Okay, I'm going to warn you now that this chapter is the mushiest chappie I've ever written and my first attempt at a romance chapter. Please don't laugh. This chapter was going to be longer but it didn't really make sense.

Disclaimer: I do not own the Alex Rider series or any characters in the series. I do own Noelle and Zane.

"What do you mean your girl might not like you?" Wolf asked, pounding the control pad furiously until his tiny avatar finally buried a round of bullets in Alex's character.

"I don't know. I'm not big. I haven't filled out yet. I'm lanky" Alex said miserably. He jerked the control pad and his avatar rolled forward, punching Wolf's in the face. Wolf grunted loudly.

"Stop beating up on yourself. You're fine. At the risk of sounding way cheesier than I would normally allow, if she can't tell how great you are, she doesn't deserve you" Wolf said, nudging his younger companion in a vain effort to distract him from the game.

"But I think I love her Wolf" Alex said, blushing fiercely.

"Then why the hell do you look so sad? You love the daughter of a multi-billionaire and she hasn't kneed you where it hurts. That's something to celebrate about" Wolf offered, grinning as he delivered another round of bullets to Alex's character.

"I've known her since forever Wolf. She's seen me running around the garden naked, trying to find my paddling pool" Alex said, wincing as the controller vibrated in his palms.

"That's a long time" Wolf admitted.

"But it's only now that I think she's started to be pretty. I-I like to look at her face. That's all I know. But she's still sulking with me about her birthday and I don't even know why. What can you get her that she doesn't already have?" Alex mused aloud, unloading his thoughts as Wolf inflicted a five hit combo, draining his character of half it's life points.

"What did you give her anyway?" Wolf asked, doing a small, celebratory jig.

"A model aeroplane" Alex answered shortly.

Silence ruled the room, the only noise disrupting it a clanking of pots and pans from the kitchen where Jack was making dinner. Wolf suddenly broke the quiet with a loud, roaring guffaw.

"Bloody hell mate! You bonehead! What the hell made you think she wanted a model aeroplane for her birthday? I mean, her father has four full size, private jumbo jets" Wolf said, his laughter ringing throughout the room.

"I don't know. But I fluffed up my one chance!" Alex said quietly, tone choked with emotions.

Wolf sighed, rolling his eyes with a slight smile on his face. Alex immersed himself in the game and won back a few points.

"Look arsehole, that's good news! She wanted something special from you, that's good" Wolf counselled.

"What? You're being about as clear as a puddle of mud" Alex complained.

"It's good because it means she wanted something special. A token. I gave her a very boring book comparing the trajectory's of the weapons modern day soldiers use. She was thrilled" Wolf explained slowly.

"Pitchers, flasks, buckets of mud" Alex said, using a sweeping roundhouse combo to half Wolf's avatar's life points.

"My god, how dense can one person be? She wanted something, a token of affection from you because she has affection for you" Wolf said, gently knuckling the younger man on the head.

Alex grinned in realisation.

"Really?" he asked, eyes of the television.

Wolf jumped to his feet to strike the killing blow that would bring him his very first victory over Alex. Jack crossed the room in two strides and yanked the plug from the socket. The television dimmed and switched off immediately.

"Jack!" Wolf snapped loudly, voice full of loss. She silenced the dark haired man with a quick kiss.

"Dinner's ready" she said, straightening up. Alex suddenly leaped to his feet and took off, the door closing loudly behind him.

"Alex? Alex!? Jamie, where's he gone?" Jack asked, panicking.

Wolf tidied away the controllers and pivoted to face his girlfriend. He kissed Jack's cheek and grinned.

"He's gone to take his first few steps in love" Wolf replied, making his way slowly out to the kitchen. He flopped down at the table. Jack rolled her eyes and turned, following Wolf out.

"To get the crap kicked out of him by love fo the first time more like" Jack said, smiling and shaking her head slightly.

Noelle Richards switched off the tv with a small snort of disgust. Nobody broad-casted anything good these days! She heard the front door of the penthouse apartment she shared with her father open and she sighed. It wasn't Zane anyway. He was always half an hour late to try and avoid Declan Richards, who happened to harbour a dislike towards his daughter's cheeky, loud mouthed boyfriend who seemed to take a childish glee from verbally sparring her father.

