Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XII Revenant Wings or any of the situations or characters. They belong to Square Enix.

Congratulations to Llyud and Filo. I hope they find what they're looking for.

I remember us meeting Llyud, all that time ago. Quiet bloke, he was. Is, I should say. But now look how far they've gone, in what seems like a blink of an eye. Filo's gone off and married an aegyl, and she's moving to Lemurés with him.

How long has it been since Lemurés? I seemed to have lost track of the time, because now I look at Filo and Llyud, and I fear I missed something. Maybe I should go back and read through this logbook again, just to make sure.


Dear Penelo,

Things couldn't be better here. Llyud's got a strange job, you'll never guess what! He's the chief of Timeless Watch! Let me explain : Ever since the fall of Feolthanos, this new religion seemed to build itself up called The New Eternal's Guardsmen. In all, they're just religious maniacs who throw themselves down in front of huge statues of auracite and pray to unnamed gods. Almost every island now has a small policing clan, like the Imperials back in Rabanastre, who keep everyone in place. Llyud is chief of our island's clan! I have to keep these next few letters short, but I promise to keep in touch!



Not everything here sounds as nice as Dalmasca sounds right now. Llyud's position is getting worse. He barely sleeps at night, and I feel terrible. I wish there was something I could do, but he warned me I shouldn't leave our house as much as I'd like to. Not like I'd miss the sky – I'm living on it! Another short letter, but I promise the next one will be longer!


I can't believe what happened to Filo! I guess I should write it here, for the record, but it's just terrible! After everything seemed to be so well for her and Llyud, the other aegyl started against them. They burned down their home, and Llyud sent her here to keep her safe. He carried her back by himself! I wonder how he managed flying so far off, carrying two bodies.

I hope Llyud's okay, going back to his home to figure out the mess.


It's been awhile since I've written in here, hasn't it? I saw what Penelo wrote about my little aegyl incident. I only worry about Llyud and how he's handling back in Lemurés. I will add how grateful I am to Vaan and Penelo for letting me stay with them. I've got a job now at Migelo's delivering things everywhere. It's decent, but I wish I were back home…
