Kuroi-Yasha: Sorry, not an update perse, but I fixed everything that was wrong with the previous version of this chapter since I had so many people telling me it was bad and had many errors. I was using a new typing program and apparently FF. NET didn't take it too well, so here it is new and fully corrected. ENJOY!

DISCLAIMER: I DONT OWN NARUTO. Never have, never will. I only write for fun and to hopefully entertain. I make no money whatsoever on this fic.

I would also like to thank my beta who is always doing his best to make my horrible writting legible. Link to him is on my bio page.

Final Straw 

By: Kuroi-Yasha 
Chapter 5: Crimson Dawn 

How long How long Will I slide?
I separate my side
I don't I don't believe it's fair Slitting my throat is all I ever

-Otherside by the Red Hot Chili Peppers 

"Well you sure are fucked this time brat."

The irritatingly smug voice of the Kyuubi no Kitsune taunted from within Naruto's mind. However, unlike other times in the past, the young blond did not rebuke or in anyway respond to the demon-lord's usual taunts. This time, Naruto couldn't argue with the fox for the simple reason that the fox was absolutely right. The young jinchuuriki could not deny the foxs words no matter how much he wished he could. Sighing sadly, he merely rested his head against the cold walls of his cell. In actuality, this was kind of ironic for the young Naruto; here he was, the container locked away in a cell made just for him.

Again Naruto said nothing as he looked out of the small window, towards the pale full moon that slowly began to glow brighter in the darkening sky, that they had been kind (sadistic) enough to give him. His guards telling him, as they shackled him to the walls, to enjoy what little time he had left because when he saw the light of day, it would quite literally be the last time he saw it.'So is this how it ends? Was Otou-sans sacrifice for nothing?' He could hear the dark chuckles of the Kyuubi grow louder as his thoughts reached it. This time however it was the demon that said nothing, but his laughter was response enough, a cruel laugh that was like a slap in the face.

Resigning himself for what was to come, the young blond closed his eyes, a sad grin appearing on his face. 'At least I take you with me. That's a bit of a consolation. Hope you had fun in your cell fuzz-ball 'cause in a few hours we're both toast.' This time, instead of laughter he was greeted with a snarl and loud cursing as the fox tried everything in the book to try and escape. 'I resent that you never even knew my mother.' Regardless, the Kyuubi continued to insult anything and everything it could as it bashed against the bars of his prison.

A feeling of hot rage, not his own however, passed thru the young boy as the Kyuubi's demonic chakra flowed thru his body and down his arms towards the shackles that kept him imprisoned. However it was about as effective as it had been with his own chakra, meaning it did nothing. If anything, Naruto observed, it actually seemed to make the restraints that much more resilient. Growing tired, the blond closed his azure eyes, for what might very be the last time. His last sight before sleep took him was the pale moon in the sky, and his last thought oddly enough was of the young Hyuuga he'd befriended, if only for a little. 'Hinata-chan I'm sorry I didn't mean to grope you.'

'Irony is a bitch ain't it?'




"SURROUND HIM! DO NOT LET HIM ESCA AAARRGHH!"His inner thoughts were not betrayed by his outer ecstatic farce as he consumed what the other's in the group could only call an ungodly amount of instant ramen. Still, his old self had loved the instant lunch to almost a fanatical level. Over time however he'd come to realize, with the help of the Kyuubi, that the food did nothing in the means of providing him the necessary proteins for strong growth and in actuality only stunted it due to the large amounts of sodium involved. And so, he steadily grew more accustomed to 'healthier' foods, and within months he could actually feel his body becoming stronger. As time passed, due to his better diet and rigid training regime, he steadily changed from the scrawny undersized boy, to a taller, stronger and all around better Naruto.

The screams and yells startled the young blond from his slumber as he stood on shaky legs. He couldn't see very far, but he could see the guards scrambling to and fro at high speeds. Clearly someone was doing something illegal. And he could only hope that they were somehow trying to help him. Though with his luck it would probably turn out to be someone that wanted to kill the 'demon' personally. And so sighing he walked from the window and sat back down, he would either be rescued, or he would be killed. Perhaps it was the weariness or the chakra suppressors but at the moment both possibilities sounded good to him. As such he was only mildly surprised when the wall to his immediate right exploded and in flew several pieces of chakra suppressing rock and quite a few 'incapacitated' Uchiha.

He could not however conceal his happiness as the familiar ANBU stood before him. "Ohayo Naruto-kun." Was all the Kitsune said as he freed the child from his shackles before tossing three kunai at the exact moment a guard rounded the corner. Naruto wasn't stupid, he knew what death was and knew that killing ninja of your village was a quick and surefire way to get yourself marked as a nukenin, but as he watched the life leave the eyes of the guard he couldn't help but feel a small twinge of elation at the mans death.