A fifteen year old girl living in a huge, penthouse apartment that must have cost millions with no one from the rest of the building to bother her for three entire floors and she couldn't think of anything to do but wait for her aforementioned loud mouthed boyfriend. Nothing. Nadda. Zilp. Zitch.

The room she sat in was tastefully decorated with casual expense and she hated it. The walls were painted the most beautiful cream with dark rose on one wall. She had a queen size bed, cable television, a walk in wardrobe and a fully functioning entertainment system. Everything a girl could want? Whatever.

She couldn't stand the stifling wealth that surrounded her constantly. Noelle wasn't exactly tall for her age but she had ash blond hair cut to her shoulders and dark eyes. She was tanned year round thanks to her father's impromptu business trips abroad at weekends. Noelle was used to entertaining herself. After all, if she didn't, no one else would.

Noelle felt her thoughts wander back to Alex. They did that a lot these days. A model aeroplane? What was he thinking? She'd been dating Zane the three weeks since her birthday as a kind of comforter. Zane was amazingly good looking, funny and did the wildest, most romantic things. He could make her smile and laugh. That mattered to her. She could even feel herself liking him more and more each day. Maybe she'd love him. But even thinking about Alex made her stomach flip like a pancake. He'd always been good looking but the past few months, he'd become more than just her mate. At least, she'd thought so. And then he went and gave her a model aeroplane? It didn't make sense. Maybe it was a boy thing.

Her father appeared in the doorway holding a chunk of mail and smiled tiredly at his daughter.

"I have it on good authority that a certain teenager is on his way up here" he said.

He smiled to himself as his daughter's eyes lit up and she beamed at him. Alex Rider could make his girl laugh. He could make her happy. And as far as he was concerned, that was all that mattered.

Noelle knew her father meant Alex. She just knew. All thoughts of Zane were banished immediately. She totally forgot him, one hundred percent. Alex was the boy on her mind.

"What? Alex is coming? How do you know?" Noelle asked her father, jumping up from her bed.

"Happened to pass said teenager on the stairs. Said hello. He was busy sweating profusely and mumbling to himself. Something about a birthday present. Had a lovestruck, gombeen head on him and all. I'm guessing a declaration of undying love is on the way so I'm going to make myself scarce. Microwavable fish fingers for tea. They're in the freezer" he said, kissing his daughter's forehead with a wink and a mischievous smile.

A romantic at heart, Declan Richards smiled to himself. He'd heard the tears the night of her birthday. He'd seen her calmly build the model aeroplane and then lob it out the window. He'd stood by and watched, ready to step in, but praying he wouldn't have to. He figured if it was meant to be, it would happen.

After a quick salute, Declan exited the room, chuckling to himself. He left the door open upon his exit and nodded politely to Alex Rider as he charged up the stairs, not even noticing Declan. Declan chuckled again. The Rider boy had pluck, he'd give him that. But, Declan considered to himself, he was definitely a cut above all of the others Noelle had brought home.

The boys she usually went out with for a week or two? Declan didn't want them for his daughter. Boys like Zane Matthews who seemed to have trouble written all over them. Zane irritated Declan in a way no child ever had before. He was horribly possessive of Noelle too. Behind that childish glint in his eye there was something sinister. Something slightly psychotic that made Declan worry for his daughter's safety. Like a grenade, waiting to explode. Noelle would be a career woman, he'd known it since her birth. A career woman, just like her mother. Declan smiled sadly at the thought.

He summoned the elevator and grinned again to himself, unable to hold back the peals of laughter that sprang from his mouth. He regretted that his daughter was so bored and restless with her life. The boys she went out with were proof. Zane being the most startling piece of evidence Declan had seen so far. She was trying to rebel. To incur her father's wrath. To make him finally begin a huge argument and ground her for weeks. The punishment would at least give her something to do. Spend weeks slamming around the penthouse, breaking glasses and giving Declan the silent treatment. He shivered at the thought.

But the part that he found so irresistebly funny, so wickedly amusing, so devilishly ridiculous was the fact that the one boy she really fancied was the one Declan had been rooting for the whole time.

Alex knocked on the open door timidly. 'Idiot' his thoughts mocked him, 'the door's already open'

"Come on in Al, I'm in the kitchen! You like fish fingers?" called Noelle.

Alex smiled to himself and then scowled. He was totally sweat soaked and his hair was even messier than usual. Of all the days to take the stairs.

