
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight. BUT! BUT! BUT! I do own this lovely green pen with a bunny on it! I even has one of those little messages it says 'when bring hungry, insert picture of cupcake having fun, insert picture of two love hearts feeling sad and sometimes in a bad mood… insert picture of yellow flower But we insert picture of what looks like a clock always close together' …I'M SO PROUD THAT IT'S ALL MINE! well maybe not...

Chapter 1 -BPOV

We were all sitting in a circle in Alice's living room –all of us being me-Bella, Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, Emmett and Edward. Right now we were playing Truth or Dare. All eyes were on me to decide Edward's fate because he had picked dare.

"Edward… I dare you... to… umm… run around the block twice…" I started.

"That's it?" scoffed Emmett

"Shut up, Emmett, I'm not done!" I scolded. "Edward, I want you to run around the block twice whist wearing Alice's hot pink bikini –

"I have to wear what?!" Edward exclaimed.

"Alice's hot pink bikini." I said slowly. "And carry a picket sign that says 'Free The Overgrown Mutant Potato and His Brother The Hairy Watermelon!' whist shouting 'I love Brad Pitt'" I said with an evil smile.

"How's that all gonna fit on one picket sign?!" Edward exclaimed, "And how am I supposed to fit into Alice's bikini?!"

By this time we were all in fits of laughter rolling on the floor.

"I'm not doing it!" Edward shouted.

"Aww, wittle Eddie-Weddie too afwaid to do a wittle, itty, bitty dare his girwfwend came up wif? Awww." Emmett taunted.

"Argh! Fine! But if I get the police called on me, then it's all of your faults!" he shouted. I grinned evilly because I knew there was a hoard of girls from school already waiting for him downstairs, and he didn't know it.

"Let's get you into that bikini!" I cheered.

"And where are you gonna get a picket sign?" he asked sceptically.

"I came to this party all prepared," I grinned.

"You planned this all along?" Edward gasped. "How could you?"

"Very easily, actually," I said. "Now quit stalling and get in that bikini!" I scolded.

"Fine." Edward sulked, grabbing the bikini from Alice and disappearing into the bathroom to get changed into the bikini.

"Wow, Bella. I didn't know you had it in you." Emmett said, after Edward was gone. "I mean, poor Edward. It can't get any worse for him anymore."

"Actually…" I said, and all eyes turned to me. "I kinda had this planned out for a while so I maybe… might have… kinda called all the girls from school to gather around the block with their cameras and when they hear a guy shout that he loves Brad Pitt to get their cameras ready, so… yeah… he's probably gonna kill me." I finished, scratching the back of my head nervously. They all burst out into fits of laughter again.

"She's diabolical!" Emmett boomed.

"Aww, my sweet little innocent Bella has grown up." Rosalie said, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.

"Aww, I love this girl!" chirped Alice. "She's adorable and conniving."

"Looks like Edward's got some competition now." Jasper laughed, earning him a playful smack on the shoulder from Alice.

"What have I got competition for now?" asked a voice from behind. We all turned around and burst out laughing. Edward was in a WAY too tight hot pink bikini. "Hate you guys," he mumbled.

"Oh right," I said, running to grab the pre-painted picket sign and handed it over to him. "Love you, too." I said and pecked him on the cheek. "Now get going."

"Awww, what'd I d to deserve this." He said and went out the door. About twenty seconds later you could hear him shouting about his love for Brad then a very high pitch girly scream, which we assumed to belong to Edward's and we burst out laughing.

We were laughing so hard for what felt like ages when the door burst opened to reveal a very angry Edward covered in bits of leaves and dirt showing at one point he had fallen over, and his face and arms were covered in lipstick smears from the numerous fan-girls from school.

After half an hour our laughter had finally slightly subsided, but it was still very difficult to hold back their laughter, because our rule on truth or dare is that if its dress up of any kind then it has to be kept on the whole time. So the whole time we were trying to continue the game, we would look at Edward and burst out laughing again. Now we were quietening down he looked at me with an evil little glint in his eye.

"Alright, Bella. Truth or Dare." he said menacingly.

"Um… gee whiz… I don't know." I said sarcastically. "Umm… I'm a sucker for dares, so dare me, Baby!"

"Bella I dare you to…


"Edward… I dare you... to… umm… run around the block twice…" she started.

"That's it?" scoffed Emmett

"Shut up, Emmett, I'm not done!" she scolded. "Edward, I want you to run around the block twice whist wearing Alice's hot pink bikini –

"I have to wear what?!" I exclaimed.