"We must hurry, it will only be a matter of time before the rest of the village shinobi arrive and even I am no match for all of them together without help."

Nothing further was needed as Naruto nodded to his savior and quickly picked the kunai out of the guard's corpse and pocketed them. There was no way the village would kill him without a fight.


'Such a vile, disgusting form of edible garbage'

Despite his current dislike for the sodium-saturated meal, he had to keep up his appearance as much as possible so as to not draw unnecessary suspicion. Despite how it had looked on the bridge in his brief skirmish with the members of Akatsuki he had only won that battle because he had caught them unawares and, with a lot of help from the fox, had managed to trick them into believing that 'Konoha's Yellow Flash' was still alive and working against them. In fact all he had really done was used a well placed Shunshin laced with a highly complex genjutsu in order to imitate the 'Hiraishin no jutsu' that the Yondaime was famous for. The Rasengan had however been done by himself thanks to the Kyuubi. In actuality when he considered everything he had been extremely lucky that the Kyuubi, being a Kitsune, had been able to provide him with an illusion that not even the Byakugan nor the Sharingan had been able to penetrate. Still, He mused as he began his final cup of ramen, 'That isnt something I must rely on. It drains a lot of chakara and is very hard to keep up for longer than three minutes.'

Sighing in satisfaction the blond rose to his feet, "Man am I stuffed! Well then, should we continue on to the hell hole?" Quite a few glares followed his statement as Yume walked to his side and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Naruto-kun, I don't think its wise for you to keep insulting our home village like that" The blonds' smile left his face only to be replaced with a cold glare, "What exactly are you trying to insinuate with that? I don't belong to that shit hole of a village. Maybe at one point in time I inhabited that place you people call 'home' but that all changed on that wonderful day that the village council ordered an eight year old child to be executed or did you happen to forget Yume-san?"

The blond snarled as he broke free from her grasp and continued on his way towards the gates of the village.

The older woman looked away from the boy as an aloof-looking Kakashi walked up next to her an placed a reassuring hand on her, "He'll be fine, I didn't really expect him to be particularly enthusiastic in returning to the village that treated him like dirt for eight years of his life before trying to kill him. If anything I think he's taking it fairly well." His words did little to reassure the tokubetsu-jounin as she followed the silver-haired Hatake with an oddly reserved teams Seven and Eight and Haku following.


Konohagakure no Saito had changed very little in the years that he had been banished from it. Or to be precise the years in which he had fled from the accursed village in order to remain alive. He slowly approached the gates and examined his surroundings. The gates before him were open and if he wanted to he could most likely sneak past the guards and meet the old man without anyone being the wiser, but he didn't want to risk being prematurely killed for any of the many reason's that the village could and probably would come up with. So being the good 'guest' he was, he stood waiting even as the Chuunin guards glared at him suspiciously. Before they could question him however, from the forest emerged first the Copy-Cat Hatake Kakashi, then the Medic-nin Katsuragi Yume followed by teams Seven and Eight respectively. Sparing a glance from his book the silver-haired Jounin gave the guards a small wave before putting a hand on the young Uzumaki's shoulder and leading him inside the village.

Inside the village, the young Uzumaki began to notice that no one paid any attention to him. In the past just stepping into the streets was more than enough to get him stoned half to death. Now however he could clearly see that no one paid him any mind. Perhaps it was because of the Ninja entourage he was traveling with or (more than likely) it was the lack of his horrendous former jumpsuit that had him sticking out and into their vision, either way the blond found he could tolerate being in the village when he wasn't being threatened with certain death around every corner. Out of the corner of his eye he could see a couple of villagers setting up decorations for an upcoming festival. His eyes narrowed as he could think of only one festival that all of Konoha's citizens participated in. Scoffing, he set his eyes back on the path he was walking with his assigned escort, "Stupid villagers." He muttered as he saw one of villagers nail a dead fox to a tree. Chancing a look, the elder Jounin grimaced at some of the villager's more questionable traditions.

'I take it back. At this rate we'll be lucky if he doesn't go on a killing spree by the end of the week.'

Much to the relief of the older shinobi they quickly arrived at the Hokage's tower and filled in. "Alright, Genin follow me, we'll be reporting to Hokage-sama first about our mission, then Katsuragi-chan and Uzumaki-san will enter for a private meeting."

