I've kept you all waiting long enough. You've heard the thank-yous and the praise for your wonderful dedication to this story and me. The finale is all yours. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: I couldn't think of a super funny one for the last chapter, so please just leave me alone to wallow in the fact that I have no sense of humor when it comes to disclaimers. I don't own this. Ha ha.

Peter brushed his tunic again nervously, laughing when Lucy took his hand away from his clothes and raised her eyebrows.

"It's okay to scared, Peter." She told him quietly, keeping his hand in her own. Susan sent him a smile from down the line; standing in between Edmund and Caspian as they watched Aslan approach them from about two yards away.

Caspian took a deep breath; it would be his first meeting with the Great Lion. He wondered if he was as wonderful as the Pevensies described him, but he would soon find out as Aslan was now a mere three feet.

Susan gently pulled his hand as the five of them fell to her knees in respect of the King of Narnia, whose almond eyes surveyed them and smiled.

"Rise, Kings and Queens of Narnia." He commanded softly, and they did. Lucy than ran free from Peter and collided with Aslan, nearly knocking him over in a hug.

"Oh Aslan!" She cried, as Susan couldn't help but joining her sister, than Edmund wrapped his arms around the lion, than Peter, and soon a large group hug had formed with everyone but Caspian. He felt that such an intimate greeting was inappropriate for a stranger such as himself.

When Lucy finally let go and took a step back, Aslan cleared his throat.

"I've missed you, Sons and Daughters. You've all grown up so well. And my greetings to you, King Caspian, the tenth. It is an honor to finally meet you." Aslan said, his eyes landing on Caspian and making him squirm.

"The honor is entirely my own for meeting you, Your Grace." He replied humbly, bowing his head. When Aslan nodded his head, Caspian let out the breath he'd been holding.

"Now, the time has come for me to tell you my true reason for coming." He said, giving them all a warm glance. "And that is to talk to Susan." He said, his gaze resting on her. Susan looked up in alarm.

"Me?" She squeaked, her courage fleeing as the Lion nodded.

"Yes, but I also will be speaking to King Caspian in order to prepare him for his duties." He replied, gesturing to Susan to follow him as he said this. Susan took a glance at everyone with worried eyes as Aslan lead her away. Lucy gave her a smile, Edmund nodded, and Peter just waved. Caspian also had a nervous gleam in his eyes as Susan turned her head back to Aslan as he lead her down to the center of the field.

"I was honest when I said that you have grown, Susan. You are more radiant than ever." He complimented, and Susan couldn't help but blush at his flattery.

"Thank-you, Aslan." She replied softly sitting in the grass and Aslan sat beside her.

"As well, your confidence, courage, and endurance have matured as well. But this is not my nature of seeking you out like this. I must enquire how you ended up in the Witch's capture in the first place." He said. Susan didn't answer at first.

"I apologize for my blunt entry into the conversation." Aslan said softly, and Susan gave him a smile.

"That's alright. I sacrificed myself in Peter's place. I knew he could do more than I could in a case as this one." She replied, picking a flower that was near her knee and tucking it behind her ear absent-mindedly. Aslan nodded his head, thinking over her words.

"A brave choice. And you were rescued?" He asked.

"By Edmund, Peter and Caspian. They disguised themselves as Telmarine soldiers with Peter as their prisoner. I was being poisoned at the time, so I didn't see much of the rescue." She explained, and Aslan continued to nod.

"I'm very proud of your will to survive, Susan. You are needed by many people." He said to her, placing a paw over her hand. Susan smiled at the gesture and thanked him, looking at the earth beneath her to avoid his powerful gaze.

"We will leave the past to reveal the future. Now I have a feeling that you have something important question to ask me." Aslan said, and to Susan's surprise, rolled onto his back in such a lazy, un-kinglike position. Susan felt a smile tingle at her lips, but was more befuddled by the fact that he had read her mind.

