A/N : Heartfelt gratitude to EdenAthene; your thoughts are worth their weight in ivory and samite! =)

Zero's thoughts : ~Italics~

Kaname's thoughts : Italics

Part 3

~Zero could feel a new life blossoming within his limbs. The borrowed life of a coney. ~

"Bear with it, Kiryuu-kun. It will accelerate your healing ability. You're going to need it if you want to last the night."

Zero laughed, his voice a dissonant, delighted cackle.

~His fingers dug into the rabbit's fur, between its ribs, inside its joints, feeling the animal's agitation in its frantic kicking and the speed of its heartbeat under his dead, grey fingers. ~

"Kuran, you're a fool."

From the corner of his eye Zero saw Kaname toss the empty bottle of bloodwine onto the bed, followed by a glass and the porcelain bowls. A moment's tangible compression of the surrounding air, and the objects shattered, scattering their serrated shards on the silken cushions.

"A vicious, traitorous..." Zero's voice was a dead monotone, belying the wily glitter in his eyes as he stepped forward and reached around Kaname's waist, resting his palms possessively on the curve of the vampire's hips. "- desperate fool." And he ripped Kaname's tailored shirt to shreds, baring his tone physique.

Kaname grinned, and shoved.

Zero toppled backwards; it was momentarily silent, then he threw his arms back and landed on his elbows. The fragmented bits of glass and porcelain on the bed glinted wickedly, inches from his back. A sudden realization of what was to come made his throat dry with a mixture of fear and delight.

Kaname pounced like a wolverine, and quite literally, had Zero in his jaws. Straddling the boy with his knees, he rubbed his teeth over Zero's neck till the skin was red and raw, then placing his tongue over the point where his pulse hammered through his vein.

Zero struggled madly against Kaname's weight, but only succeeded in provoking him. The pureblood placed both hands on Zero's shoulders and leaned his full weight on them. Supported by Zero's arms, he relished the shaking platform on which he rested as Zero's arms shook, shoulders aching from the strain as he held them both up, as he tried to prevent his falling onto the shard covered bed.

Kaname lavished hot, sultry kisses on his long neck, snatching a shriek and a yelp when his lips reached the base of his throat. His hands snaked to Zero's chest, and snapped one nipple viciously. The younger damned him to purgatory, arms flying up uncontrollably – down he went on his back.

The bloodwine did its job – even as Zero writhed in pain and repeatedly cut his back on the unyielding shards, the skin sealed back flawlessly.

A lascivious tongue traced a slick silver burn over Zero's skin, relished the feel of stretching, tightening muscles under his tongue as Zero tossed his head, his neck straining. When Zero screamed in agony, the vibration in his vocals shivered through his skin, and the piercing treble goaded in the vampire prince a rapacious hunger that bypassed reason and went straight into lunacy. That, and the combination of the blood scent from the wet, sticky, bloody mess that was his back, shrieked at Kaname's animalistic instincts in harsh, strident tones.

It overrode years of imposed restraint, awakening in him a side he had stamped down – for very good reason.

Kaname kissed his neck with lips that burnt; Zero was sure that only the cool lingering salve of saliva prevented his raw skin from blistering – Kaname blew on a damp spot, and Zero arched again, mauling his back in the process –

"Zero groaned, and fresh blood soaked the sheets as he bled, healed and bled yet again.

"Kuran – " be braced his feet on the bed.

"My turn!" Zero snarled as he bucked up and flipped Kaname over and onto his back.

Kaname was furious at being subjugated, delirious - he slapped Zero across the face, threw him off.

And they were back together, tigers brawling amongst the sheets, arousing themselves with raw bestiality and violence; Zero forced Kaname face down with a brutal kick, and a piece of glass nearly sliced his nose off; the pureblood whipped around and almost tore out half of Zero's shoulder with his claws; each time their potent blood vanished the wounds rapidly, leaving their skin smooth and gleaming.

Finally Zero threw Kaname flat on his stomach and pinned him there with a knee on the small of his back. He took a fistful of thick black hair and dragged Kaname's head back, forcing that lean back to arch. There they froze, chests heaving, heartbeats an audible rapid drumming to their heightened hearing. Kaname's hair hung down in sweat slicked raven spikes, Zero's plastered back like damp silver strands.

"Fight, Kuran," Zero sneered, lowering his smiling lips to Kaname's bared fangs. "Purebloods don't lose to ex-humans. Unless they want something...in which case they only have to ask."

He shifted all his weight onto his knee, pressing down on Kaname's back; dragged that black head up and licked the chiselled cheek. He could feel the pureblood reigning in a growl of what must have been agony as he ground his kneecap into his spine. The scent of iron bloomed; Kaname must have lying on several large glass shards.

"You came to me, Kiriyu. I think you should be the one asking-!" a vicious jerk throttled his words to a gasp. A hand tore his pants apart.

"Oh, by all means."

Zero emphasised his point with his claws. He slammed them in just below Kaname's shoulder blades, point first and dragged them down, inhaling deeply the welling scent of life and flesh.

The glistening ivory flanks were scourged with eight valleys of virulent scarlet, and purple vulture's eyes ruminated on them with a raptor's avarice – this immortal devil was his elixir's provenance.