Nodding the groups separated and the blue haired heiress turned once more to look at the stranger that so much resembled and claimed to be the boy she had at some point been smitten with. "You okay Hin?" A concerned Kiba voiced as he noticed the girl falling behind. "Hai, Kiba do you really think can it really be him?" The Inuzuka raised an eyebrow, but quickly realized what his teammate was asking. In response the brown haired boy shrugged, "I dunno my memory of him is kinda fuzzy, its almost like it was removed." He fell quiet at the end of his statement, it wasn't long before another voice interjected, "It's him alright." The apathetic voice of the Uchiha caused the heiress to glare up at him, she still hadn't forgiven him but no longer felt a need to murder him; for the moment. The raven haired avenger ignored her scathing look and turned his head to look at her slightly. "I remembered him form after our little scuffle." He refused to admit he'd been beaten; he was merely caught off guard.

Looking back ahead as they reached the doors of the Hokage's office he fell back into place with his team, "Either way the Hokage will most likely confirm it sooner or later. Then we'll see if he really is the Kitsune." The last part was said with such contempt and hatred that even Hinata shivered a little. The hatred of the Kyuubi wasn't something that was exactly a secret in the village anymore, not since Naruto's supposed 'execution'. After that the council had publicly repealed the Sandaime's law and told everyone that the Kyuubi no Kitsune was finally dead. With her memory restored, Hinata now finally understood why her childhood crush had been hated so viciously and treated worse that an animal; to the villagers he was the demon incarnate. Her resolve settled, she decided she would have to speak with him if she was going to get anywhere.

As her attention returned to the group, she was surprised to find that she'd been so entranced in thought that most of the meeting had already passed and all that was left was to settle on what to do with the young faux-hunter-nin. "Very interesting. Well, I have no doubt that the council will be eager to add you to our ninja ranks as well as have you set up your own clan. However this is all up to you. Moreover judging from Kakashi's report you easily qualify as a Chuunin so the decision is entirely up to you. What do you wish to do Haku-san?" All eyes turned to the quiet ice maiden as she looked down. "I I am uncertain. I thank you for your kindness and compassion, however I am still unsure of what I want. Might I be allowed some time to decide?" The elderly Hokage nodded as he looked to the silver haired copy-cat, "Very well. Kakashi, might I be able to count on you to watch over the young Haku?" The younger man slumped slightly but agreed nonetheless, 'And here I had been hoping to finally catch up on my reading. Yare yare'

Smiling, Sarutobi turned to the gathered shinobi and muttered the words they all wanted to hear the most, "Well done everyone, dismissed."

No sooner had the doors closed that they opened again and in walked a boy he hadn't seen in five long years, "Its been a long time toshiyori (Old man)." The elderly Hokage's smile widened at the familiar term and quickly walked over and embraced the young jinchuuriki. "Yes it has Naruto, far too long for this old man. Now tell me, how have you been? I know life must have been hard for you. I cannot ask for you to forgive me for failing you when you needed me most." The young blond smiled sincerely at the Hokage before he stepped back and bowed, "You don't need to apologize toshiyori; hell if it wasn't for you I would have died that night. Anyways, I've been okay and now thanks to those shinobi you've freed my home from that troublesome Gatou. However, I have a feeling that you called me here today for more than just pleasantries. And if I am to assume correctly you want me to come back to the village don't you?"

The eldest Sarutobi sighed as he walked back to his seat, "Yes Naruto you have indeed assumed correctly. I know you do not wish to return to this village after all that it has done to you, but I must implore you to reconsider for your own safety." The blond looked away and walked towards a portrait of the Shodaime, "By this I assume you mean the threat posed by Akatsuki?" The shocked look on the two adults in the room were all he needed to see, "Yes, I know of Akatsuki. In fact I know more about them than even I find comfortable. Regardless of whether I am a match for them or not isn't the problem, the problem is that you believe that eventually they will capture me and use me for an unknown purpose. Despite all this, even if you were to explain everything to the council and the village I doubt they would welcome back the Kyuubi no Kitsune with open arms. So I have to ask toshiyori, what's your plan?" And as soon as those words left Naruto's mouth he regretted them, for the smile the Sandaime gave him sent shivers down his spine.


The days passed much too slowly for the Hyuuga heiress' taste. Even more infuriating than the seemingly drawn out passage of time was the fact that no matter how hard she tried, she had been unable to locate the blond haired jinchuuriki that never seemed to leave her mind. 'And those dreams' She was powerless to stop the blush that threatened to consume her as images of her rather risqué fanta er dreams flashed in her mind's eyes. 'Stupid Kiba is beginning to rub off on me.' Speaking of the ninken he was currently one of the many banes of her existence as he was once again trying to get her to agree to go on a date with him, "Come on Hin! The festival is tomorrow, I know you're planning on going. Wouldn't it be easier if we went together?" She had to admit he was determined and tenacious in trying to get a date with her, but unfortunately she wasn't in the mood to put up with him. "ENOUGH ALREADY!" She cried exasperated as she rounded on the Inuzuka, "I've told you countless times that I will only date someone who is stronger than me, and so far the only ones to do so are Kurenai-sensei and Haku-san. So until you beat me, stop pestering me!"

