Josephine Macalister was not having a very good stretch of luck at the moment and she seriously had to wonder if it was possible that someone had dared to curse her. Admittedly it could be a lot worse, but she had really thought that things were about to go back to the way they were… then John Winchester showed up and blew her chances for happiness to hell.

"Momma, are you mad?" Ann asked as she sat and watched her mother slowly eat dinner. She hadn't told her mom what had happened on the playground and she really didn't want to, but she also knew that it would be a lot worse if Momma found out before she told.

Smiling, Josephine shook her head and looked at the only thing her ex-husband had really given her. "No sweetheart, I'm fine. How about you, is everything alright?"

"Well, you know how you've told me that I need to practice my spells before I try them?" Ann asked, hoping that her momma wouldn't be too mad. Seeing the acknowledgment, she nodded and continued, "And you know how you said that I'd understand one day?"

Something told her that she needed to stay calm, that it couldn't really be that bad. However when she heard her daughter speak again, she was more than a little confident that she was cursed; it was the only explanation.

"I accidentally turned Sammy Winchester into a bunny today."


After getting everyone into the motel room, John had made a quick run to the store to get tomato juice for bathing a certain little rabbit. Sighing, he wondered just when exactly their lives had gotten so out of whack that he could think about his baby boy as a bunny and not think he was losing his mind.

Upon entering the room, he saw Dean trying to comfort an obviously pained Sammy. It didn't take a genius to see that the rabbit had a broken leg courtesy of the dog, but he had no idea what to do about it at the moment. Hoping to get the skunk smell out of the room, John got the makeshift bath ready and tenderly lifted Bunny Sammy into his arms.

"Come on son, let's get you cleaned up then we'll see what we can do about that leg." He said quietly, hoping to calm his boy but worried he was scaring him more. Sighing, he sent up a silent prayer that no matter what happened, he didn't hurt his boy any more than he already was.

It had taken over half an hour to gently wash Sammy's fur then clean him off again before John was satisfied that the majority of the smell was gone. Tenderly cleaning his son's leg he confirmed the shifting bone making him cringe when he heard the tiny rabbit squeal. Finally, Dean had enough and took his little brother from his dad and finished the ministrations, including a makeshift splint that they hoped would help until they could get Sammy back to being… uh… Sammy.

Dean watched his little brother sleep and wondered if it had really been a good idea to crush the pain medicine and spike his brother's water with it, but then again they couldn't have Sammy in pain so it seemed to be a no win situation. Letting out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, he settled on the bed curling around his brother determined to make sure nothing disturbed him the rest of the night.

As John watched, he knew that he was seeing the bond between the two boys grow and he smiled in acceptance knowing that one day it could very well be just the two of them. They'd need each other then, and they wouldn't have the luxury of time in forging a relationship later, it was better to have them rely on themselves now. Hearing a tentative knock on the door, he pulled himself away from watching his boys and made his way carefully towards the door not expecting who he'd fine on the other side.


Bunny Sammy lay close in a pair of arms completely content in trusting the one who held him. Sleepily he was aware of murmuring around him, but he could not make out what they meant, only finding comfort that they were for him. It didn't take long before they were out of the forest and in someplace new, making him nervous and wanting to bury himself in the arms even more, only to realize his leg hurt worse than before.

More murmurings and he is taken from his nice safe spot, but he isn't frightened as he knows he is safe here too. He looked up and saw someone familiar and was ready to sleep when he was put in a puddle and gently washed. It wasn't so bad once he got used to it, and he listened to the soft sounds surrounding him until suddenly his leg was moved and it hurt. Quickly he was cradled once again and he could curl into the warmth and sleep.


John stood at the doorway and stared, not believing who he was seeing. The person standing in front of him was none other than the crazy woman who had accused him of murdering her already dead ex-husband, and now come to find out her daughter had turned his baby boy into a rabbit!

