You're Safe

You're Safe chapter one

A/N: What if Selena took Murtagh with her when she left Uru'Baen to find Garrow? What is Brom hadn't killed Morzan? What if Tornac followed Selena? What do you think would happen?

Disclaimer: I do not own Eragon.


"Garrow!" Selena pounded on her brother's door breathlessly. "Garrow! Please! Open up!" Finally the door opened. A woman, middle-aged with brown hair falling gracefully around her face, peered out.

"What can I do you for?" She asked. The woman noticed that Selena was holding a bundle in her arms. What could be in it?

"I need to speak with Garrow." Selena answered. The woman looked warily from the bundle to Selena and closed the door. When it opened again, Garrow gasped in shock.

"Selena!" He cried. "Selena! I haven't seen you in forever!" He took a good, hard look at her. "You look horrible." Selena nodded exhaustedly. Garrow beckoned her inside and into the kitchen, where the 4-year-old Roran sat munching on a piece of bread. He didn't look up from the table as the strange woman stumbled in.

Garrow's wife prepared some hot soup for the weary traveler. Though she put down the bag that was slung over her shoulder, she did not put the bundle down. Instead, she peeled away some of the cotton blanket to reveal the face of her 3-year-old son, Murtagh.

Garrow's wife walked over the soup and stifled a cry. "He's adorable!" She cooed. Despite the racket his mother had made, Murtagh was asleep. Murtagh could sleep through anything. "What's his name?"

"Murtagh." Selena breathed, looking at her son. Marian, Garrow's wife put the soup on the table.

"Your soup is ready." She informed the tired mother. "Would you like me to hold him while you eat?" She offered. Selena looked at Marian, unsure. Sighing, she placed her baby into Marian's arms. She looked trustworthy enough. Selena delicately picked up the spoon and slowly ate her soup. Marian walked over and sat next to Roran so he could see the toddler. "How old is he?" Marian asked.

"Three." Replied Selena. Three… She thought. It was only two months ago that he got the… Selena shook her head and continued eating her soup, never taking her eyes off Marian and Murtagh. She looked at the little blonde boy next to Marian. "And who is this?" She asked, trying to sound gentle and playful.

Roran looked up for the first time. "Roran." He said bluntly. Selena smiled warmly.

"Very nice to meet you, Roran." She said. Roran nodded and then looked at Murtagh as he chewed his bread. "How old are you, Roran?" Selena asked.

"Four." Roran held up four small fingers. Roran didn't know who she was or why she was asking so many questions, but he thought she was nice enough. Nevertheless, he was still confused.

"Only a year older than Murtagh." Selena thought aloud. Roran nodded. Garrow walked over and stood behind Marian's chair. He had a nephew.

"He's very cute." Garrow told Selena. She nodded and finished the last bit of her soup. Marian walked over to Selena and returned the toddler to her possession. "It's late, Selena. Let me set up a room for you and Murtagh. You must be ready to pass out." Garrow said as he walked over to prepare the guest room, which had never been used before.

Murtagh began to stir and his eyes slowly opened. "Mama." He mumbled, and Marian giggled at the sound of his cute baby voice. Selena held Murtagh and smiled at him.

"Murtagh," She began, "we're at your uncle and aunt's house. They have a son who is a year older than you." Murtagh slowly nodded and then yawned. "We don't have to travel anymore." Marian walked over and waved at Murtagh.

"I'm your aunt," She stuck out her hand, "Aunt Marian." She beckoned to Roran as Murtagh stared quizzically at her extended hand. Roran walked shyly over and Marian told him to tell Murtagh his name.

"I'm Roran." He said hesitantly. Murtagh nodded again and snuggled into his blanket. Garrow walked out of the hallway and up to Murtagh.

"Hello, Murtagh. I'm Uncle Garrow." He told the toddler cheerily. Then turning to Selena, he spoke, "Your room is ready." Selena got up and followed Garrow the guest room. She put her small bag next to the bag and sat on the bed. "You can use Roran's old crib for Murtagh." Garrow picked up h is nephew and placed him the crib right next to Selena's pillow. He left, blowing out the candle on the bookshelf near the door.

Selena climbed into bed and stuck her hand through the bars on the crib. She grasped Murtagh's tiny hand and slipped into a much-needed sleep.


A knock came from the door. Garrow walked groggily to it and opened the wooden door. A man with a neat, stubby brown beard and short brown hair dressed in black stood with a friendly smile on his face. A sword was attached to his belt and a strong gray warhorse behind him. The horse dug at the ground restlessly. "Hello." The man said. "I'm Tornac. I believe Selena came her last night, no?" He asked nonchalantly.