A rush of wind was all the warning she received before she was nearly impaled by a pair of kunai that missed her head by millimeters cutting strands of her hair. "Well, never thought I'd have to fight you. I thought for sure you were crooked." An irradiated growl was all she received as a response before she again moved her head to avoid another swarm of kunai, this time however she noticed thin threads wrapped around the metallic instruments. "Katon: Gamayu Endan (Fire Style: Fire Blowing)." A stream of flames raced down the oil drenched ropes and quickly ensnared her in a deadly embrace. As the flames cleared, a scorched log was now in place of the Hyuuga heiress as the dark haired Uchiha dodged to the side and avoided a potentially lethal Jyuuken strike. Moving with the natural flow of his body, the Uchiha's leg shot out with frightening accuracy as it connected with an audible thud with the Hyuugas ribs sending her reeling quite a few meters.

A hiss of pain escaped her as she retook her stance, "Not that I really care, but why did you suddenly decide to challenge me? I thought that things like dates and girls were 'trivial and pointless' according to you." The Uchiha said nothing as he charged at the slightly younger kunoichi, his fist shooting into a lightning fast jab that was deflected by his opponent and quickly countered only to be parried by his own defense. Ducking under a strike, he made a hook at his opponents exposed side, only to be rewarded with an unbelievably fast roundhouse kick to his face. Dodging the follow up, he quickly put some space between them with a couple of shuriken as he flashed thru several hand signs, "Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)." The immense fireball that rushed towards her was bigger than normal, there was no doubt that it would kill her if she didn't avoid it or block it, but at the current distance she couldn't substitute or jump out of the way so she had only one other option, "KAITEN! (Rotation)" The shell of pure rotating chakra quickly snuffed out the fireball that had threatened her life. Unfortunately, the Kaiten's weakness was that it left the user momentarily disoriented, and she'd seen Sasuke's eyes when he launched the attack, they were blood red, he had his Sharingan.

'That's why he's fighting me now, with his Sharingan he knows that he is on even grounds with my Byakugan. I'll have to finish this quickly or I'll lose in terms of chakra capacity.'

However the minutes dragged by and Hinata found her situation growing more and more desperate. She could hear Kiba shouting encouragement from the sidelines, but it did little to help her. In terms of strength and chakra he had the obvious advantage, she had speed and flexibility, but with her chakra running low things were looking grim. Cursing as she dodged another hail of kunai and was forced to take several body blows followed by a vicious uppercut, against her will she staggered backwards and fell to a knee. "K-kuso..." she muttered as she tried to stand. As she struggled to gather herself up the Uchiha avenger landed in front of her, his smirk taunting her as his Sharingan spun mockingly. "Well, it seems that I was too much for you. I'm slightly disappointed that you didn't put up a better fight, but then again you certainly outclass the rest of the kunoichi in our class and I am an Uchiha after all. So do you surrender yet or do I have to render you unconscious?" The smugness in his voice only served to irritate her. Now she knew how Kiba felt, the irony of this fact was not lost on her.

"Go fuck yourself princess this isn't over." His scowl and angry snarl were worth the pain that his next attack brought. Crashing against the trunk of a tree she could feel herself losing the battle with unconsciousness.

'I guess I'm no match for him after all, huh? Gomen Naruto-kun.'


The voice that rang thru her head snapped her out of her stupor. 'Naruto-kun?!' There was no reply to her question, but she could feel a surge of energy rush thru her. 'Hai, I won't give up. Arigato Naruto-kun!' As Sasuke approached her for the final attack she knew she only had one chance, if she missed it was all over there would be no second chance. She saw in slow motion as Sasuke drew back his fist the twin tomoe in his eyes twirling and Kiba getting ready to jump forward and help her. And then there! In the shadows of the forest, in a tree normally hidden from her view, she saw it: a flash of yellow and a streak of silver.

He was there, he had helped her and she wouldn't lose. So as Sasuke's fist shot forward she sprung. Chakra shot thru her body as she activated her Byakugan and launched her clan's most valued technique, "Hakke Rokujuyon Sho (Eight Trigrams Sixty-Four Palms)." The name bounced off the surrounding trees and filled the clearing as the attack ended in a matter of seconds. Both shinobi stood perfectly still, before the dark haired Uchiha collapsed; the small amounts of chakra that had been forced into him shut down most of his body, rendering him virtually harmless.


The blue haired kunoichi smiled softly at her companion and turned to where she had seen the blond nin of her affections, and wasn't surprised to find that there was no one there. Still it did little to stop the smile that spread across her face.

'Arigato Naruto-kun.'


