Chapter 1 ~ Emerald Eyed Thief

"Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody."

Money; whether it was stolen or rightfully earned, whether it was a lot or a little, money governed the life of the people. The control happened at such a subtle and extended degree, they themselves did not notice it, but merely subdued to it like animals, lusting and hungering after it. Money meant power, power meant influence, and influence meant control, with control relying on money, thus forming a vicious cycle into which the whole of the people were born. Few ever saw the chains binding them, and forcing them to lust after the great bitch-goddess, they knew as money. The blind were the kind of people that fell easily enslaved, and once they were enslaved, it was forever.

Then there were the kind that used money as a means to reach the other branches of what they believed to be a tree, not realising that in fact the tree was a circle with had a beginning but no end. These self- deceiving wrecks, lived a life of illusion, believing themselves to be ahead of the enslaved, but not realising they were worse than those they scorned.

A third type were the hypocrites. The ones that said they hated money, yet they employed it to their every purpose. They refused to accept the fact that they were controlled, and proclaimed to the world the evils of the money trap, yet they themselves fell into it each and every single day, forming a paradox of ideologies.

Rare were the people that understood the trap, and saw to benefit from it while not succumbing to the addiction.

A dark figure walked through the early morning crowd. Everywhere around it, people were shoving and pushing, trying to buy the best items off the shelves of the stands. Bargains were being struck, the voices of the merchants rising above the buzz of the customers, and coins echoed loudly as they passed on from one person to the next. A daily trade of services, a simple exchange of money, and one more prostitution to the bitch-goddess. Surrounded in a world of money, the figure did nothing but stare, as it observed the crowd in the market. Opportunities were not meant to be wasted.

The capital city of Fanelia was completely decorated with multi-coloured flags and banners, decreeing the coronation of their new king. Seventeen year-old Van Fanel was to be crowned the king of the country in the late hours of the afternoon. The whole city was heavily partying or preparing for the celebrations that were to ensue. Taverns, bars and shops were full of Fanelians, eating drinking and laughing. The figure pulled the hood of the cloak over its face. In the multi-colored crowd, the black of the cloak stood out like a signal of warning.

"It's a mighty fine day for looting." The figure whispered under its breath, as it collided with an overly large cat man.

A series of grunts and curses ensued from the man, who did not perceive the obstacle amusing. He, like all Fanelians that morning was in a hurry, not wanting to be bothered by trivialities such as the morning crush. The figure on the other hand, smiled oddly under the cloak, the huge folds of the garment twisting slowly, as if movement was going on beneath it.

"Watch where you're going girlie." The man said gruffly, half snarling at her.

"Whatever kitty cat." She mumbled.

"What did you say?" the man asked utterly annoyed by her impertinence.

"Nothing, sir." She whispered humbly and lowered her head. It was best to act humble in these sorts of situations. Cat people were infamous for their fiery temper.

The man looked down at her victoriously, not even feeling her fingers slowly undoing his money pouch and emptying it. The jingle of money was lost in the sea of voices of the crowd; it was one of the beauties of working the morning crush. They were either too sleepy to notice, or they were too busy thinking of the events that were to happen. The cat man moved on, still unaware of the theft committed to his person.

"Sucker…" the girl laughed quietly and continued traversing the crowd. She had a certain perverse satisfaction about taking the money and not being caught. A sense of power seemed to flow through her veins. She, like the rest of the world enjoyed money, and the benefits it brought.

Her slender frame, denoting her teenage age was the perfect disguise against the suspicious victim. The adults rarely suspected the younger generation, believing they had not yet tasted the fruits of money. Young women were believed to be extremely pure and virginal, thus her appearance served to her purpose all the more. Under her cloak, an experienced eye could see the faint shadow of a crossbow, well hidden from the guards' eyes. She wore a pair of brown leather pants, and a tight green shirt that molded on her chest and her slim waist. On her feet, the mere observer saw a pair of nicely crafted brown moccasins, perfectly fit for her small feet. The girl walked through the crowd slowly relieving the people she bumped into of their money. No older than 17, she was already trapped in the same vicious cycle.

"All for a good cause." She muttered as she emptied most of the money in the orphanage's Donation Box. The feeling of power over the unsuspicious was still with her, and it was all that mattered to her. What she did with the money was unimportant, as long as she maintained the high of that feeling. Without any further ado, the young woman slowly walked into a coffee shop a few blocks away from the orphanage.