He did what Noelle suggested and made his way through to the kitchen. She looked over at him and smiled, pushing her hair back from her eyes.

"Excuse the mess. What's up?" she asked, smiling charmingly at him. Alex swore he felt his heart actually flutter.

"Noelle, I came to say that I-I- em- things are changing now and, er, we're changing and, er, it's not a go- I mean, er, it's natural and, em, it's-uh- only normal. But I, uh, I think I owe you an apology" Alex said as quickly as possible, stammering despite himself.

Noelle grinned mischievously to herself.

"For what Al?" shee asked softly, hardly daring to hope what might come out of his mouth.

"It's, um, about the model aeroplane" Alex began, taking a deep breath.

"You don't want it back, do you? Because I built it and the eh, window was open and-" Noelle began, eyes wide with panic. He wanted the stupid plane back!? Hardly a declaration of undying love.

"What? No, of course not. I-I just think that now, things are clearer than your birthday. I-I think we're both older now, more mature. You're a young lady an, em, I'm a young man. And a model aeroplane wasn't the, er, kind of gift you give to a young lady. In fact, it was a stupid, stupid gift. The worst present I've ever given you. Including the stink bug when we were eight" Alex said, finally calming down towards the end of his little speech.

Noelle smiled at him and moved subtly closer.

"And I-I know we can't do stuff like we used to. We're both too old for playing Pirate Hostage or assaulting your father. But maybe we can do new things together. Things that people our age do? And nothing involving models of any sort" Alex finished up, grinning. He already felt lighter.

Then the moment came. The perfect moment. Everything was just right. The sun was setting outside, the sky a blotchy orange. A lazy wind blew in the window, ruffling Noelle's hair.

Alex leaned in, his eyes on those perfectly sculpted, tantalizingly enchanting, luscious red lips. Noelle closed her eyes and just as their faces were less than an inch apart, the microwave pinged loudly.

Both hesitated slightly. Alex blushed and pulled back, his head ducked in embarrassment.

"I-I uh, em, er, mesit sofa" he said, jumbling his words hopelessly. Before he could even wait to hear Noelle's reply he practically sprinted to the living room to regroup his thoughts. Mesit sofa!? he berated himself mentally.

Noelle felt like screaming and tearing her hair out. That close. So close she could feel his breath on her face. And she'd quite liked that sensation. Stupid fish fingers. She wasn't even that hungry. Suddenly, she had an uncontrollable urge to burst out laughing. Mesit sofa? Alex was even more nervous than she was. Maybe she should try to loosen him up a bit?

She tipped the fishfingers on a plate and pratically skipped into the living room. She put the plate down on the small table and grinned at Alex.

"Mesit sofa too" she said teasingly, her heart pounding. Would he take it the wrong way?

Alex grinned and blushed, looking exceptionally cute.

"Mock me if you must. But I thought it was the very epitome of cool" Alex said, laughing.

Noelle giggled with him.

"Anyone who describes anything they do as 'the epitome of cool' is in no way cool" Noelle said, feeling a weight lift from her shoulders.

"Really? And you're so cool? I happen to remember a certain five year old who used to like eating kitty litter. 'Member you said you liked the aftertaste?" Alex teased, grinning at his friend.

Noelle said down beside Alex and smiled at him.

"I still do" Noelle confessed, blushing slightly.

"That's disgusting! To think I nearly kissed you!" Alex blurted out. As soon as he'd said the words, he flushed a furious crimson.

"What, so if I asked you to kiss me you'd say no?" Noelle asked, her heart pounding in her ears. Please say say no, please say no Noelle silently begged.

"Of course not. In fact, I'd probably do this..." Alex said, leaning forward painfully slowly.

Noelle's heart pounded so loudly she was sure Alex could hear it. She closed her eyes and finally felt his lips connect with hers. They were soft and warm and just right. She felt herself smile. She opened their mouths and felt Alex's breath tickling her tongue. And then, deliciously, Alex's tongue slowly moved into her mouth, almost as though it too was embarrassed.

The kiss was sweet and gentle, a fragile thing. Like a butterfly. Such a contrast compared to Zane's dark, brooding, powerful kisses that made her moan aloud.

SHIT!! Zane!

Noelle pulled back instantly and ignored Alex's worried, hurt expression. Zane. Her boyfriend. And loathing as she was to admit it, the boy who she found herself daydreaming about in school.

