Silence. The boy who lived lay crumpled on the grass in the shadow of Hogwarts School, lifeless. His glasses reflected the moonlight sadly over his closed eyes as if they were sleeping. The dark lord stood for a moment, just taking in the feeling of destroying his enemy and winning, winning everything he ever wanted or needed.

After his short moment savouring the feeling, he turned to look at the crowds of defeated wizards and witches across the school grounds, then smirked.

"You have two choices: join me, bow down to me and accept me as your lord...or face death", his voice boomed across the grounds, Lord Voldemorts ice cold breath tore through the night sky as he gave the survivors their choice. Die or surrender. A harsh and hard choice for those who had worked so hard to make sure Ithis/I didn't happen.

Voldemort had brought the ultimate finale to a seemingly never ending war, at Hogwarts school deatheaters and curses came out of nowhere, yet no one was killed. He ordered no deaths as it was a waste of good magic as he put it, the only one who died was the boy named Harry Potter, once that final curse was said and his body fell to the ground everything went still. All hope was lost as the lights Ionly/I hope was gone.

Almost everyone surrendered, those too cowardly to live under his rule perished, and then it was once again silent. Silent except for one girl who chose not to give in, the girl with the brown eyes and once bushy hair, she chose to fight till death-she wouldn't give in.

Her determination to hurt as many death eaters as she could shone through here tearful eyes, they swarmed round her like bees as she was the last remaining person to fight. Her determination was the thing that caught the dark lord's interest, the anger, the sorrow, the courage. She had to be a Gryffindor then, he thought as he casually watched from afar her attempts to defend from and then harm the deatheaters. He was fascinated by her skill, the curses she was screaming were curses no one so young should know, yet she said them as if they were part of her everyday life. He was even more intrigued how she had somehow been able to keep fighting for all this time, either she was more powerful than she appeared or his death eaters were more useless than he believed.

She was good at both defence and attack, she didn't use anything deadly or terrible but she was good, very good. Voldemorts eyes glowed even redder than they were as he saw Lucius grab the girls hair tight, for one-it was bad duelling, physical contact was very muggle for a pureblood wizard and two-the girl seemed quite advanced for her age and he just wanted to suss her out, not have her killed by one of his followers.

"So long ive waited to kill you Mudblood, constantly beating my son and then infesting such a historic school with your muggle blood!"

"Fuck off you evil scum!", she spat viciously.

"Oh don't worry, the only scum here is you. Avada-", Lucius began but Voldemort crucioed him before he could finish, he ignored Malfoy's screams and went straight for the girl he did not know the name of, yet he recognised her face. She backed away slowly with terror in her eyes, but she still held her wand up high pointing at him, she had a few very visible bruises and cuts across her body and face, even her school uniform was ripped and dirtied. But it was her wonderful expression that turned him the most, her fury and terror were mixed together so perfectly on the beautiful face hiding behind her injuries-yet her expression enhanced that beauty. It surprised him, beauty was not important to him on most occasions yet this one girl caught him, she was only young as well, wearing school uniform and all.

"Tell me your name girl", he demanded icily, she ignored him and looked like she was on the verge of screaming a killing curse. "You will hurry child as Lord Voldemort promises no patience, say your name or you shall face death"

"Then I shall face death", she said tonelessly, obviously scared beyond belief yet her voice did not quiver. "Kill me, I have no wish to live in your empire, you have won, I am not a fool, there is no changing that", she stated wisely, her words got him more and more interested, not angry as he would usually have gotten if someone had spoken so boldly to him.

"Is it bravery you have or stupidity...but…I don't think death is as near as you wish"

"But you gave me a choice! Answer or die! I chose to die so just get it over with! I will not beg to live, im not a coward but not for the reasons others chose to die. Im not scared of you like they were; I just have no wish to be a part of this new world you will create"

Her bravery meant nothing to him as it was very Gryffindor, but her attitude and seemingly powerful abilities were the things that caught him. Many would be dead by talking like this to him but he knew very quickly that she had Isomething/I.

"My name is Hermione Granger, you wanted to know my name or I would die so I chose to die, but im still here. So I have changed my tactic, maybe once you know who I am, then you will kill me", she said coldly, wiping away some blood that was trickling from her lip.

"I know who you were friends with Potter if my sources were correct. My dear, I don't think the afterlife is quite ready for you just yet…", he smirked like the devil, scaring her even more. She never would have believed she would be trapped between a dozen deatheaters and be faced by the dark lord himself; it was always the sort of thing Harry would encounter, not her.

Harry...she tried to block the recent memory from her mind. Only moments before had she seen Hurry's body fall to the ground lifelessly, that's when she knew it was over. Hermione lost all hope.

She closed her eyes tightly as if waiting for the torture curses to hit but none came. She knew the worst was yet to come but she did not know what the worst was yet, that for now was just a terrible surprise waiting to happen.

"What is it that you want from me!", she cried, "just get whatever it is over with, I have nothing left, nothing to live for and nothing worth anything. There is nothing you can do to me now, there is nothing you can get out of me-you have everything"

"For now I am unsure what your fate will be...but…", he smirked before finishing the sentence, her anger and determination not to surrender amused him, "stupefy!", such a simple spell she was not expecting hit her and she fell crumpled on the soft grass. Just waiting to see what future was in store for her."Lucius, Miss Granger is a prisoner, but I would prefer her in my own dungeons than those of Azkaban, see to it that it is done and then go to the ministry sharply. We have work to do-and don't harm or touch her in anyway", Voldemort ordered gently. With a nod, Lucius and Hermione were gone and Voldemort was left alone with his followers.

Though he would enjoy cracking this child, he still had an empire to run; she was too trivial at this time.

She could be his new hobby.