The building was a small wooden hut-like looking structure, with large windows and thick green curtains. The exterior too was painted a dark shade of green, meant to contrast with the red tiles of the slanted roof. A small terrace with a few tables was up the stairs, to the right of the woman, however she opened the door, and the small bell clinked furiously to announce her entrance.

Inside, the shop was just as miniature and delicate as the outside, seeming like a private place away from the world. The lights were dim, and the smell of coffee assaulted the adventurer right from the door. Slowly roasted, black coffee was the shop's specialty. The young woman inhaled the scented air deeply, before advancing towards the counter

"Hey Nadya." She called out to a busy cat-woman working there.

"Hitomi, there you are, late as usual." The elder cat said with a mock frown on her face. She was – as usual – wearing - over the black dress- her green apron with the words "Nad's Nook" sewed in golden calligraphic letters on her chest. Her long grey hair was tied in a neat bun, and her otherwise expressive plump face showed signs on exhaustion.

"Yeah, I had a little business to take care of." Hitomi answered cryptically.

"Was that so important that you couldn't come give me a hand? You knew very well today was probably the most busy day of the year." The cat woman scolded.

"Sorry Nad. I was doing a little charity work for the orphans." The girl smiled, refusing to reveal her face.

"Are you up to your old habits again?" Nadya stopped what she was doing, walked around the counter and came to stand beside Hitomi.

"What are you implying?" Hitomi asked slightly amused. She knew what the mention of her "old habits" did to Nadya's mood, yet she couldn't bring herself to lie to her friend.

Ever since she had moved to Fanelia two years ago, Nadya had been begging her to get rid of her "sinful" ways. Hitomi had stopped for a while, but the thrill, adventure and lust for power always kept on calling her back. It wasn't like she was keeping all the money for herself! Ever since Hitomi had moved to Fanelia's capital, the city's orphanage had been blessing and unknown benefactor.

"One day, your stealing will get you in trouble." Nadya said wisely.

Hitomi chuckled. "Please, I'm helping those children in any way I can. It's not like 'King Van' cares about the orphans. The pampered royal doesn't know what it's like to be alone in the world." She said, shaking her head bitterly.

"Hitomi! I am appalled! King Van is a good king. I'm sure many things will improve in Fanelia now that he is given full authority." Nadya said firmly. It was just like the cat to believe stubbornly and unconditionally in the young ruler. Hitomi on the other hand, did not share her blind devotion.

"Sure, ever since King Goau and Queen Varie died nothing's been going right in Fanelia. He probably poisoned them to get the power."

Nadya's clawed hand rose up, and with lightning speed slapped her cheek. It left Hitomi a bit dazzled, but it also warned her to contain her bitter comments. Nadya was the type of woman to defend those she believed in to the death. Hitomi had no desire to die. Not yet anyway.

"Oww… what was that for?" Hitomi asked clutching her blistered cheek.

"That's for not having more faith in your king." Nadya said, her green cat-like eyes flaring with anger.

"First of all, I'm not Fanelian. Second of all, I was only joking. You don't need to take it so hard Nad." Hitomi said, still rubbing her now red cheek.

"I don't care if you're Fanelian or not. I won't allow you to talk like that under this roof." The cat said sourly.


"Come on, I've got lots of customers. Come help me, and take that ragged old thing off."

"I'll help you, but the cloak stays." Hitomi grinned sheepishly.


Van Fanel was sitting in his room, looking outside at the city; his city. It had now been two years since his parents had died, and two years of having to listen to the council-appointed regent. It was now the time to take the ruling of his country in his own hands. He didn't like how things had degraded through his kingdom, and he planned on making many changes in the months to come. First on his agenda was getting rid of the regent. That old crow still hung around, waiting for a chance to grab some power. Van sat down on his bed, and passed a hand though his unruly raven hair. Slowly, he walked to his dresser, and took out the ceremonial armour he was supposed to wear. Piece by piece he strapped it on.

"This is for you dad, and this is for you mom. I hope you're happy amongst the gods." He thought. The wounds, although sealed, still burned deep in his heart. Time would only soothe them, but they would never be erased from it. The young king's chocolate gaze darkened, and the memories washed over his face, like the cold ocean waves wash over the sand.