"I do, Aslan. You see I was—well I was wondering if I could possibly…stay. Here, in Narnia, is where I feel more at home than anywhere. Especially now that I fell in lo—"Susan held her tongue, but Aslan had heard her thoughts.

"Now that you've fallen in love?" He guessed, and Susan gave a weak, embarrassed nod. Aslan chuckled.

"Do not be regretful of your feelings, young one." He chided, and Susan nodded her head.

"You have not answered my question." She said quietly, eager for an answer. Aslan went silent for a few moments, thinking over her plea in his head. Susan almost felt her hands twisting together to pray for Aslan to let her stay here, where her heart waited patiently in the hand of a young prince who stood a mere ten feet away.

"King Peter, all of you must come join us for a moment." Aslan said, his voice gentle but loud as it summoned the other teenagers over. Lucy arrived first and plopped in the grass beside Aslan, while Peter and Edmund sat beside her. Caspian awkwardly fell to the ground beside Susan, and she immediately took his hand. Caspian was surprised, but had no complaints.

"Queen Susan would like to live in Narnia. Permanently." Aslan said to them, and Caspian grip tightened, Peter's mouth dropped open, Edmund made an unintelligible sound, and Lucy squealed. Susan looked away as soon as their eyes landed on her.

"Stay in Narnia…forever?" Peter asked her from across the circle. Susan wouldn't meet his gaze, but nodded her head. Peter whistled and leaned back, thinking it over.

"What about us?" Edmund asked Aslan. The Lion's eyes met his and he smiled.

"Along with Susan, you'd all be welcomed to stay here. Forever." Aslan said, and the four Pevensies exchanged stunned smiles. They all seemed very happy with the idea of living in Narnia for the rest of their lives.

"But wait—" Susan interjected through the joy. Everyone turned to her eagerly.

"Will we ever return to England?" Susan asked Aslan, and for a moment, he remained silent.

"Yes. There would be a required amount of time for you to return to your home, a week perhaps, in which time in Narnia would remain the same as England to your convenience. During this time, you'd be urged to visit your family and update them on your health and just have some quality time with them." He said, and Lucy held back a scream of joy. Aslan watched as Peter's eyes welled up with tears, a smile blooming onto his young face. Edmund and Lucy had stood up, pulling Peter to his feet and dancing around him as he laughed cried at the same time. Aslan too stood back up and laughed as Susan gave him a very tight, un-Susan-like hug. Than she turned to Caspian.

He was not happy. His eyes were dark and serious as he regarded her carefully. Her smile faded as she looked onto his face, hoping for a hint of approval or gratefulness that she would be staying with him.

"Caspian?" She asked tenderly, placing a hand on his arm. He blinked, but his eyes never left hers.

"You'd really like to stay?" He asked, cocking an eyebrow. Susan unconsciously took a step back, growing fearful that he didn't want her anymore.

"Well…yes." She admitted, trying her best to remain optimistic. But that look on his face, shadowing over the usually handsome features…he looked almost disgusted.

"Truthfully?" He asked, stepping closer, and all Susan could do was nod.

"Caspian, why are you acting like this?" She asked him quietly, ignoring the squeals of joy from the party behind her.

"I do not want to be lied to anymore." Caspian said, and his voice dipped into a tone dripping with exhaustion. His eyes lost their sharpness, and all Susan could see were two pools of dark brown doubt.

She gave him a smile, taking another step towards him and laying her palm gently on his cheek before going onto her tip-toes so that her lips could meet his ear.

"I'm staying." She whispered, and Caspian's shoulders sagged with the breath he let out. In two seconds, he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him, giving her a soft smile before it vanished in a kiss. Susan wrapped her arms around his neck, and Caspian held her tighter.

They could have, and would have, stayed in this position until the darkness blanketed Narnia. However, within a moment, Edmund had thrown his boot in their direction.

"Break it up!" He called, the teasing look dancing in his eyes. Susan sneered at him, but laughed nonetheless. Although she had lived a life here long ago, she could feel the anticipation in her fingertips for a new beginning. Yes, her second life here would be her best. And it begins now.