Sayu looked up towards Light's room, turning the volume up as he continued to scream about who knew what.
"Oh, Siya, how I've longed to see you in that dress," the television blared. She admitted to herself that shouting romantic words kind of took the whole point out of them, just a bit.
"-I am Kira! I am righteousness! I-"
Sayu stopped listening then, much as she had stopped questioning the hearing ability of her parents when her mother said she couldn't hear anything. She didn't know how thick walls were in other countries, and, quite honestly, she didn't want to know. After all, she'd rather blame the thin walls on the housing contractors than the government.
Screw it, she decided. She could watch Siya try to kill Diva (yet again) some other day. Listening at Light's door was going to be infinitely more interesting.
"I told you Ryuk, L can't catch Kira if he's dead," Light paused to chuckle a bit to himself. Sayu's eyes widened a bit, but only a bit because, if she was completely honest with herself (which she was), she kind of expected this type of thing from Light.
"He can't do much else, either," Ryuk replied to Light, only Sayu wasn't able to hear him.
She was able, however, to hear his reply of "oh, go do a barrel roll, Ryuk," as he threw what sounded like an apple. Although Sayu was not quite sure how she was able to recognize the sound of an apple being thrown, anyways.
She could hear her mother idly humming to herself, her tune becoming more frantic and loud as Light continued to scream.
All in all, Sayu decided, it was rather anti-climactic.
In her head, it was a chorus of "my brother is Kira, and?" She felt she should be at least a tiny bit worried, for her family's safety, for her brother's long gone sanity, or even for L. She wasn't. She honestly couldn't care less.
Yes, Light was her brother. But right now, all she was focused on was making a plan to make Light shut up long enough so she could watch her programs.
Sayu sighed. Seemed like she would have to get the news from her friends tomorrow, again.