hey all its been a really long time im really sorry if im honest i lost my muse shall we say and i have had not been able to write since she left me. so here is part one of 2. im also recommending that you go back a re-read some chapters or all of the story before reading this to make sure you remember whats happened. i also want to thank all those who reviewed this story and have sent me privet messages it really gave me a kick up the butt to get this chapter out and i have already started on the next one and it should be done by sunday.
cold shower warning dont say i didn't warn u ya!
i dont own maria sama ga miteru
this means in there heads
pov changes throughout
and most importantly enjoy and please review and ill try and get the next chapter out before sunday
The couple passed through the house silently apart from the odd greetings they responded to from the workers. Sachiko was trying to concentrate on nothing other than putting one foot in front of the other. She could hear the faint gentle footsteps from the younger girl quietly following behind her.
The corridor was starring to come to a close and now all that stood in front of Sachiko was the large wooden door that protected her sanctuary. Her room.
Her slender hand reached out for the doorknob it was then that she noticed the trembles going though her arm. Mind racing a million miles an hour. Open the door. It's just a door. This is your house why are you so scared. This is your territory. Control. Control. For god sake Sachiko pull your self together. Control. Control. But before she could reach the doorknob she felt two strong slender arms wrap around her waist then feel warm sweet breath cascading across her cheek. The feel of the smaller girls body pressing so close to her own was not helping her inner struggle.
" Your shaking Sachiko…." Yumi whispered huskily upon Sachiko's ear as she felt another shiver run down the older girls body.
"Yu..mi I…..I….I need to…..I need to con.." Sachiko was pleading more to herself than Yumi.
" shhhh….listen to me very closely" Yumi interrupted still whispering into her partners ear.
"You have no control…. That's obvious…I can give you control though Sachiko….all you have to do is ask" Yumi finished with a slight bite to the soft ear lobe. Rewarding her with a slight whimper from the taller girl.
"P-please…please Yumi" it came out as a gasps.
"Oh god please Yumi…I need some control"
"As you wish…" Yumi quickly turned the older girl so they where facing each other as she pushed the slender frame for the heiress against the wooden door.
Sachiko couldn't stop the small squeal that escape her mouth from the shock of the impact against her back, but as she looked down she could see the pure passion of the younger girl radiating from her deep mocha brown orbs.
"shh….just listen" Yumi went up on to her tip toes and reached up again to the older girls ear and whispered with pure dominance" You crave control. You feel lost with out it. And now here you are with no control…so this is what we are going to do" Yumi began lightly kissing her way down the older girl cheek line down to her jaw and across to the other side until she reached the other ear.
Yumi pulled away to look at her love. Sachiko was close to panting at this point, a light sweat forming upon her brow and her bottom lip slightly quivering. Yumi almost lost it just looking at her.
"Look at me" Yumi commanded
Sachiko raised her head to meet the intense gave of her feisty brunet. Yumi couldn't wait any more as she forcefully crashed her lips against the taller girls. The kiss was forceful, passionate, wild and unbelievably intense both trying to fight for dominance. But when Yumi traced Sachiko's slightly swollen bottom lip with her caressing tongue asking for permission to enter Sachiko could only open her mouth wider to allow for the soft warm muscle to start exploring her mouth.
Both released deep moans into each others mouths as hands began exploring each others soft bodies, Yumi reached behind her to where Sachiko's slender fingers where tracing small gentle circles on her lower back. She took the said hand and brought it around so that it was resting in between them.
Yumi pulled away as she drew in the desperately needed breaths, she looked up at Sachiko to see her state very similar to her own.
"Sachiko…." Yumi called lightly. The older girl gave a gentle nod to show she was listening. Yumi took one last deep breath before she continued with her plan " Sachiko…I have all the control…." Yumi raised the taller girls hand that she still had hold of. She raised it to her soft lips and pressed the fingertips to her soft lips to ensure that they would graze the soft fingers as she spoke.
"All…. the…. control" another shudder coursed through Sachiko from the sensation that was running through her fingers. She nodded again as Yumi allowed the tip of one finger to slowly slide past her lips grazing her teeth and landing on her wet tongue. Not breaking eye contact Yumi closed her lips around the finger and sucked on it as she slowly pulled it from her mouth.
To say that Sachiko was having a hard time breathing was an understatement, every inch of her body was on fire, her legs shaking as they tried desperately to keep her up right. Once the finger was free Yumi tilted her head up and pulled the now wet finger down her chin reaching the top of her school uniform. Sachiko watched, as the finger descended painfully slow down the younger girls chest. The finger began to shake her breathing ragged it was all becoming too much for her. Yumi felt the shaking as the finger came to stop just above her navel.