"Mr. Winchester, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, but I was wondering if you had a moment, it pertains to our children." Josephine said tersely, wishing that she was anywhere but there at the moment. It was one thing to apologize for a spell gone wrong that she did, but totally different when it pertained to her only daughter.

Motioning both mother and daughter inside, John rolled his eyes when he heard the shocked gasp from the older woman. 'What did she expect?' he wondered, 'Sammy with bunny ears and a fuzzy tail but otherwise intact?'

"I am so sorry about this. I'm sure you understand how children can be and I'm afraid that this entirely my fault since I kept insisting that she practice more." Josephine said earnestly, hoping that the man before her wouldn't completely lose his composure when she told him the rest. "I'm afraid though there's nothing I can do."

"WHAT!" Dean exclaimed, instantly waking Bunny Sammy with a terrified start. "Sorry Sammy, shhhhh… it's ok… go back to sleep."

Ann looked at what she had done and felt horrible that she couldn't turn Sammy back, but her mommy told her that she hadn't thought the spell through so now it had to work its way out. "I'm sorry Sammy." She said quietly, trying to ignore the angry looks that Dean was giving her.

"Dean, calm down. I'm sure she meant that there's nothing she can do at the moment but is working on it." John said as he rubbed his face with his hand suddenly feeling very old and very tired.

"No, I mean there's nothing I can do. Since Ann isn't very powerful and the spell wasn't solid, your son should turn back on his own, but I don't know when."

Looking at the woman before him, John really wanted to be someplace, any place, else. Seeing that he wasn't going to get his wish, he nodded then motioned to the door trying hard not to let his anger, for once, get the better of him.

Watching the two Macalister's leave, Dean couldn't believe that his dad was going to let them go. They were witches that obviously went around turning people into whatever they wanted to, they needed to be stopped!

John could see the tension build up in his eldest son and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come on son; let's take care of Sammy, ok. He's more important than trying to figure out what to do about those two." Seeing Dean's silent agreement, he smiled then grabbed his jacket. "Well, since we have no idea how long he's going to stay like this, I'll go get him some food from the store and some burgers for us."

Dean nodded as he softly stroked his baby brother's fur and watched as Sammy's nose twitched a little before he looked around with his large eyes. "What are we going to do with you kiddo?"


They had no idea how much longer they could deal with Bunny Sammy. He wasn't a pest or even in the way, he just wasn't Sammy and that was the hardest part to deal with. Both Dean and John missed the upbeat chatterbox that was their Sammy. Now though, they had a quiet bunny that sat there and watched them every minute of everyday when he wasn't off exploring some new nook in the motel room or bushes outside the doorway. To say it was disconcerting would have been an understatement.

With Sammy's leg broken, Dean had taken it upon himself to carry the little bunny brother around to show him everything 'so he won't get bored', making John wonder just who was bored with what. Everyday seemed to be the same; Dean would wake up to a sleeping bunny next to him, then came breakfast and they'd watch the bunny carefully eat his lettuce and carrots, then outside the boys would go, followed by the same routine only with lunch and dinner.

The second day dawned in a totally different manner for the Winchester's however. The sound of Sammy crying woke both Dean and John instantly; making them both wonder how they could have forgotten that he would still have had the break in his leg. Rushing around, they managed to get a very confused little boy dressed and into the Impala for a hasty visit to the ER where not only did they find out that he had a simple break but also no recollection at all of the last several days.

Feeling that they got off lucky for once, John insisted on taking the boys out to breakfast and even carried Sammy into the diner careful not to bump the new cast adorning his baby's leg. Dean continued to fuss over his little brother while John watched and wondered again how he got so lucky. Giving his boys permission to get whatever they wanted, he motioned the waitress over readying himself for the usual list but was suddenly struck speechless when he heard Sammy's request.

"May I have just a small salad please?"

AN: Well that's it... I hope that it wasn't too lame and that you all have enjoyed it... don't forget to let me know