The blond haired jinchuuriki sighed as he disappeared from the forest. Landing softly in the relative safety of the forest he let out a sigh; why had he gone to see the fight between the blue haired kunoichi and the rooster haired boy? He had to admit it had been a spectacular match and he was certain that she would lose several times, but each time she surprised him again and again refusing to lose and executing spectacular moves that allowed her to avoid danger. 'But why do I feel a certain connection with her? I don't even know her. And yet, she feels like someone who was very important to me. I guess I'll find out soon enough.' Smiling a devious grin, the azure eyed Uzumaki made his way back to his temporary home. Tomorrow would be a fun day.


The day of the festival came with much anticipation in the villagers of Konohagakure, at last they would once again be able to celebrate the death of the vile Kyuubi no Youko that had ravaged their village thirteen years prior and had brought about the death of their most powerful and respected leader Minato Namikaze. Though he was most commonly know as the Yondaime Hokage for very few knew his actual name. The morning hours of the festival were reserved for mourning and remembering those who had given their lives to protect the village from the demon lord. Hundreds of villagers dressed in black filled the streets as they made their way to the cemetery or the Memorial stone to honor their family and friends for their sacrifices. It was to this scene that Naruto awoke.

He had never really seen the festival in all the time he had lived in the village, what with him being the ire of the inhabitants and all. Still even he couldn't help but feel a little moved by the entire scene before him from his private balcony in the elegant hotel where he was temporarily residing. 'So, even they still have shreds of decency that show every now and then.' He still hated the village with all his being, but he couldn't bring any hatred towards them for the moment. Whether this changed or not would depend on how the day went. He would still have his revenge on the village, but perhaps some of them could be forgiven.

Turning his back to the village, he walked back into the room and gathered his equipment; he had some business to attend to before he attended the festival later in the day. 'I need some kunai and shuriken. I also need some more clothing until I can get the rest of my belongings from Wave.' He could feel a certain nagging at the back of his mind that told him someone was searching for him, he had little doubt it was that Hinata girl that seemed hell bent on finding him. He didn't know why, but he wanted to meet with the girl as well, but for some reason his body refused to allow him to be in the same location as her for very long. In fact, yesterday had been a prime example. He could somehow feel her calling out to him and somehow his own body had responded and gave her a surge of energy that allowed her to beat her opponent. How he had managed this he did not know, but he had. Even more bothersome was the fact that Kyuubi, for some reason, refused to talk to him. Normally he would assume it was because the fox was pissed that he hadn't blown something up yet, but something felt wrong, almost as if the fox was being held back

Shaking away his worries he quickly headed out of the building, receiving several bows and greetings from the workers and staff, as well as several cat calls. Shaking his head at what they would think when they learned who he really was. As far as anyone in the village was concerned, he was just another child; albeit a very heavily equipped and potentially lethal child. His head band was currently being kept by the Hokage, his reason being that he wanted to avoid as many casualties as possible before he had settled everything with Naruto and the village. Almost automatically, his body began to lead him on a path towards his destination while at the same time avoiding the one kunoichi he wanted most to talk to and vice-versa. As a result within minutes he was entering a very discreet shop from which several Shinobi, and an occasional civilian, could be seen leaving. The small building had a very plain looking exterior, the only thing that separated this building from those around it was the small sign that read 'Higarishi Weapons and Accessories: Best in all of Konoha!' The inside however was what he expected from the claim of being the best.

Indeed the shop did have the right to claim itself the best he thought to himself as he picked a random weapon from the wall and ran a calloused finger across its blade and was rewarded with a small trail of blood that quickly stopped as his healing powers took effect. He had no doubt that these weapons could cut through solid steel with enough force and still be able to cleanly slice through a tomato. "Can I help you sir?" A feminine voice called sweetly, yet held a definite deadly quality that demanded respect. Turning, his glacier orbs met soft auburn and instantly he knew this girl would be a valuable asset to his forces. As such he was quick to turn on the charm that had helped make his life much easier while he resided at Wave. "Ah, Ohayo Tenshu-san (Ms. Shopkeeper)! Yes, a bit of assistance would indeed be appreciated and from a beauty like yourself it would indeed be very welcome."

The slight blush that followed his compliment assured him that he had won himself a little more confidence in her eyes as she smiled softly at him.

"I'm Ten-ten, and with what would you require assistance?" There was a slight pause.

"Call me Naruto." She raised an eyebrow at him.

"Naruto...? Doesn't that mean fish-cakes?" He quickly shook his head.

"No, well, I mean yes but I'd rather take it to mean Maelstrom if that's alright with you."  She giggled at him as he hurried to try to put himself in a better light (seemingly; in actuality he was just lowering her guard).