"Its ok Sachiko…just…just watch me ok?" Yumi then let go of the hand, which fell to the older girls side. She waited till she was sure that she had the taller girls complete attention before she took her own hand and followed the path that Sachiko had just traced with her finger.
Along her neck. Between her breast. Past the heaving chest. Across the taut stomach. Stopping only for a moment at her navel, her eyes still locked on Sachiko's face as the older girl watched the hands journey. After a few seconds Yumi took a deep breath before she pushed her hand slightly lower till she was resting just above her throbbing centre.
Sachiko's breath hitched as she watches Yumi close the last inch of space before she cupped her self. Never in all her life had she felt how she felt right at this moment all her training flew out the window as she watched the girl she loved begin to slowly move her hand up and down and hearing the younger girls breathing quickening.
Although Yumi had never been so embarrassed in her life the look that she was seeing in Sachiko's eyes kept her going, as friction began to build from her slow rubbing and she couldn't help the little moan that escaped her mouth. Although Yumi was always so confident and had been with other girls she never let any of them ever touch her back not even Tahoma. She had not even touched her self, she had saved herself and she was sure that the person she wanted to give that gift to was Sachiko.
"S-Sachiko it feels…mmm o-oh… it feels so good" Yumi panted out trying to keep her moans locked away but failing much to Sachiko's delight.
"Y-Yumi…." Sachiko could only call her name as she felt the pressure in her core build more as she watched the scene in front of her.
"I want you…. to…to touch me Sachiko" Yumi pleaded as she reached out for one of Sachiko's hands and placed it on top of her own and waited for Sachiko to move. Sachiko was in shock, but as she flexed her hand slight Yumi produced another moan and that was all the encouragement that she needed. Slowly and gently Sachiko began to rub Yumi's hand up and down as she raised her gaze to watch the emotions spread against Yumi's face.
In all her life she had never seen anything more captivating, Yumi had a slight sweat breaking out across her brow. Her body shuddering slightly, her free hand pushed forcefully against the door behind them as she attempted to keep herself up right. Eyes half lidded. Mouth slightly ajar as quick pants were drawn in and out.
Yumi raised her eyes again to meet the older girls. They looked darker with black almost covering the blue that normally encircled it. Yumi was losing herself she could feel it but she had to see this through right to the end, one more little push and Sachiko would leave all her fears in this empty hallway.
She moved her hand away from her already wet centre Sachiko's hand following. She took a deep breath as she left Sachiko's still slightly trembling hand fall on to her hip. Once last glance into the deep blue orbs as she raised her hand and pushed it past the top of her skirt and into her moist knickers before allowing two fingers to gently slip through her soaked folds. The feel of her own arousal alien to her but with determination to finish what she started she slowly drew back her now wet fingers from her knickers then her skirt before bringing them to her parted lips and drawing them into her mouth. She kept her eyes staring at the older girls as she sucked her own sweet juices off her fingers.
Sachiko noticed that Yumi had moved her hand away form herself and rested her now vacant hand on the smaller girls hip as she took some well needed breaths. When she looked back up to Yumi's face she caught the younger girls eyes and once again become lost in them. Then between them she saw that famous hand move again but this time it didn't just simply rest upon the core of the younger girl. No this time it moved up reaching the top of the skirt before slowly entering it. Sachiko could now only see the slight movement of the material as it made space for the new addition. Just as quickly as the hand had entered the piece of clothing was it retracted, as soon as it was free the smell of the younger girls sweet musk reached her nose and she couldn't stop the urge to want taste the sweet arousal. But before she could even react on those urges she watched as the two now glistening fingers entered Yumi's mouth and where slowly sucked clean.
That was it. The last straw. She couldn't take it anymore, without a sound she turned quickly and grasped the doorknob opening the door quickly before turning back to the smaller girl behind her and grabbing the wrist of the hand that had just be coated in the sweat nectar.
She forcefully pulled them both in the room before turning back to lock the solid wooden door. She was about to turn back the object of her lust when the smaller girls body rammed her front into the door and a strong hand cupped her centre.
"Oh god…" it fell from her mouth so quickly as ripples of pleasure ran through her tall slender body.
"Yumi…" Sachiko gasped. The smaller girl just hummed in response as her hand slowly began to rub up and down teasing the older girl still pressed against the wooden door.
"Take me" there was no hesitation in Sachiko's voice only want, need, desire and love.
"As you wish"
To be continued
i know i know you hate me ;p well dont worry im saving for the taking shall we say for the next chapter then after that there will be one or teo more chapters one will be a ending but the one before that will be full of things you want so tell me if theres somthing you have always wanted to read about are lovely couple and ill write them in. it can be silly, sad, or just pure smut i even can do kinky if thats what you want just put it a review or pm look forward to hearing from you xxxxxshiz