A/N- Okay… before you guys start groaning, "Oh no! Not another one," I have a good explanation! See here, whenever stupid plot bunnies pop out of nowhere, they won't leave in peace without my writing down all their plans for yaoi-domination. And so, I can't update my other stories without writing down part of this that was intended for this fic. It fell in love with the Black Cat. –sighs-
Hopefully, this is good enough for you guys. –sweatdrops- And I'll attempt to make this good for you guys in the meantime. I won't ever forgive myself if this turned out to be a piece of crap.
Rated M for potty mouths, gory action, and passionate lovemaking. –laughs-
Betaed by: Leopardus Pardalis
Give her a hand, folks! –grins-
REAL full summary: 'I've come to bring you some bad luck.' The Black Cat was once a knight feared all over the world. A few centuries later, Train Heartnet, a legendary ex-assassin, is reborn without any memories of his past life. A chance meeting in New York presents Creed Diskenth, a powerful male vampire, the opportunity of a lifetime to reclaim his reincarnated lover. But seducing this Felix may be harder than he expects. An unknown foe has sprung up, targeting the two lost souls. Now, Train has no choice but to join Creed and step into the web of lies, manipulation, and lost love.
Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters! They belong to the fabulous manga artist, Kentaro Yabuki. The story, however, is mine! Don't steal! Thieves and flamers, shoo shoo!
Golden Abyss
Notre Beginning
A streak of yellow flashed through the dark clouds looming over the battlefield. Endless miles of fresh corpses surrounded the barren land, unoccupied by any vegetation. In the midst of the cooling bodies, two figures clad in medieval armor were enthralled in a deadly dance.
Swords clash and sparks fly.
Finally, one spoke. "Black Cat… you have no right to freedom," he hissed. His eyes of steel flared, his striking eyes the only thing attractive in his aging face. The golden sheen of his body armor emitted a blinding aura of light around him.
"You are nothing more than a mere pet."
The other man, handsome like a prince in a fairy tale, snarled. He evaded a deadly blow and twisted around to return the favor.
"Chronos is your master! You live to obey me!"
"No… Mason," the Black Cat said softly.
Blood dripped. Plip, it echoed.
A sword discarded.
"I have no master."
"No…," he whispered.
The Black Cat dropped to his knees, his beautiful amber orbs hazy and delirious with pain.
"No," he repeated.
Mason towered over the crumbled knight. "Last chance," he said. "Give in while your life blood is still keeping you alive. Open your eyes and turn away from your precious lord."
He laughed even though pain tore through his belly like acid. "And be chained for the rest of my life? Forget it! I'd rather die!"
"…Then die you shall." Mason unsheathed a long blade of sinister silver from under his torn, velvety cape and placed it against his former ally's neck. "Any final words?"
The Black Cat smiled.
"Very well… you've had your chance." Mason's eyes held regret as he brought down the sword in a wide arch.
His golden orbs closed, time moving slow for the dying man. "Finally… a stray cat lives free once again." He whispered breathlessly as the sword came within mere centimeters from his neck, "I give onto life as my lord gave onto me."
The night erupted in blood and death.
Agony and sorrow unlike any that he had ever encountered coursed through his veins as he writhed and twisted in his coffin. Creed howled and arched his back, the spectacle like a parody of ecstasy. Liquid pain pooled in his stomach, and his chest tightened. His heart, though no longer beating as fast it once had when he was mundane, felt like a sharp stone embedded in his chest.
Lightning crashed.
He pounded the inside of the ebony coffin, his nails scratching and clawing through the dark silk. "Let me out!" he roared.
Creed's eyes snapped open, the endless sea of blue glowing eerily. Tiny, red tendrils crept through his shining irises, morphing the butcher blue eyes into blood red.
The wind rattled the windows, the sound of people screaming.
A bang.
Creed gasped, drawing in the precious air that he very much needed. His hand clenched the front of his fine black tunic, trying to still the beating that was still alien to him.
The slow beat no longer occupied his chest.
He pushed himself up into a sitting position, the broken door of the coffin discarded across the stone floor.
The frantic beating was never supposed to cease.
Creed buried his pale face into his equally pale hands as he drew a dry sob. A strong vision overcame his senses.
He exhaled a shuddering breath.
"Trene… my precious black cat." He cried, tears of blood trickling down his cheeks. "Mon aimé stupide…you'd promised me that we would be together forever."
End Prologue:
Our Commencement
A/N- Well? What did you guys think of the prologue so far? –grins- I hope you guys enjoyed the story so far and don't forget to leave comments! They're as good as any favorites.
Oh… and by the way, this story is yaoi-centric, just in case you hadn't figured it out yet. –shifts eyes- If you are disturbed by yaoi (guy on guy), then please press the back button and try to have a nice day. You are warned...