large sheet of objects. He continues, "Now hold onto me, and do not let go."
She smiles. "Do you really think I would?" Filo replies, folding her arms around him tightly. Grabbing her waist with both arms, Llyud lifts them up, slowly at first. Filo's grip on him tightens. His wings take them across the gap, following the line. Filo gasps in surprise as Llyud places her down on the hard surface. It is her whole collection of sky bandits, tied together to create a sitting space. On the corner sits a bag, which Llyud opens.
"We've got blankets, food, drinks," rambles Llyud, pulling out assortments of objects. "Look, Vaan even packed us an extra pair of clothes."
Filo stares at him with wide, sparkling eyes. "Vaan did this?!"
Llyud lays down a blanket, arranging it cover the whole area. "Actually, it was a combination of our ideas. He fixed your engines so that they could go this high," he explains quietly.
Suddenly Filo runs up to him and hugs him fiercely. It knocks them off balance, and they both tumble down. Llyud winces slightly as his wings get pinned down, but he is preoccupied with Filo. "Be careful," he warns. "If you thrash around, you might tip us."
Filo nods, giggling quietly. "What now?" she chuckles.
"We wait." Llyud lays down gently on his back, letting his wings fold against his skin. "Sunrise is sure to come in a few hours."
"I could stay here forever."
Filo lies down next to him, head resting on his naked chest. They press themselves together, not because of the cold, but just for the mere feeling of having the other there. Filo listens to his heart pound steadily; they breathe in and out together.
Llyud plays with her hair, entwining chunks on it around his finger. Filo sighs blissfully. "Not forever," he says suddenly, thinking deeply. "You'd miss your friends, need to eat and drink… run out of things to do."
"As long as you're here, and that bag never runs out of food," she laughs, snuggling closer. "I'm sure I can think of a few things."
Llyud smiles, kisses her hair, and looks at the stars as Filo places a hand on his chest. He puts his arms on her back. There they lay, in the pure, delightful silence. Llyud thinks of his days before he ever met Filo, days without emotions. It still hurts him to think of those times. He strokes Filo's ribbon slowly, glad he had regained his anima. Around her and her alone did he feel completely whole, allowing himself to laugh and joke. He is a different aegyl near her.
"Thank you so much," Filo whispers in the silence, sitting up. "I never thought it would be like this. I imagined it going - "
She stops, blushing darkly and eying him quietly. Llyud sits up beside her, prompting her on with his eyes. "Going a little differently," she finishes tentatively.
Smiling, Llyud grabs her waist and readjusts them so that she is sitting in his lap. One hand on her waist and the other on her neck, Llyud presses his lips against hers gently. Filo pushes against him, passionate and loving. Placing his sturdy hand on her waist, the aegyl stays like that for a moment, absorbing her in.
Moving back to look into her glittering brown eyes, he tells her, "We can still have it end like that."
Filo grins and closes the space between them.