But she'd Alex for months. Then Zane swanned in. He was so exciting and restless. He was romantic one minute, reckless the next. He was never delicate or particularly sensitive. He made her laugh so hard she nearly peed.

Alex made her smile.

Zane made her beam.

Alex was the kind of boy who could be her soul mate.

Zane was captivating and a breath of fresh air to be around.

Alex was classically good looking.

Zane was movie star handsome.

She really had to stop comparing them.

She adored Alex. She wanted him for the rest of her life. But Zane was so dangerous. He could pluck at her heartstrings and tease out a melody. And if she left him for Alex, Zane would be furious. He was the jealous type and had a slightly disturbing fondness for beating seven shades out of anyone who even looked at Noelle the wrong way. At first, she'd thought it was cute. But now she knew just how dangerous it was.

Alex was more than a match for Zane. But he wasn't. Noelle knew it. Zane would spend weeks watching Alex and then come at him armed and dangerous. For Alex's sake, she had to stop that from happening. If Zane ever caught wind of Alex, he'd kill him. The thought that Zane would kill for her startled her. But it was true. Zane was madly in love with her. They both knew it.

She had to get out of her relationship but in a way that left Alex totally blame free. Maybe she'd be able to convince her dad to 'forbid' her from dating Zane. Breaking up with her slightly psychotic boyfriend could come later. She'd make protecting Alex priority number one.

"Al, you know Zane Matthews?" she said quietly, getting to her feet.

Alex watched her, confusion and pain written all over his face.

"Yeah, that nutter in the form below us. The one who has that classroom assistant following him all the time? The kid who kicked in the Principal's door?" Alex replied.

Noelle felt the tiniest of smiles twist her mouth. When you put it like that, it was easy to choose who was the safer option. But she always had liked danger...

"Yeah. Him. Look, Al, I-I've been going out with him. And you know what he's like. If I break up with him and go out with you, he'll find a way to get at you. And if he hurt you because of me, I'd never forgive myself. So, I think we're gonna have to be mates for now Alex. Just until this whole card tower relationship falls down" Noelle said sadly.

Alex frowned at her.

"But I thought-" he began.

"Hey, Noelle, where the hell are you? I think I'm lost in your hall!" called a familiar voice.

Alex's face contorted in pain. He got to his feet and bolted from the living room, nearly running into the tow headed teenager who appeared in the doorway.

He watched Alex's back race from the apartment and sneered.

"What was that tosser doing here?" he asked, stepping into the room.

"Baby, he's my mate. Get used to him. He's a great guy" Noelle said, stepping into Zane's arms, which seconds later entwined around her waist.

Zane kissed her forcefully and then, just when she felt she was going to run out of air, he pulled back. He smiled that charming smile of his and flopped into a lie down position on the sofa, pulling Noelle on top of him.

"Anyway, what's got his knickers in such a twist?" Zane asked, kissing Noelle's neck.

"Hm? Tired of waiting for the card tower to fall" Noelle answered dreamily.

Zane snickered.

"Not making any sense again" he chimed in.

"What? Oh, he doesn't like the smell of fish fingers, that's all" Noelle replied.

Zane reached over, plucked a fish finger from the plate and tore it in half. He fed one half to Noelle and gobbled the other half himself, blowing on his fingers.

"Whatever. Is it just me, or does your couch smell like kitty litter?" Zane asked, wrapping both his arms back around Noelle.

"Just you baby" Noelle replied, smiling secretly.

Zane wasn't the kind of guy who you told that you liked the taste of kitty litter. Even Alex's tolerance had barely stretched to that one.

Later on, when she lay on the sofa with Zane holding her tightly, even in his sleep she realised she could still taste Alex on her lips. And truth be told, he tasted nice.

1- Do you like Noelle?

2- Are you looking forward to reading about Jamie next?

3- Do you think I should put up pictures in my profile of the closest person the characters look like? Some people are doing it and I'd be fine with it if I could find some good photo websites.

4- Will be reading this story or do you think it's just boring?

5- (Last question) Do you want a Yassen romance? If so, do you think it should be a non-conventional romance?

Okay, you must have some opinion on this chapter. I'd really love to hear it. And if you can think of a better summary, I'm all ears. So, until next chapter, BYE!!