"Wait here a moment." Garrow mumbled. A few minutes later, a blonde woman opened the door.

"Tornac!" She cried, shocked. "What are you doing here?" She gestured for him to come inside and they sat at the table.

"Where is Murtagh?" He frowned.

"He's in my room…" She trailed off. "Would you like me to get him?" Tornac nodded and Selena walked briskly to her room. She returned, with Murtagh in her arms. He had just woken up and was looking around, slightly confused. When he saw the bearded man at the table, a smile lit up his face.

"Tornac!" He giggled. Tornac stood up and took Murtagh from Selena's arms, hugging him tightly. Murtagh threw his arms around Tornac's neck.

"Hello, Murtagh." Tornac laughed. "You're quite awake." Tornac and Selena sat down. Murtagh laughed happily.

"So what are you doing here?" Selena asked again. Tornac looked from Murtagh to Selena.

"I followed you." He answered, chuckling to himself. Selena looked at him with a confused expression on her face. "I saw you leaving with Murtagh. I needed to make sure you were safe. I wanted to follow you so I could protect you two…and get away from the king and his palace." Selena looked at him with sheer gratitude. "I'll always protect you two." He told her with the utmost of seriousness. Selena never wished for a better friend.

"Thank you." She said humbly. "You are a wonderful person." Tornac smiled gently. Murtagh did not know what was going on, but he knew that Tornac would always protect them. He was glad Tornac was with them.

Garrow and Marian walked into the kitchen. "Good morning, Murtagh!" Marian cried happily. "Another guest?" She asked, although her voice was not bitter. She enjoyed the company.
"He's Tornac!" Murtagh peeped. Marian laughed and walked over to the little boy.

"You sure are more awake than you were yesterday!" She laughed again. "What a cutie." Murtagh smiled bashfully. The atmosphere in the room was truly happy, but it cold never last forever. Everyone besides the two toddlers understood that.


"Selena." Came her brother's gravely voice. "We need to talk." It was late. Everyone in the house was asleep besides the two siblings. Garrow sat down at the table across from her. "What's really going on?" Selena looked at him with guarded eyes.

"I don't know what you mean." She scoffed. Garrow snorted.

"Yes you do." He replied, but his voice was not harsh. He knew how delicate the situation was and how sensitive he has to be. "Selena, you can tell me. My view of you will not change. Everyone makes mistakes."

After a long pause, Selena finally spoke. "It's not whether a person makes mistakes or not, but it's the severity of the mistake that matters." Garrow looked at her, his eyes urging her on. "I was naïve the day I fell in love. I didn't know what I was getting myself into." She then launched into her tale of how she met Morzan, how he charmed her, how she followed him back to Uru'Baen, how he used her, Murtagh's birth and what brought her to Garrow. She left out, however, the ragged scar on her little child's back. It was what made her mistake the worst.

"You're going to have another child." Garrow repeated aloud. "Another son of Morzan…"

"No!" Selena snapped. "Do not judge them because of their father!" A scowl haunted Selena's beautiful face. She would defend her soon-to-be children with her life.

"You're right." Garrow answered, reprimanding himself for doing such an ignorant thing. "You think they will be safe here?" Garrow asked.

"I do not know how long I will live; my strength is lowered every day. But I know and hope that they will be safe here and you will care for them." Garrow replied somberly that he would watch over them. "Tornac will also help. He loves Murtagh more than I do." Selena knew it to be true; he would be better to Murtagh than she had.

"I do not judge you or your children because of Morzan." Garrow finally told her with confidence. "You're always family, and family stays together." Selena began to weep as Garrow got up to embrace her.

The door silently closed as Tornac silently praised Selena for her courage. He heard the whole conversation, and he had never felt happier.


Murtagh and Roran had become fast friends. They were only a year apart. They played together a lot and Roran had introduced Murtagh to their farm animals. Murtagh especially liked the horses.

Marian and Selena sat outside as they watched their children run around in the field. They, too, had grown closer. They talked frequently and Marian was delighted to her news of Selena's pregnancy. "I'm sure he'll be as cute as Murtagh!" Marian cooed.

Their conversation was interrupted when a cry of pain escaped Murtagh's mouth. Roran had tripped while chasing Murtagh and his head crashed into his cousin's back. Roran was rubbing his head as he got up and ran over to Murtagh. A tear crept down Murtagh's cheek as pain erupted in his back. Selena ran over to her son and scooped him up. She tried to comfort him and held him gingerly, trying to avoid touching his back. Marian rushed over. "Is he okay? What happened?"