It had the desired effect as she stepped from behind the counter. "Very well fish-cake-san." She giggled again as he pouted, "What can I do for you today?" She was dressed in a rather snug pink top which had a very oriental style to it, not quite like a kimono but definitely from a rather similar form. Her pants were easier to place as regular green khaki most favored by shinobi for their comfort and mobility. He gave her his charming smile again and pulled a list from his silver jacket and handed it to her. Taking the list, she read through it and as she read her eyebrows slowly began an upwards ascent. Looking back at him her eyes held a glint of suspicion, "We carry all of these weapons, but this is more of a list expected from a veteran Jounin than from a civilian. So unfortunately I can't sell any of this to you with the exception of a few items gomen nasai." His grin didn't falter one bit even as he internally tried to find a way to get the things he needed, 'I could use my powers on her, but it's daytime and I'm not sure how strong her will is think'

"That's alright, I didn't expect to get any of that right now anyways. You see I haven't been instated as a Shinobi of the village yet so it's only natural for you to be suspicious. Could I however ask you to please gather them all and hold them for me?" She let out a sigh of relief when she realized he wasn't going to try and beg them out of her; she kinda liked him and really didn't want to have to go and mess up his handsome face. She nodded as she went back behind the counter and almost disappeared from view with the exception of the buns on the top of her head. In seconds she reappeared with a new satchel filled with several standard field equipment, several new holsters filled with kunai and shuriken and a few blank scrolls for sealing. "That's all I can give to someone who doesn't have a headband. I'm sorry Naruto-san."

He shook his head as he quickly gathered all the supplies and strapped them on, "No need to apologize Ten-Ten-san. Like I said, I wasn't really expecting to walk out of here with all the stuff on the list so these will do for now." Pulling a fair amount of bills out of his pocket he dropped a couple on the counter, "Thanks for all the help! I'll be back for the rest of the stuff soon!" And before she could respond, he was gone. Smiling softly she grabbed the bills, "I wish all the customers were like him wait a minute" She looked at the bills and her mind went blank for a couple of seconds. "H-he" She stood like that until her father emerged from the back of the shop and shook his daughter out of her stupor and asked what was wrong. And once she told him he had the exact same look. He'd only left a few bills, but he'd over paid by two hundred thousand ryo. . A small dribble of saliva escaped her lips at the thought of someone so handsome, smart, and rich

"He is so mine"


Naruto smirked to himself as he left the store and made his way through the town in search of a shop with decent clothing. Everything had gone exactly as hed planned, well minus getting all his weaponry but that would have just been a nice bonus. Yes, and he was sure that thanks to that small tip hed left she would be very willing to help him in anything he needed. Stopping outside of a small store he glanced around at its designs before going inside. Twenty minutes later he emerged with a new wardrobe of clothing and a smile on his face. 'Poor girl never knew what hit her.'


Nightfall came sooner than Naruto had expected, as he left his hotel for what would hopefully be the last night. The festival itself would take place all over the village, however most of the people tended to gather around the center for this was where the Hokage himself would usually make a speech. So it was with this in mind that the blond jinchuuriki headed of towards the heart of the village.

The air around the core of the village was so laden with excitement that if he had not been the victim of several near-death on such a day he would have been honored to call himself a resident of Konohagakure. As it was though he couldnt resist the little that remained of his inner child and walked around examining several stands and buying some foods that he found intriguing. As he walked he couldnt help but smirk as he found that the stares that he received continued to grow, it was even better when he found that a majority were coming from the members of the opposite sex. He admitted to himself (with no small amount of narcissism) that he was indeed the most sexelicious specimen currently residing in the village. Earlier in the small shop he had found an outfit that he knew without a doubt was perfect for him. So he had bought it, and had been very much right judging from the amount of looks he kept getting.

He wore an almost too tight dark blue undershirt. However, it was cut at a almost circular shape at the very top, revealing what would have been a very indecent amount of cleavage had he been a woman, but ended up just showing of the well built chest he possessed. This resulted in him being very comfortable in the shirt despite its snugness and did not hinder his movements should he be attacked. Over said shirt he had a slightly loose fitting crimson mesh shirt that contrasted beautifully with his undershirt but horribly with his hair. That in his opinion gave him a certain air that said I know how I look and I dont give two-fucks what you think. Over said mesh he wore an open pure white dress-shirt that served to bring out the colors even more and over that a midnight blue summer trench minus the belt and pockets. To round up the look he wore dark orange and black pants that gave his outfit a very twisted appearance. In hind sight he realized he must look like a very bad dresser, but one look in a mirror reassured him that only someone like him could pull off such a horrible combination.