"For my country."

"For my people."

"For our honour."

Van silently uttered the samurai's prayer he had learned as a young boy. Before he was a king, he was a warrior, and before he was a warrior, he was a man. Now was the time to step up and carry all the responsibilities on his shoulders.

"Lord Van, hurry!" Merle, his adopted cat-girl sister burst into the room, and leaped on him from behind.

"Merle, as a future monarch I must have poise, and I must keep others waiting. Now let go of me." Van said sternly, as the unglued the cat-woman from his arm.

"Lord Van, it's your coronation, you don't want to miss it." she scolded, in her own feminine way.

Van glared at his younger pink-haired companion. Over the years, Merle had turned into a teenage cat of the most stunning splendor. She had gained a tall slender form, and her pink hair only grew longer and richer. He smiled, thinking how many heads she must have turned in the peach dress she was wearing.

Merle was all he had left, and he was grateful for her. If it weren't for Merle, he doubted he'd have any sanity left. The grief would have been overwhelming for him to bear alone. First thing he would do, would be to give her a position of more prestige. Maybe turn her from an adopted sister into a princess…

"Mhm…" Van agreed absent-mindedly.

"Come on, now that you put on your armour, let's go!" Merle exclaimed and impulsively pushed him out the door.

"That's enough Merle." Van said firmly, yet a sly grin adorned his face. Merle was his one weakness, and no matter what she would do, he could never stay mad at her. Of course, she was only adding to his nervousness at the moment, but Van still couldn't find it in his heart to be firmer. Sometimes, just sometimes, Merle went too far. He was grateful she was at least there though.

They walked through the halls of the palace silently, fearing to disturb the ghosts of the castle. The place was a grand marble and granite structure, where every echo seemed to have a whisper of it's own.

The ceremony took place outside, in the main plaza, on top of the platform specifically designated for coronations. The sun was beating right on Van, creating a golden halo illusion appear atop his head; it was also making him boil in his armour, as he kneeled in front of the Elder to receive the symbol of his power – the sword of Fanelia.

"And do you swear loyalty, honor and respect to your people?" the old man asked, his voice booming over the silent crowd. He was wearing a long black robe, and his gray eyes were set on Van's chocolate ones like a hawk's on a mouse's.

"I do." Van whispered hoarsely.

"Then I hereby decree you king of Fanelia. Your majesty." He said, and gave him the sword, bowing and kneeling at his feet.

Van took the precious weapon and turned around, a solemn look decorating his face. Then, as the ritual decreed, he cut his thumb, letting the blood run on the blade of the sword, making it all shine onto the crowd.

"Rise." He told the elder. The man rose. "I, Van Slanzar de Fanel, promise to do all I can to protect Fanelia and its people." Van said, and attached the sword's sheath to his waist.

"Yeah right…liar." Hitomi said as she walked through the crowd gathering their money. She had briefly stopped to listen the young man's bold words, but found herself unimpressed by them. Fake promises, that's what they were. She looked up, her emerald eyes shining from the darkness of her cloak, and for a moment, it was like he was looking straight at her. Like he was singling her out from the crowd. It was something Hitomi had never felt before. His words came tumbling down on her, shattering the moment, and leaving her a bit dizzy. There was something about him. Something she couldn't make out. "It's nothing. He didn't even see you. You're imagining it." she told herself.

Hitomi continued to "work" the crowd. When she felt she had enough, she went back to Nadya's shop, not forgetting to stop by the orphanage, to make her second contribution for that day.

"Are you ready to go?" the cat asked her, when the small bell on the door announced Hitomi's entrance.

"Where are we going?" Hitomi asked.

"Well, if you would have took the time to learn Fanelia's customs, instead of spending your time robbing its people, you would have known that the common folk are allowed in the gardens for the coronation party. I plan on attending. Are you coming?"

The girl just shrugged, and followed her cat-companion. Whatever worked for her. After all, she hadn't seen the royal gardens before. Who knew what important flowers grew there and could be sold on the black market for a fair price? Those salesmen never asked questions.

"Oh, and you're going to behave yourself when you're with me. I have a good reputation in this city, and will not stand to see it tarnished." Nadya told her firmly, however the notes of amusement were present in her tone.