"Alice's hot pink bikini." she said slowly, like I couldn't understand English. "And carry a picket sign that says 'Free The Overgrown Mutant Potato and His Brother The Hairy Watermelon!' whist shouting 'I love Brad Pitt'" she said with an evil smile.

"How's that all gonna fit on one picket sign?!" Edward exclaimed, "And how am I supposed to fit into Alice's bikini?!"

By this time they were all in fits of laughter rolling on the floor.

"I'm not doing it!" I shouted. No way was I about to run around the block twice in Alice's hot pink bikini with a picket sign shouting that I loved Brad Pitt. No friggen way.

"Aww, wittle Eddie-Weddie too afwaid to do a wittle, itty, bitty dare his girwfwend came up wif? Awww." Emmett taunted. I didn't want to give in, but I knew that if I refused, the punishment would be hell, but if I did it, then I would never live it down.

"Argh! Fine! But if I get the police called on me, then it's all your faults!" I shouted. Bella was grinning evilly for some reason and I was afraid to find out why.

"Let's get you into that bikini!" Bella cheered.

"And where are you gonna get a picket sign?" I asked

"I came to this party all prepared," she grinned. Then it hit me… She had this planned.

"You planned this all along?" I gasped. "How could you?"

"Very easily, actually," she said. "Now quit stalling and get in that bikini!" she scolded.

"Fine." I sulked, grabbing the bikini from Alice and disappearing into the bathroom to get changed into the bikini.

I walked into the bathroom with the bikini in hand. I stood in the bathroom and staring at the bikini… No way in hell would it fit on me… that girl is diabolical. I took off my clothes and attempted to put on the bikini. The bottoms were practically a thong on me! And how am I supposed to tie the bikini? About ten minutes later I finally had it on and the worlds biggest wedgy. Now it was time to face then. I opened the door and walked out.

"Looks like Edward's got some competition now." Jasper laughed, earning him a playful smack on the shoulder from Alice.

"What have I got competition for now?" I asked. They all turned around and burst out laughing. "Hate you guys," I mumbled.

"Oh right," Bella said, she ran off and grabbed a pre-painted picket sign and handed it over to me. "Love you, too." she said and pecked me on the cheek. "Now get going."

"Awww, what'd I d to deserve this." I said and went out the door. About ten second later of running out the apartment building and proclaiming my love for Brad Pitt, I put on full speed because it looked like all the girls from school were there with cameras and I was pretty sure I saw Mike Newton with a camera as well. I was gonna get those guys.

I was on my first lap carrying the picket sign and shouting my love for Brad Pitt, when she attacked me. Jessica Stanley. She had tackled me to the ground so I fell in a bush, she then straddled me and kissed me whist trying to feel me up.

"Come on, Eddie, you know you want me." She said in a voice that I assume was supposed to be sexy. She put her hand on my crotch and I let out the girliest shriek ever, and then pushed her off and started running again.

On my second lap around the block, Jessica, jumped on my back and kissed me. She was latched on pretty tight and it took me a while to throw her off, when she was off, I ran straight for the apartment stairs and busted open the door of the apartment where all eyes turned to me and laughter broke out.

After half an hour their laughter had finally subsided, but it was still very difficult for then to hold back their laughter, because our rule on truth or dare is that if its dress up of any kind then it has to be kept on the whole time. So the whole time we were trying to continue the game, they would look at me and burst out laughing again. Now they were quietening down I looked at Bella and I was sure there was some sort of evil glint in my eye and I think she saw it.

"Alright, Bella. Truth or Dare." I said menacingly.

"Um… gee whiz… I don't know." she said sarcastically. "Umm… I'm a sucker for dares, so dare me, Baby!" this was perfect because I had the perfect dare for her.

"Bella I dare you to…

Ooohh cliffy! Can you guess what Eddie's gonna do? Do I even know what he's gonna do? No I don't actually… I'm still thinking. Suggestions are VERY welcome, my brains a bit dead, but your suggestions mean a sooner update! So whoever comes up with the best suggestion for the next chappie they get it dedicated to them!

Hurry now, entries close when I feel like it.

Now joke of the chappie!

There was a cat chasing a chicken and what not.

They end up at bridge, and the chickens all the way at the edge of it or something.

The cat pounces at the chicken.

The chicken being all smart and what not moves to the side.

The cat misses and falls into the river below.

Moral of the story: A wet pussy equals a happy cock.

Fat-Bay93 out!

Until Next Time !