Confidence renewed he made his way throughout the remaining stands, carefully avoiding the Ichirakus stand. He really had nothing against them, seeing as they were one of the few establishments that hadnt overcharged him or refused to serve him. That being said though he knew he would be in for a lot of questions that he didnt want to answer right now. Hed speak to them after the Sandaimes speech. Speaking of which, it was almost time for the old man to make his grand appearance. So he quickly made his way to the center of the square and made himself comfortable in the lower branches of a tree that overlooked the stage where the Third would speak.

'This is going to be so much fun!'


Hinata Hyuuga sighed as she was finally able to lose her persistent team mate in the crowd where the Sandaime Hokage was set to give his traditional speech in celebration of the sealing of the Kyuubi no Youko. Despite this, most of the village took this day to celebrate the execution of the container of the demon, most cared little that a nine year old boy had been sentenced to death just to help appease their bitter resentment of the demon he housed. Hinata found that she had little taste for the festival now, but she had to keep up appearances as the future head of the Hyuuga. So, as a result she stood near the front of the gathered crowd thankful that all the scents in the air helped to keep her tenacious fan-boy from finding her. A sudden movement from her left caught her attention and a smile to her lips as the other member of her team stood next to her, his jacket gone in exchange for a more respectful and classier suit. "Nice outfit Shino." She jabbed at him as he fidgeted to loosen the tie that he wore. His eyes glanced (or seemed to at least, he hadnt removed his glasses) at her before he resumed his struggle with the constricting cloth, "I could say the same to you Hinata-sama." She gave him a sheepish grin in return as she examined herself.

He spoke truthfully as she was dressed in a very delicate (and expensive) silk summer kimono. It was a inky blue that matched her hair, with exquisitely embroiled flowers of a golden thread. Her obi was similarly designed but was black instead. To top it off, around her shoulders she wore a dark cherry veil-like shroud similarly embroiled (Pic in my profile). All in all she had to agree that perhaps she was dressed a little over the top, but she really couldnt stop her father from forcing her to wear clothing that showed off her prestige as the future leader of Konohas most renown clan. So turning to him she shock her head slightly, "I know, over-the-top huh? Plus I think it makes my butt look big, what do you think?" She got more than she expected as he raised an eyebrow at her response, but was stopped from answering as the Third Fire-Shadow appeared on stage.

"My children, thank you for once again gathering to show your respects to those heroes who gave their lives to protect the village that they held dear from the wrath of the Buuju king, the Kyuubi no Kitsune." A loud cheer followed Sarutobi's words as the villagers and Shinobi alike agreed whole heartedly with their Hokage. "Yet, I fear that you have all forgotten what this day truly means in the history of our mighty village." Murmurs spread across the gathered crowd as they tried to figure out what their leader meant. Releasing a deep sigh the tired eyes of the Professor looked over his village. "By this I mean the shameless display of hatred that many of you feel you are allowed to display today." Some could be seen cringing at the Hokages disappointed tone while others stood defiant to their beliefs, ignoring these the elderly Hokage continued, "While it is indeed true that on this day we of Konohagakure no Saito suffered a great loss at the hands of a malignant force, we ourselves have become as much of a malevolent force in the way that we express ourselves to the memory of this day." Silence reigned as the Hokage paused to look into the masses. This however didnt last long before an angry voice broke thru.


Soon many dissenting voices could be heard protesting the Hokages words. Hinata glanced up at the elderly man who closed his eyes as the yells and protests began to grow louder. She had never seen the man that ruled their village look so disappointed and ashamed at what she could only believe was the behavior of his cherished village. Finally after what seemed like an eternity he opened his eyes and spoke in a soft voice, "Minato was a fool to believe in all of you." In an instant all voices went into a shocked silence at the Hokages last words. Never before had the Hokage mentioned his predecessor in a negative way. "Yes, you all heard correctly. Minato Namikaze, the Yondaime Hokage was indeed a fool. No that is too lightly put, Minato was hopelessly and ridiculously optimistic to believe that this village and its inhabitants could ever overcome its hatred of the Kyuubi." Before the crowd could voice its objections Sarutobi continued, "I watched, for eight years, as the village tortured, scorned, beat and attempted to assassinate a child. Who's only crime was to try and live a normal life." Here he could not stop the yells of the villagers and shinobi,




"SILENCE!" The powerful voice of the Hokage roared as a wave of killer intent that was powerful enough to cause the battle hardened Jounin to tremble shot through the crowd. "I am disgusted an appalled by the behavior that this village has displayed throughout the years. To think that those who consider themselves citizens of a country that values friendship, compassion and goodwill would sink so low as to persecute a child for something he had no control over makes me almost wish that this village would disappear from the face of the earth to atone for its crimes." An uneasy silence filled the area as more and more people began to gather, keen to hear why so many other people were gathering. "Minato believed that the child he choose to bear the burden of having a demon sealed inside him would be seen as the hero he was. Unfortunately he was mistaken as this village proved in almost every way possible that they would not honor the dying wish of the leader that they so loved."