"Anything for you Nad." Hitomi smiled back at the cat-woman. Her stern words never bothered the young woman, since they displayed Nadya's profound care for her person. After all, thieves were hung in public for the world to humiliate.

Hitomi cared a lot for Nadya, – more than she cared to admit - because the cat woman had done quite a lot for her during the past two years; starting with saving her life. Hitomi might have been ruthless where money and thieving was concerned, however she did retain some notions of gratitude.

When she had first come to Fanelia, two years before, Nadya became her saviour. The merchant that employed her "services" suddenly decided to start a clean life, and wanted to rid himself of the evidence. Hitomi unsuspectingly went to meet her employer, and received a completely different sort of welcome. Bleeding in a back alley, Hitomi had thought she was meeting death head to head. Luckily, Nadya had found her and nursed her back to health. Ever since then, Hitomi had become a silent part of the cat's household. Nadya was a woman to her tastes, for she never asked questions. In time, a small friendship had blossomed between the two, and Hitomi's silence had broken down somewhat.

She was conscious that if not for the cat-woman, she would never had made it past her sixteenth summer. Gratitude towards Nadya was the reason Hitomi stayed in Fanelia; one of the reasons anyway. The truth was that she had nowhere to go, so Hitomi figured she might as well stay where she was. Most people knew of the green-eyed girl who suddenly appeared in Nadya's shop, though none of them knew of her interesting occupation. Generally, her presence issued confusion, as she displayed ans overly polite and quiet front. Some of them found their funds considerably depleted after a visit to Nad's Nook, but they never attributed the occurrences to the gentle girl living with the most honest woman in town. What better disguise for her line of work?

"Yeah, so you better not steal anything." Nadya said pointing an accusatory finger in Hitomi's face.

"Don't worry, I won't!" she put her hands up in retreat, still grinning.

Nadya smiled. "That's my girl, you know Hitomi, before I met you, I had the dullest life ever. Ever since you came into my life, it's been very interesting."

"Thank you Nad, I'm glad you found me when you did." Hitomi confessed.

"You never told me what happened." The cat hinted.

"Oh, I see, you're bored again and you're hunting for information." Hitomi smiled knowingly. Somehow Nadya had maneuvered Hitomi into saying much more about her past than she had ever told anyone.

"Well, you can't blame a cat for trying." Nadya laughed as she wobbled beside the young woman. "Ah, my aching bones…" she trailed off.

"Well, I worked for him, but he decided to just stab me and let me die. He figured it was safer that way. I found out afterwards he had gone clean. Stupid fool of a man… he could have just paid me and told me to leave." Hitomi said sourly.

"How did you get involved with such a dangerous man in the first place? A young girl like you… I'd have thought you were some blue blooded noble by the look of you."

Hitomi remained silent for a while, the memories playing before her eyes. It all felt like yesterday to her, the anger, the pain, and the helplessness. "No, it's all over now. It happened for a purpose."

"My..fath…." the words choked in Hitomi's throat before she could finish her sentence. "I can't…" Silently, she headed out of the shop, and waited for Nadya to follow. For a while, no words passed between the two, as they walked down the beautifully decorated street.

"Well, now you have me." The cat said, grabbing Hitomi's elbow fiercely.

With no family of her own, Nadya enjoyed doting over her adoptive daughter – or so she liked to think of Hitomi. Stubborn and pig-headed, they were both very alike, only the cat was wiser in years. An odd pact of friendship had formed between them, one that Nadya would even go so far to call mother-daughter love.

"Yes… well… here's a present for you." Hitomi said, producing a fat pouch filled with coins, which she then thrust in Nadya's hands.

"Where did you get this from?" Nadya asked incredulously. The girl had not even moved from her side, yet she now produced a fat bag of money.

"Oh, some fat baron was waltzing by. I decided he needed to make a donation. Don't worry. I left him enough to spend on his liquor." Hitomi laughed.

"You promised!" Nadya mumbled.

"I'll stop now. It's just that he had so much money, I couldn't resist." Hitomi told the woman, stretching her fingers before her eyes.

"Well, I don't care what you do with it. I won't have it." she said and placed the bag back in Hitomi's hands.

"Nad, please I did it for you. This way you can hire yourself someone to help you in the shop. Please."

