It was that time around the year where sakura trees filled the streets of Kantou, a kingdom in the middle of a large piece of land

It was that time around the year where sakura trees filled the streets of Kantou, a kingdom in the middle of a large piece of land. Pink petals fluttered every where like snow, a snowstorm of sakura flowers. Kurogane sat in a restaurant, next to the window with a view of a teahouse across the street. His companions sat around him talking about an important matter. There were 4 of them total. Their table has a private room of its own and even so they had to speak in low tones to prevent informations in their conversation from leaking out.

A man with blue hair, Daisuke, took out a scroll from his sleeve and rolled it flat out on the table. "I asked around. This is the path the prince will take tomorrow." He said outlining the path on the map of Shiga, the main city of Kantou.

"Should we wait for an opportunity? This is kind of risky." A man with green hair, Ichirou, asked. The other three stopped their gaze on the map and looked up at him.

"I think so too. Who would assassinate the prince of Kantou in the main city?" Choutarou, a man with orange hair, agreed with Ichirou. "It's expected to have a lot of guards here than in any other places." He stated as a matter of fact.

"No. I wouldn't think so." A black hair male, Kurogane, spoke up. "That is what everyone think. But, the truth is the opposite." He explained intelligently. "There are many knights around here, but these guys are useless despite their counts. They can't fight. Contrary to places with lesser knights, there are highly skilled bodyguards hidden in shadow to protect the prince. That, is where the most risk is taken."

"That's right." Daisuke nodded. "That's why we plan this day for an assassination."

Ichirou and Choutarou nodded in understanding. "I see."

"So, what's your plan?" Ichirou asked.

"Well, there's a distance from Shiga to the castle, probably a mile long." Kurogane said. "We'll wait at midway to make the ambush." He stated as if it is the only obvious thing.

"As simple as that?" Choutarou questioned with slight confusion. He and Ichirou are first timers on a mission like this, while the other two are of the top ten warriors where they came from.

"Yes. Just simple like that." Daisuke said, rolling up the scroll and hid it underneath his sleeve once again.

The food came in just in time for their lunch. They dug in as soon as the waiter left. Kurogane sat next to the window, decided he's not hungry, looking outside. He brushed around the scenery and came to stop at the tea house. A sight of a blond in white traditional Japanese royal class clothing caught his attention. The blond sat at the tea table with another one in the same clothing, but with a hood covering his head. He sat with his back to Kurogane. But that doesn't matter because the blond was the only interesting object to him. The blond was gracefully bringing the tea cup to his lips when...

"Oy, Kurogane." Daisuke called breaking his moment.

"What?" He said in a rather loud tone with slight irritation.

"Uh…eat something or it's going to get cold." Daisuke was taken back a bit because Kurogane was a very touchy man.

"I know." Kurogane sighed nonchalently, peeking back to the blond, but no one was there as if the place had been empty. The tea table was empty. He cursed at Daisuke inwardly for disturbing his moment. He sighed and started eating.

They left the restaurant after finishing up, each carried a sword and a bag across their back.

"My sword needs to get brandished." Daisuke said as they walked down the crowded street. Vendors and stores filled the sides with customers lunging in and out.

"Mine too." Ichirou exclaimed. "I haven't used this since a long time."

"Sure." Kurogane said. "Choutarou, go ask for a blacksmith." He commanded.

"Hai." He complied without complaint. Choutarou walked over to random people on the street to ask for any blacksmith in town. A moment later, he ran back to report. "They said it's at the end of this street."

"Okay, let's go." Daisuke said. It wasn't a long walk. When they got there, it was mostly empty, almost no people at all except for a few workers.

Kurogane stepped into the store first. There was no one in the front, so he yelled out. "Hello?"

They heard footsteps approaching from behind a curtain which closed off the front and the back. An old man entered. "Ah. How may I help you?" He asked with his soft voice.

"We need our swords sharpen." Daisuke said politely.

The old man nodded and told them to follow him to the back. It didn't take long at all, probably an hour most. They paid the old man and left the store.



A voice called him back from his trance. He was thinking about the previous conversation he had with the prince. "What is it Yuui?" Fai asked with his usual silky voice.

"What were you thinking about?" Fai's twin brother, Yuui, asked while plopping a cherry into his mouth. His voice was rather more masculine than Fai's. They sat across from each other in a tea house. They both looked exactly like each other, a perfect replica of each other. However, the only distinguishable trait is their eyes. Although they both have the same blue eye color, Fai possessed a lighter shade.

"Nothing. Just about the prince's request." Fai replied, sipping his tea.

"What was it?" Yuui was the younger one. The prince always summoned Fai for missions or request just because he's older than Yuui. Though, Yuui was never jealous of that. He had always hated the prince.

"He wants me to replace him in the carriage to the castle tomorrow while he rides on horseback." Fai said.

"What!?" Yuui basically screamed. "Did you accept?"

"Yes. I did." Fai answered serenely, not at all affected with the scream. "And keep it down. You hurt my ears." He rubbed his ears with a playful smile on his lean face.

"Aww Fai. You should stop being around him. He always makes you the sacrifice." Yuui whined as he laid his hooded head between his palms.

"I know that. But, I'm fine every time." Fai stated. "So, what are you going to do now?" He asked, avoiding their current topic.

"Nothing, just going to wait for you here. Meanwhile, I'm going to enjoy myself around the city." Yuui grinned.

"Ah, that's good. Stay out of trouble though." He teased. Fai looked past Yuui, only to see someone staring at him. The man's hair was black and the expression on his face was unreadable. He wasn't sure if the man noticed he was caught for staring. Fai shifted his gaze back on his brother.

"I'm old enough to take care of myself." Yuui whined.

"I'm as old as you are." Fai added. "Let's go." He finished his tea. They both stood up and left the tea house. They walked down the street side by side. "I want to go back to the inn."

"Okay." Yuui said. "I need to go to the blacksmith right now. I'll join up with you later then." Fai nodded and they both left separate ways.

Yuui was intrigued with the items on the street. He browsed around and bought whatever he liked. Finishing up, he walked to the blacksmith. When he was 3 houses from the store, he saw 4 men walked out. However, only one caught his eyes. He observed the black-haired male. A dreamy smile spread across his face, cheeks tinted red. It wasn't a fever, it at first sight. The 4 walked in the opposite way from where he stood. His heart stopped the mile beats at the retrieving figured. He smirked happily and made his way to the store.