As Sarutobi paused Hinata took the chance to look around her and see how people were reacting. Her team mate as expected showed no outer sign, but she could hear his inner hive buzzing angrily. She assumed that it was because of what the villagers had done, she knew very well that the Aburame had always been more sympathetic towards the young jinchuuriki and had been one of the few clans to vote against his execution. Further a ways she could see the Ino-Shika-Cho trio as well as their parents, she was glad to see that the parents appeared remorseful towards their past actions. Behind them she could see her sensei and her boyfriend the Hokages estranged son Asuma. Both had been against the treatment that the village gave the young blond, but had been powerless to help in the majority of the cases. Far in the back she could just make out the figures of Yume Katsuragi and Hatake Kakashi. Katsuragi-sensei was easy to spot because of her barely restrained killing intent, it was no secret that she had been close to the young Naruto and cared for him on a sibling-like level. The sensei for team seven however was harder to pin point, but it was clear that he took was remorseful for his past actions. While hed never really done anything to the jinchuuriki, he also hadn't gone out of his way to help said child either. Something he promised hed fix. Her attention was drawn yet again as the Hokage continued to speak.

"As you are all undoubtedly aware one young boy by the name of Uzumaki Naruto was given the burden of containing inside him the very demon that rampaged and ravaged our village. You are also aware of the fact that on the night of September 28 said child was sentenced to execution by the council of Konoha." Cheers from most of the crowd rang out at the Hokages words and a look of great disgust passed unnoticed by most on the elderly mans face. "As I was saying, young Naruto, a child of only nine was sentenced to death and was according to records executed the following morning." Slightly more subdued cheers followed this as many remembered what also happened that day. "Now according to village law Uzumaki Naruto is dead. However, recently I have found some rather interesting information that was hidden deep in the records of said child." Muttering began to spread across the masses again as the Hokage continued, "Indeed imagine my surprise when I find the birth certificate of said child. Allow me to read it to you if you please." The atmosphere tensed as the Sandaime pulled a scroll from his inner robes. And began to read,

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Born: October 10

Sex: Male

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

Blood Type: Unknown

Eyes: Blue

Hair: Blond

Delivery Nurse: Unknown

Nothing was said as the Hokage put the scroll back into his pocket, "Convenient isnt it? That nothing was known about the child who was to carry a huge burden. If anything I think that it was a little to convenient, so I did a more thorough search and imagine what I found?" From his pocket he pulled another scroll and began to read,

Name: Namikaze Uzumaki Naruto

Born: October 10

Sex: Male

Father: Minato Namikaze

Mother: Uzumaki Kushina

Blood Type: A

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Blue

Delivery Nurse: Otohime Rin

Silence followed before yells could be heard coming from the crowd. The Hokage let out a low chuckle as he watched the shock and panic make its way through the crowd. "That is correct, Uzumaki Naruto was a false name created by the Yondaime to protect his son from the enemies he had made. Minato Namikaze sacrifised his only son to save his village from destruction. And how did the village repay him? By executing his only legitimate heir. I hope you are all satisfied now." The Sandaime made to leave the stage when two figures appeared before him, his former team mates and now head advisors in the Council stood before him.

"Just one minute Hiruzen, you very well know that we never knew that that child was the heir of Minato!"

"She is very much correct Sarutobi. You also know that we only declared him dead because you used your powers to help him escape from the village!"

The crowd quieted once again at the words of Homura and Koharu, indeed everyone was even more surprised when the Sandaime himself began to chuckle. "Why thank you very much for bringing up that fact. Indeed Uzumaki Naruto did die on the morning of September 29 in accordance with the village listings. You are also correct however in the fact that Naruto still lives. And so without further ado I welcome back to the village of Konohagakure no Saito, the son of the Yondaime Hokage, Namikaze Naruto!" A sudden explosion of smoke filled the stage as the crowd waited with abated breath as the smoke began to gradually clear revealing a blond haired boy in a weird assortment of clothing, but the resemblance was undeniable as many turned to look at the portrait of the Yondaime that was customarily hung and compared the boy before them to the one in the picture.

"Konban wa all you Konoha bastards! Im back~" Naruto taunted/introduced himself as he sang out the last part. All was quiet for a few moments. Then all hell broke loose.

Kuroi-Yasha: Well, thats chapter 5. Sorry it took so long. Cant promise the next one will be up any sooner, but Ill do my best. Many thanks to all my reviewers on FF. net, MM. net and AFF. Net. Thank you for all your support! Hopefully see you soon!