"No, I don't need any help, and plus I've got you haven't I?"

"Nadya, please. I might not always be around, and you're not as young as you were. This will be enough to hire yourself someone trustworthy." Hitomi insisted.

"No. I refuse to take it. It's not honestly earned." The cat hardheadedly stuck to her point.

"Yes it's hard earned. A thief pays for every measure of his skill with his dreams and his future. He sacrifices everything to become one with the night, to acquire the skill. It's earned through backbreaking exercise and conditioning. Never, refuse a thief's offers, for he does not make them twice." Hitomi said hotly. "Nadya, please take it." she then added quietly. "I want you to have it."

The cat-woman shot Hitomi a side-glance. "I never knew…" she thought and finally accepted the bag of money.


Later that night, Hitomi was quietly admiring the exquisite beauty of the Fanelian gardens. Lost in her own thoughts, thoughts generated by the tranquility of the moment, Hitomi broke off from the main tour, to explore the gardens on her own. The two moons were gloriously lending their silver light, to further beautify the coronation party of King Van, and adding a further mystery to the Fanelian castle. Hitomi aimlessly walked around, admiring the sheer beauty of the place. The roses were in full bloom, and there was an abundance of rose bushes in the particular section where she was located. The small paved walkway twisted and turned around them, almost as if enchanting them to forever bloom with such gigantic blossoms.

"All roses have thorns…" Hitomi muttered, almost as if replying to her own inner voice, in an attempt to invalidate something it was probably saying.

"This place is a little corner of heaven. I've long forgotten such majestic beauty. This, this is something to fight for. This is all that will remain, long after the people will have gone. I wish, I wish I could see more of this beauty, but I know, that it is not possible. I have to carry the weight of my life on my shoulders and my shoulders alone. It's not anyone's concern. It's best if I just fade away, like always, cast from the night, belonging to the night, never to anyone else." Hitomi thought. She longingly looked at the castle. What enchanting sights were locked away in its towers?

Common folk weren't allowed to enjoy the party of royalty. Instead, they were given the unique opportunity to see the gardens. "I'll never get this close to a castle before, why don't I just go in? I'm not going to steal anything. I'll just look around." Hitomi continued thinking, as she stared at the solid building of limestone. "Well why not. It's a challenge."

With her mind set, the young woman marched towards the castle. It was in the late hours of the night, when most of the honest working folk had gone home. Of course the party still raged on inside, and proof of that were the drunken sleeping guards at the entrance to the palace from the gardens. It wouldn't be any trouble to sneak though those doors and into the castle. All Hitomi wanted to do was take a look around; and then go home.

The dark cloaked figure slowly crept passed the sleeping guards. Hugging the walls tightly, and stepping into the shadows, she made her way to the entrance. Loud snores welcomed her, and one candle slightly flickered as she safely made her way inside.

Once there, Hitomi couldn't believe her eyes. She found herself in a huge marble corridor, with doors on either side. Small torches lighted the way, and statues stood at attention on both sides of the huge hall. A set of tired footsteps echoed lazily on the marble, and Hitomi quickly faded into a shadowy niche. Who knew what the penalty for invading the castle was? She stood still and held her breath as the guard passed by whistling a slow song.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Hitomi quietly opened one of the doors and looked inside. What she saw was a pantry filled with flour, apples and other dry fruits as well as cooking materials. She shut the door, disappointed at her discovery. It wasn't what she had hoped to see. Quickly, before the guard could return, Hitomi climbed a narrow stairway, that took he to the second level of the castle. There, the corridors were just as big, only the floors were carpeted with rich wool carpets.

"Hmm… these must be the sleeping quarters." Hitomi thought. With the echo of her footsteps swallowed by the thick carpets, Hitomi moved about much faster. She opened a few doors, and stumbled upon a few dining rooms, a closed garden, and a few sleeping fat lords with their sleazy wives. Apparently the party had broken up early, as most of them had drunk themselves into a stupor. Time passed quickly, as she viewed the castle room by room.

"Oh god, I think I'm lost!" Hitomi muttered under her breath, as she took a left, hoping to find some sort of exit. However, she entered another hall, where she saw two guards walking towards her, engaged in an amiable chat. Quickly, Hitomi opened the door to her right, and stepped in. She found herself in a dimly lit anti-chamber. Holding her breath, Hitomi took another step, and bumped into a chair.

