
As the High King, Peter makes all of the final decisions.

"Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us."

He always has to have the last word.

"I think we've waited for Aslan long enough," Peter said in a tone which Lucy knew meant that he was done with the conversation.

He doesn't like to hear that he is wrong.

"That's crazy," Caspian spoke up, earning Peter's dissaproving glance. "No one has ever attacked their castle."

"There's always a first time," Peter said in a hostile tone.

He is headstrong, especially in battle.

"Peter, we don't have enough time!" Susan shouted at him.

"Yes we do!" He shouted back as he tried to get the gate open.

But, what if that's his weakness?

Peter looked around and saw that they were surrounded, outnumbered even. He looked down and saw that his army was being slain before his eyes. "We have to retreat!" He finally shouted, ignoring the feeling of defeat that filled him.

"Pete, come on!" Edmund shouted from above as he flew by on his griffon.

"You go ahead! I have to make sure they get out!" Peter shouted back as he used his sword to block the cascade of arrows that was raining down on him. "This is my mistake, I have to fix it!"

What if his position as High King is what brings him down in a moment of need?

Peter cried out in pain when an arrow struck him in the shoulder. He reached over to grab it and pull it out when another hit his other shoulder. He couldn't move his arms without pain shooting up them. He got to his feet only to be hit in the face and fell to the ground. He clenched his eyes shut in pain and opened them to see many pairs of feet in front of him. He was pushed onto his back by a foot and the last thing he saw was Miraz's face in his vision, laughing evilly.

Peter knows, to protect his family, that he will have to deal with whatever is thrown at him.

"Stop..." Peter gasped as his head rolled forward and he panted heavily. Blood was streaming from his nose and his vision was swimming.

"You have to beg for it," a soldier taunted with an evil laugh.

Peter squeezed his eyes shut in pain. "Please...stop..." Tears leaked out of his eyes as he felt stripped of his High King role. He felt lower than he has ever felt before in his life.

His family are scared for their fallen King.

"What will they do to him?" Susan finally choked out. Caspian shook his head and stayed silent. "Tell me!" Susan yelled.

"They'll torture him," Caspian responded softly. "Maybe even kill him.

Tears fell down Lucy's cheeks as she buried her face in Edmund's side. Susan tried to hide her face but Caspian wiped away her tears and pulled her close to him and into his embrace. Edmund glared at the paintings of the family on the stone wall as Lucy's cries bounced off of the walls.

Will Peter ever rise to reign over Narnia again?

"For Narnia," he whispered to himself as he gripped his sword. He closed his eyes and swung. A loud clang echoed off of the walls as Peter's hands fell down. He rubbed his sore wrists and smiled to himself before picking up his sword and running out of the room.

Or will the High King fall?

"You've taken everything that I care about away from me," Peter spoke in a trembling voice. "The only thing you can do for me now is to kill me."

Peter Pevensie

"Am I really fit to be Narnia's High King anymore?" Peter asked himself as he hung his head in defeat.

Susan Pevensie

"We can't just sit around here and do nothing!" Susan's voice bounced off of the walls. "Peter will die out there!"

Edmund Pevensie

"What do we do now, Ed?" Lucy asked. "You're the King in charge now."

Edmund looked around at the many pairs of eyes that were staring back at him. He knew that if he made one little mistake it would cost them their lives.

Lucy Pevensie

"I know, somewhere out there, that Aslan is watching," Lucy told Susan. "He will come and help us. I know he will."

Prince Caspian X

"Miraz won't rest until I am killed, even if that means killing someone else to get to me," he announced, the flames reflecting in his eyes that were filled with hatred.


High King Peter, the Magnificent.

"I am the High King of Narnia, and I will die protecting it if I have to!"

Coming soon...


A/N: This idea came to me after watching the Prince Caspian movie. What would happen if Peter got captured by Miraz? Well, here's the answer. Please, if you have the time, check out my other Narnia stories and leave some feedback. That would really help me update faster.