
It took four men to subdue him, but even then, his eyes screamed his defiance through the rapidly swelling bruises that decorated his face.

Two men held his arms wrenched painfully behind his back. Another was braced against his chest while the fourth had one arm wrapped around his forehead and the other curled beneath his chin, causing his head to angle sharply upward. He was on his knees, but the way that he regarded his captors made it seem as though he was staring down his nose at them.

The Dark Ace allowed a smirk to grace his lips. As beat up and worn as Aerrow was, he still had such spirit. "Why, Aerrow," he purred with a self satisfied growl in his tone, "After all the trouble we went through to invite you to our…humble abode…this is how you act? How very rude."

Aerrow craned his neck away from the Talon's arm, and bared his teeth in an angry grimace. "Dark Ace. Don't you even think you've won."

Dark Ace laughed, a broad, triumphant sound. "I don't think I've won." He leaned closer. Aerrow's eyes tracked him from within a face tacky from congealing blood. "I know it."

Aerrow spat, but the wad of blood and saliva flew wide, landing on the floor beside the Dark Ace's boot. The older man laughed again. "Poor child. In over your head, aren't you?"

"You're not going to win. I'm not going to let you." Aerrow rasped, his voice scratchy and garbled. He had bit his tongue somewhere along the way and it bled freely, trickling from the corners of his mouth.

He peered intently at Aerrow's face, eyes darting back and across his mottled features. "I'm going to break you, sky knight."

Aerrow's eyes showed only defiance.


Author's Note: Total word count: 297

This drabble series is kinda in answer to Conversations. Cant let Aerrow be the winner all the time, can we?

Also, this drabble series will be different in that it will have a max of 300 words per entry as opposed to 100.

Also, as I have been getting several PM's from people who want me to toss ideas for fanfcs their way, I was toying with the idea of putting a mini-fanfic challenge up in my profile. Would anyone be interested in trying it out if I invested the time in putting a challenge together?

And, in closing, please review and/or pm me with what you think.