"Shit." She muttered under her breath. As her eyes adjusted to the darker room, Hitomi recognised an opening – which she took for a door- that led to another chamber. She slowly walked into the other room, pausing at the door to inspect the new surroundings. It was bigger than the anti-chamber; it was actually a bedroom. The soft breathing of an occupant reached the thief's ears. Hitomi looked around, and saw a huge four-post bed in the middle of the room, right near the window. On the adjacent wall, she saw a huge dresser, and right besides the opening, she saw a desk. On the desk was a nicely decorated sword. Hitomi slowly stepped inside, curious to see the sleeping figure on the bed. However, the corner of her eye caught the gleaming sword on the desk. Carefully, Hitomi stepped in. She took note not to touch the clothes scattered on the floor. Quietly, she walked to the desk, and unsheathed the sword. The bold symbol struck her eye.

"No, no way, it can't be." She whispered, taking a step back. "I've stumbled into King Van's bedroom." She let out a dry chuckle. The irony of it all struck her, and it was all Hitomi could do not to burst out laughing.

The figure in the bed stirred, but did not wake. "Hmm… I heard that he's a good soldier. He must be really tired not to feel my presence in here." She thought.

Still holding the sword, Hitomi walked towards Van's bed. From between the ivory sheets, she saw the unruly black strands of hair belonging to the king. The young man fascinated Hitomi. She had never seen a sleeping person, and King Van looked so peaceful when he slept; like an angel. She smiled, and began raising her hand, trying to remove some of the strands of hair, to see his face better. She stopped, when the king stirred, and turned face up, as if he were looking at her though his sealed eyelids. With the rays of the moon brushing past his face, Hitomi didn't know what she was looking at. Was it his soul? Or just his sleeping figure. She had to admit he looked very handsome, yet so innocently asleep. Van stirred, mumbling some indecipherable words.


The figure came towards him, covered by the black cloak. He smiled and ran towards her, but he felt immense sadness irradiate from her. In a whisk of the wind she was gone, and all he was left with was the glow of her emerald eyes, and the smell of her wonderful sandy hair.

"No, please Hitomi come back!" he yelled.


Hitomi gasped in shock, as she retreated to the shadows. Was she dreaming? Or did she hear the king mutter her name amongst a whole line of desperate words. She didn't know why, but her heart went out him. There he was all alone, battling the demons of his dreams. Hitomi knew that in life you could run, but when you went to bed at night, you'd still have to face the demons in your mind. She could feel the anguish in his voice as he called after that woman, or after whomever he called. She almost wanted to wake him up, and to tell him it was all a dream, but she wasn't sure she could make up a legible explanation about how she got there in the first place. She retreated to the shadows, thinking of a way to leave the palace unseen.

"I'm feeling sympathy for a stranger? When did I ever feel sympathy for a stranger. Really… today has been too odd." She chastised herself, for her previous thoughts. "I do not feel sympathy for strangers."

As Hitomi was thinking up a plan, she kept on watching the sleeping king. After a few more tosses and turns, he had settled into what seemed like an exhausted sleep. It was then that she saw the shadow on the balcony. At first, Hitomi thought it was nothing, but then the door from the balcony to the room opened, and she saw another person dressed all in black enter the room. She kept quiet, as she observed the intruder.

"Ah, King Van Fanel, you'll hold the record for the shortest ruler ever to rule the rich land of Fanelia." The voice muttered menacingly. Slowly, the stranger unsheathed his sword, and prepared to strike the king.

"No!" Hitomi screamed as she bolted out of her seat, and with Van's sword, she blocked the deadly blow. "What do you think you're doing you murderer?" she called out. With a force unknown to her, she raised the sword and, like many times before prepared to apply the final blow.

For a moment, time seemed to slow down, and Hitomi paused to reflect on what she was doing. "I'm fighting for this strange king. This king I scorned just today. Sword fighting… for a stranger… me.."

Further external thoughts were gone from Hitomi's mind, as the assassin blocked her blow, and began his own attack moves. He used a strange style, very different from hers, and Hitomi had to take the time to adapt. She had to use all her concentration to keep from being slashed into two. The man was an expert, way above Hitomi's level of fighting knowledge.

