Reviews for Rescue & Rapture
Joy Jolly chapter 16 . 12/26/2008
okokok, srsly you KNOW I love something when I stay up 'til 2 am reading it! this is just awesome. When does your first book come out? I'm not joking. you're an amazing author!
Joy Jolly chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
Wunder Boy chapter 1 . 7/22/2008
I never have time to read fanfics anymore. : But I read the first chapter and it was awesome... I'll read again later. :)
bella dear chapter 16 . 6/24/2008

Oh my gosh, this was such a cute ending! I'm a little confused by Caspian's "I don't want to be lied to anymore" line, but I'm super glad that they all get to stay together in Narnia. :) This has been such an amazing series; I can't even begin to describe how much I love this. Great job on all sixteen chapters of probably your best fanfic ever! Thanks so much for writing this for all of us to read avidly. Teehee. Love you!
VampireBassist chapter 16 . 6/23/2008
Awesome story... It took so long for me to finish

reading it though... Haha. It's still good!
bluebaby3296 chapter 16 . 6/23/2008
is it finished? cause if the story is complete u might wanna change it to completed
fandroid chapter 16 . 6/23/2008

Everything all nicely wrapped up, everybody in-character and yet gloriously venturing outside it. *sigh of contentment* Just how it should all be.

Besides, since you haven't changed the status to completed, dare the loving, longing readers hope for more, in an epilogue?
I'd rather live in books chapter 16 . 6/23/2008
That is a good ending, but maybe you should do an epilogue. The ending seems unfinshed some how.
Fluffy0987 chapter 16 . 6/23/2008
... and all ends well. You leave me with a happy, fuzzy feeling. :D

Congratulations on a great, and completed, fic! *applauds*
NorthernLights25 chapter 16 . 6/22/2008
I loved it!
The.Brilliant.Thinker chapter 16 . 6/22/2008

is there going to be a squel or anything?
SirenoftheSea90 chapter 16 . 6/22/2008
MasqueradingDragon chapter 16 . 6/22/2008
What a lovely ending! I really enjoyed reading this story!
proudeyesneverlie chapter 16 . 6/22/2008
Beautiful. Congratulations on the finishing of a great fanfiction!
redrose7856 chapter 16 . 6/22/2008
Ah, what a great finale. You should write a sequel where all four of the Pevensies go with caspian on the Dawn Treader and maybe Eustace just falls in by himself or something! Excellent ending!

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