Roran looked guiltily at his aunt. "I didn't mean to!" He apologized. Selena looked down and patted his head sympathetically.

"No, it's not your fault, Roran." She comforted him. "You didn't do anything wrong. Murtagh's back is just…very sensitive right now." Images of the blood spraying from Murtagh's back as Zar'roc crashed to the ground flew before her eyes. Morzan's twisted smile flashed across her vision.

"Why is that?" Marian questioned. For a while, Selena did not answer. She could tell Marian anything, but this subject was a touchy one. Plus, Roran was there. She did not want to scare him. The two looked at her expectantly.

"Two months ago…" She began. Her voice was shaky and nervous. "His father… his father was drunk and as…" She choked back a sob. "Murtagh ran by and his father…" She looked desperately into Marian's eyes. "His father threw his sword at Murtagh as he was running by. It cut him from his right shoulder to his left hip… A healer was there to save him but it will effect him all throughout his life…" Marian covered her mouth to stifle a sob and Roran's eyes were wide with shock. Selena slowly pulled up her son's shirt to reveal the long white scar. Roran turned away as Marian closed her eyes. What monster could do that to a three-year-old child?

"I'm so sorry." Marian breathed. By this time, Murtagh had stopped crying. He had buried his face in his mother's collarbone. Roran nodded and held tightly to his mother's skirt. After a few minutes, she put Murtagh down and soon Roran and Murtagh were playing again.

But Roran was always gentle as possible, not wanting to hurt his cousin. He knew how bad the injury was and made sure that Murtagh would not be hurt like that again. Roran, from that day forth, subtly protected Murtagh. He promised himself he would.

Over the next five months, Murtagh saw less and less of his mother. She stayed in their room a lot and rarely came out. Garrow and Marian told him that he would have a sibling soon and that his mother would be fine, but Murtagh still worried. Fortunately, his family, including Tornac, distracted him from such sorrows.

Tornac became Murtagh's father. Yes, Morzan was his parent, but Tornac was his father. Roran became like his brother. They were practically inseparable.

Although Murtagh, Selena and Tornac had been in Carvahall for almost six months, no one else knew about them. They had all decided that now was not the best time to introduce them.

One eventful night, Murtagh's younger brother was born. Garrow had taken them out to the barn with the animals while Marian and Tornac helped Selena through the delivery. As soon as the little boy was born, Selena asked for Murtagh.

"Mama?" Murtagh whispered as he peered around the door. She was lying on the bed, holding a small bundle. She told him to come in.

"Would you like to meet your brother?" She asked. Murtagh peered into the face of his little brother and was captivated by him. Murtagh actually had a brother. "His name is Eragon." Murtagh whispered the name. Then, fear struck him. What is Morzan found his brother? What would he do?
"Will father find him?" Murtagh asked.

Selena nodded her head and hugged her son. "You are safe here. Nothing will ever hurt you two." Murtagh climbed into the bed with his mother and brother. He rested his head on her chest and listened to his mother's faint heartbeat. "Murtagh." Selena whispered and he looked into her striking blue eyes. "Promise me you keep him safe no matter what. Promise me you will love him and always watched after him." Murtagh did not know why she was telling him this, but he agreed. "I've been a horrible mother Murtagh… but I want you to know I love you. I love you so much." Murtagh could only nod. He knew what was happening.

A tear crept down his face. "'S okay, mama." He tried to be strong. "'S okay." She smiled weakly and hugged him.

"I know."

"I'll always protect Eragon."

"Thank you."

Satisfied, Selena closed her eyes and Murtagh snuggled up to her. Holding Eragon in one arm and Murtagh in the other, her breathing gradually slowed. They family of three had fallen asleep and one of them would never wake up.

The next morning was a dark one. Tornac tried to comfort Murtagh as he cried softly for his mother. Marian was caring for Eragon as Garrow buried the body. Roran looked from his mother to Murtagh and knew what happened. He couldn't comfort Murtagh, even though he wished he could. Murtagh didn't deserve this.

Wiping away his tears and deciding to be strong, Murtagh jumped from Tornac's lap and walked over to Marian. He sat on the couch and Marian handed his brother to him. Eragon peered at Murtagh and seemed to calm in his brother's embrace.

"You're safe, Eragon." Murtagh whispered.


A/N: So that was basically the prologue. I hope it was good and interesting! And I hope you want to see what happens next!