As he pushed her backwards and charged, Hitomi rolled on the carpet, and ended up in the back of her attacker. She then hit him strongly, slashing his left arm. Hot blood gushed out and spilt on the carpet. The man swore, and turned around, the deadly edge of his sword aiming straight for Hitomi's neck. Just then, a dagger sliced the air, diverting the sword's dooming path. With a fierce cry, and ignoring the aching pain in her arm, Hitomi charged again, slashing the man's right arm. This time however, she felt how the sword cut the flesh to the bone, and how it scraped on it, with a sound that made Hitomi's skin all goose bumpy. In a flash, he was gone, jumping off the balcony into the soft mossy earth of the garden. Hitomi stood in the middle of the room, catching her breath. She noticed her cloak was slashed beneath her left shoulder, and hot blood trickled down her arm, staining both her shirt and cloak. Van's sword fell to the floor with a muffled thump, as Hitomi collapsed to her knees. She then grabbed her left arm, trying to stop the bleeding.

"He was good. So very good."

"Who in the devil's name are you?" Van asked though drowsy eyes, yet still maintaining his royal tone.

"Who I am is not important your majesty. I shall be going now." Hitomi said quickly and got to her feet, still clinging to her left arm.

"Like hell you will. Who are you, and what are you doing in this room?" he asked annoyed at her answer.

Hitomi turned around, and faced Van, her green eyes thundering, the swishing of her cloak slicing the air.

"Listen you conceited little jerk. I just busted my butt trying to save your skin. I do think I deserve some sort of apology. If it weren't for me you'd be sleeping in a box for the rest of your life." she bit back, her eyes flaring with anger. She was right when she called him an idiot. This was to be Fanelia's future king? Ha! He was a joke; a mere puppet to be used by the council and then discarded once it served their purpose.

Van gasped, as he looked at her shining green eyes, and short sandy hair. She was the girl from his dream! Or at least the eyes and the hair fit perfectly. He walked closer to her, dominating her with his height.

"Listen girl, I don't care what you did. You had no right to be here. And just so you know, you ruined my plans. I felt him creep up on me, and was going to jab the dagger in his throat. But now I've lost him because of you. Now tell me who you are, or else I'll have you thrown in the dungeons." He said in a dangerously low voice. No matter how beautiful she was, she had managed to get in his room undetected. Before he thanked her, he wanted to be sure of her loyalty. To his surprise, he heard a bitter laugh escape her throat.

"Your stupid dungeons don't scare me. I've seen worse! Heck, I've been in worse! My name is Hitomi Kanzaki your majesty." She said, and bowed. However, the loss of blood was great, and Hitomi felt herself swoon over to one side.

Van gasped, as he heard the girl's first name. What kind of joke was this? He saw her bow, and then swoon over, and he dived to catch her in his arms. He cradled her close, as he noticed her bloodied hand.

"By the gods girl, you're hurt!" Van exclaimed, as he saw more warm blood gush out of Hitomi's cut.

"Give the man a prize, he's figured it out!" she managed to say sarcastically, as she faded into oblivion.

"Hitomi!" Van yelled. He cradled her in his arms, picked her up, and put her on his bed. He then ripped a piece of silk from his bed sheets and tied it around her wound.

To Be Continued…

Author's Note

Hey, as you have probably guessed, this is an AU (alternate universe) fic. You can call it completely and totally AU because Van and Hitomi are older than in the series, and have very different personalities. This chapter has been edited from what it was, as I am trying to do to all of them. This is why –as I go ahead and do it – you might notice a slight style change and all. *sighs* Sorry, but it takes time 'n all. I think I should warn you before you go on. In this story, everything changes. Prepare to meet the same characters portrayed under very different lights, and with very different personalities. Underneath everything that I add, you will still be able to recognize the personalities they had in the series. I have however, twisted and warped this Escaflowne Fanfiction. Not everyone is who they seem. Both the earth and the Gaea characters exist in Gaea. I have taken the liberty to create four new different countries, just because the story's going to revolve around them. The fanfiction is for mature readers only, readers that can accept a different view of everything, and that wish to have a dive into the minds of our beloved Esca characters. I thank you for all the comments I have received so far, and it is them that prompted me to begin editing this as soon as possible. Thank you once again, and for the first timers here, I hope you enjoy your stay.