"Oh. The candles again. How wonderfully unexpected." Sirius Black muttered darkly as he slouched into the kitchen, his dark glare directed at the green-haired form of Nymphadora Tonks. She sat slouched in a kitchen chair, a candle stick held sideways over a slowly growing mountain of multicolored wax.

"What is that?" Remus asked from his own chair, never lifting his gaze from the paper spread out on the table in front of him.

Sirius glanced down at the crimson bottle in his hand, the date and brand hidden by a skin of dust. "Juice. It's juice, Moony. Juice that is good for the soul."

Rolling his eyes, Remus finally stared his friend in the face. "Padfoot, haven't you been drunk enough already in the past week?"

"Drunk? Who said anything about drunk? This is juice Moony, juice that has been blessed by the mystical grape bunny who controls time and age. This will not make me drunk. This juice will make me happy." He said dully, sniffing the cork and wincing.

It was at this moment that Nymphadora Tonks leapt to her feet, her eyes wide. The candle dropped into the still liquid center of her mountain of wax and the flame sputtered out, a smoky trail rising up and vanishing just before the young auror's suddenly fierce face.

"What?" Lupin asked after a moment, staring blankly at her.

"It's Saturday."


"Remus! Sat-ur-day!" She shook her head and stared at him in a look akin to desperation, her eyebrows almost vanishing into her hairline.

Lupin looked quite blankly back at her, a faint flush appearing in his cheeks as she continued to stare expectantly at him. Sirius however had slumped down in his chair with an even deeper scowl then before.

"It's Saturday night, and we're sitting around making wax volcanos and reading the paper and getting drunk!" She cried, flinging her arms up in the air.

"Well,you could go out and get a date, it's all jolly well for you Nymphadora, but in case you've forgotten, I'm locked up in this hell-hole until Merlin knows when." Sirius replied snarkily, tearing the cork away with his teeth. "And besides, getting drunk is what normal people do on Saturday nights, anyway."

Tonks stared exasperatedly at him, shaking her head. "I don't mean we should go out, Sirius. I mean we should do something interesting! We can't turn into boring old coots who eat cottage cheese on untoasted bagels and... read the paper and build wax volcanos! We have to do something! We must be active, be original!"

Sirius and Remus exchanged a look.

"Nymphadora, don't you think that perhaps you're... being a tad dramatic?" Lupin started just as Sirius responded with "Ha, you just mentioned reading the paper and wax mountains, getting drunk is still young and hip."

Tonks glared at both of them, a familiar look of determination hardening in her features.

It was at this moment that quite suddenly and unexpectedly the wax volcano began to melt, wax erupting in a smoldering rainbow and the uneven shape begining to swirl into a pool of scalding liquid.

With a final great shiver, the mountain collapsed. Lupin leapt upwards just in time, gripping Tonks by the elbow and pulling her back as the hot wax spilled over their chairs. Sitting on the plate where Tonks's wax volcano had just been was a shiny, sparkly new laptop.

There was a long pause during which everyone simply stared incredulously at the computer before Sirius suddenly broke it with a shake of his head before studying the just-uncorked bottle.

"Funny, I'm drunk, but there's still lots of liquor, and I don't feel drunk. I like half of that truth..."

"What just happened? What's that?" Lupin asked in an almost frighteningly flat tone, still staring blankly at the place where the wax mountain had just been. Then, with the air of a man trying to find his bearings turned to Tonks and asked "Did you just do that?"

"No... it's a laptop." She said. There was a look of complete awe on her face, her eyes practically glowing as they stared down at the computer before her.

Lupin frowned. He had never been jealous of an object, and this certainly wasn't the way to start...

Wait, what the bloody hell was he thinking about? Something weird and impossible had just quite suddenly happened. Even more weird and impossible then what normally happened in his life, and this time inexplicable.

"My uncle on my da's side has one, uses it for work. He's a felly-marketer or something." She said before slowly taking a small step forwards. Lupin's hand shot out and grasped her elbow.

"Nymphadora, no, don't touch it." He said.

She pulled her arm away without even looking at him, sitting down in her seat which had at some point mysteriously shed it's coat of molten wax. With shaking fingers, Nymphadora Tonks slowly lifted the screen of the notebook. Her face washed over with the hazy blue of computer light before the glow brightened, a website automatically appearing in front of her.

Surprise flitted across her face and she squited at the screen. Sirius joined her around the table after a moment, leaning forwards just as Lupin did, all of them staring at the message on the computer:

Hello Remus, Tonks, and Sirius fans! Today we are presented with a unique and fabulous opportunity, a blessing handed to us in the form of our three favorite characters being bored! Summoning the portal to our world (the portal being the internet) through their sheer boredom, our heros now find themselves here to answer our questions. Your question can be anything from 'If you were to die tomorrow via drapery, what would you do today?' to 'Which ice cream would you most like to wear?' Ask away, most loyal fans!

"What. The. Shit." Sirius said conversationally, taking a swig of the dark liquid.

Lupin frowned, his brows knitting together. "It knows our names... how does it know our names... and what... this sounds bad..." He slowly reached for his wand, standing tall and flitting his brown eyes suspiciously around the room

"Don't worry about it, Remus. My Mum's pen-pale Frodo had this happen to him once." To Lupin's great shock, he realized Tonks was attempting to hide a rather smug smirk. "It just means you're very interesting! Oh, look, there are questions already!" Tonks said excitedly, pointing to a small counter at the top of the page. The counter remained the same for a long moment as he stared at it, but after a moment it quickly changed from '2' to '3'.

"If I were to die via drapery tomorrow, I would remind Harry of the present I gave him. Don't think he's opened it yet..." Sirius said thoughtfully.

Shaking his head, Lupin stared blankly down at the machine Tonks was now seated in front of. "Nymphadora, this is ridiculous! Are you even thinking about how this makes absolutely no logical sense?"

"That's what's nice about it, Remus. There are too many fanfictions about us that are incredibly angst-ridden." She said sadly. The last part of this sentence he found he couldn't really grasp, and it slipped through his conscious thought almost unnoticed. "Oh, and don't call me Nymphadora! It's Tonks! I actually forgot to remind you for a while." Tonks added.

Despite the fact that logic in the world around him was melting away faster then Tonks's mountain of wax, Lupin couldn't help but smile slightly at the familiar response.

"Hey, there's one for me!" Sirius said with too much enthusiasm, almost thumping the bottle into the back of Tonks's head as he lifted his arm in the air joyously.

And so it began...

Writer: Alright, keep in mind, I wrote this at 5 in the morning. This is just an idea I had when I started wondering about my three favorite characters (yes, JK Rowling does in fact hate me) and what they could have been doing during the time when there were no order meetings. I think we can pretty safely say that Tonks spent a lot of time with them (at least Remus), or else the proceedings in the 6th book would not make much sense. Unless of course Tonks doesn't actually love Lupin and only wants him for his vast fortune. I'm guessing not though.

Ok, so here's how this works: In a review, the reader can send in a question. Once I get perhaps 10 questions (most likely less, I don't expect to get many) then I will write a new chapter that will be the characters responding to the questions in a short scene that may or may not include a definite answer. Who needs a definite answer though when you've got Lupin, Tonks, and Sirius all surfing the internet! ANY questions are appropriate, though curse words will be replaced with a series of nonsensical symbols and I will not answer exceedingly inappropriate useless questions. So yeah, not any question is appropriate.