"I want your warmth, your strength, all of it inside me."

Kaname reared like a mongoose and sprawled Zero backward, eagle-spread on his sheets. Before Zero could recover Kaname forced his arms above his head, and fastened them to the bedpost with his shirt. Then there was a sudden coolness on his stomach as Kaname left his upper body…and the intoxicating burn of pleasure as he obligingly took him in his mouth.

Zero wrapped his legs around Kaname instinctively, his arms straining in their bonds, and stars exploded in his vision. With each strangled articulation of bliss and fury, he came closer to the edge of control. He glanced down to find an unnerving sight. There was a monster eating him up at a leisurely pace, watching him with two red coals that glowered through dark, slick hair. Rimmed by the two red ribbons that were his lips, his mouth was hot and ferocious, fettering him in a searing, insensible heat.


The beast pulled its lips back, revealing the long teeth nestled in the hairs of Zero's length, and abruptly clamped its jaws together. Zero shrieked and thrashed in agony as blood spurted out onto his inner thighs. Ripping his hands from the restrains, Zero fisted Kaname's hair, dragged him up violently, and hollered in his face.

"Son of a bitch!"

His hair was parting from his scalp, his eyes were twisting in pain. Yet, the pureblood only smirked and showed his fangs, sharpened slivers of pearl gild in dripping crimson sheaths; he was predator, perfection, mantling his kill with spite and pitiless viciousness.

The air was thick with the raw sexual violence, the mingled scent of two dangerously aroused males. Without warning, Kaname swarmed up over Zero, skin against skin, and drove into him. Zero screamed hysterically, and Kaname's smile widened. He withdrew and plunged in again, sheathing himself to the hilt in Zero's tight, spasming heat.

Zero shrieked, electrified by the tremors that shuddered from his loins to his entire body. He was burning, breaking, and every times he was pierced, the sparkle of quicksilver and sin flung themselves through his blood. He could feel the rawness of his throat as he bellowed.

The burning tightness was ruining him, razing away his wits little by little. Kaname felt his sanity slipping, a notch and then another. He raked Zero's chest, and the smell of fresh blood drove him to a frenzied lust that had his claws and fangs lengthened.

He never even pretended to try fighting. Escape wasn't an option, because these glass walls were not confining, they were protecting. The living cadaver swam up time and again through the bloody abyss to moon at his body. How absurd that the prince of vampires was a mere transparent screen away from rapine and butchery. Gashes for grins and pits for eyes, as remorseless as stones. None would suffer the unmolested passage of this once-prince.

And Kaname could only continue to break into that warmth, pillaging the bloody lips for all they had.

And Zero loved it. He loved the fact that he could make this oh-so-perfect deity lose all pride and dignity, render him an insensate, rutting creature, no more a lord than the mangy alley stray mounting a bitch in heat.

"You scream," Zero hissed, holding Kaname captive with his hands. Blood dribbled from his torn lips, down the sides of his chin. The words came with difficulty; he barely had enough breath to speak. "Scream – loud – a – pureblood – whoring yourself to a – mongrel, – you damn well – have the – indecency – to – make it – known!" Gasping for breath, his words, barely audible, strained to make themselves heard.

And Kaname, with blood in his eyes and blood on his lips, the prince, the elegant lord, only growled, concerned with nothing but hitting that slick, convulsing wall over and over again. Zero gripped the wanton animal by his ear; with a supreme effort, he dragged his face close.

"Did you – hear – me?"

Kaname thrashed around, lifting one shoulder to twist out of Zero's grip, but Zero clung on adamantly. Still within Zero, the shift in position provoked a curse and made him buck off the bed entirely, lifting Kaname with him. The further movement brought sensation inconceivable to them both, inundated their bodies with a flood of flame. The change in angle was tortuous; Zero was screaming, moaning repeatedly, trapped and wriggling below the beast that had taken over Kaname.

The apostate pureblood clutched to Zero's nubile, heaving body, creating with his claws brooding, blooming spiderweb points of pain; and finally, their impious fervor culminated with the parturience of finality and exhaustion, every link of the world rocked asunder by empyrean fire.

What time his pride had cast him out from heaven, with all his strength.

They collapsed like the marionettes that they were, wet, sticky, discarded dolls. They had soggy lumps of pulp for bodies, and their million unseen sons were shot over their thighs and stomachs, drying and dying by the multitude.

"Tell me I live my own life," Zero begged.

Hurled headlong flaming from ethereal sky, with hideous ruin and combustion, down to bottomless perdition, there to dwell; in adamantine chains and penal fire, from whence he fell – nine times the space that measures night and day, he with his horrid crew lay vanquished, rolling in the fiery gulf.

"Tell me I can choose to die," Kaname murmured. Neither replied, neither acknowledged the other. Both refused to give way.

Confounded though immortal.


The last thoughts of Kaname (what time his pride...confounded though immortal) were taken from John Milton's Paradise Lost...words cannot express my admiration for his works except to say : imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

On the side, this incubus of a story has been in fecundate for over a year, and I'm exhausted. Comments, please, guys, and criticisms are always loved and appreciated.