Opening Notes:
Thanks for checking out my latest writing project.
Forums for discussion are up.
For those who haven't noticed, I set this one under the Harry Potter category, and would like to take this opportunity to say a few things, as I don't particularly like making extensive Author's notes, cluttering up the body of what I'm making available. Additionally, I dislike trying to say completely in a limited space of a summary, what could be the life or death of a work. I'll do my best, but sadly there's no such thing as summary insurance.
You may or may not see an active pairing in this work. As much as I like the idea of developing romances in my writing, this work won't be focused on it. That said, romances and relationships happen. To clarify; if there is a romance, that occurs in this story, it will not be the focus of the story.
As many Harry Potter fanfictions begin, this one takes place after fifth year. Perhaps it's just popular opinion not to work with Half Blood Prince. Perhaps, it's just a pleasant place to take a story, and start it. Perhaps we just like picking on someone when he's down. For whatever reason, this work will originate in the Summer after Harry's fifth year, and progress in three parts, over three years, following the pattern of the books it's based on. One book per school year, the last extending beyond.
There will be some familiar elements. Meaning, Clichés. There will be some. Perhaps a lot of them, depending on how much HP fanfiction you read. Ideally, I won't be taking those ideas, in the same directions you are used to. For instance... "Lord Black". Harry will inheiret the title, and the privaleges. But what does he know about how to use them, social responsibility and politics entailed? Logical progress, will be the rule. There are many ways to change the path of a river - you bend it, dam it, or bury it. Like some others before me, there will be use of some previously used ideals. Lets see if I can take them, spin them a bit differently.
If you are familiar with Summer of Change, some similarities will catch your eye. This is not, though, that story. Nor is it based on it, as the whole timeframe involved in Summer was simply that - a summer. Similarities will be superficial, or logical really, at worst.
There is an original character, not of my making, who will be present at a much later time. That said, the owner has given permission.
One last note. If you are familiar with McKillip's work, the Riddle-Master trilogy, you may find points of interest being used and referenced. This shall not be so much a crossover, as an expansion in a specific direction. That said... the following disclaimer will not be reprinted.
I do not own, nor claim any kind of ownership on the original material, referenced in this work. I do own the premise, upon which I am using those characters, references and situations. I do not expect, nor will accept any payment or compensation for this work, as it is being done in the nature of parody/ fanfiction. Some elements within are my own creation. I retain rights to those, where noted.
Please enjoy this, the first of three books in my Harry Potter fanfiction.
Harry Potter and the Key to Summer
Harry Potter and the Edge of Winter
Harry Potter and the Shrouded Isle