Ice Cream
By that belle

Author's Note: This was originally a drabble I did for galbana lilies on livejournal. I decided to post it here with my other works. And here is the criteria:

Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Pairing/s: Basch/Reks/Vaan
A quote that HAS to be used: "... I don't know if I want to know what a spoon is doing there."

It wasn't exactly a sound that you would normally hear coming from the Palace kitchen. Or any kitchen, to be exact.

Nevertheless, when Captain Basch fon Ronsenburg was walking past the kitchen one Thursday morning while he was doing his patrol, the unexpected sound from the Palace kitchen was definitely one he heard.

"Ow! Vaan! Stop, that hurts."

"C'mon, Reks, take it like a man!"

Basch stopped dead in his tracks, his mouth dry. Those two names he knew. The conversation they were having was… disturbing, by what he had just heard, and for the sake of those two young boys he was thankful that he was the only one around at that time.

But he couldn't just turn away now. His curiosity had been sparked, and he had to know what they were doing. It couldn't be all that bad, now could it? He walked down the corridor that led into the kitchen, and opened the door.

"… I don't know if I want to know what a spoon is doing there." He said, his voice flat.

The two boys in question looked up in horror. Vaan had chained Reks to the brick wall (Basch guessed that it was unbearably cold, it was the winter season and he himself was quite chilly that morning), and Reks had no top on. Vaan had a cold metal spoon in his hand, and on the counter beside him was a bowl full of iced chocolate cream. "Ice Cream", as the younger Dalmascan generation called it.

"C-captain!" Reks stammered.

Vaan tried to hide his smile, but he couldn't. He burst into laughter. When Basch took a second look he noticed that Reks had the 'ice cream' smothered all over his nipples and lower stomach.

He wanted to gag. "Vaan, please explain yourself."

The blond nodded. "Reks and I made a bet to race around the courtyard, Captain." He said confidently. "I won, and the punishment was for the loser to be chained to the wall and smothered with ice cream. I was almost halfway when you came in."

Reks had turned a deep shade of red. "T-that's not the worst, Captain."

Basch raised an eyebrow. "Enlighten me."

Vaan decided to step in at that moment. "Whoever was the first to see Reks covered in ice cream… had to lick it all off him."