In this world there were humans considered to be the lowest of the low. In fact they were so low that homeless people were viewed as nobility in comparison to them. These people were know as human slaves.

Degenerate people neither loved nor wanted by the families they were born into. Therefore, such individuals were sold to high-in corporations for a measly sum of money. Once a person was sold to a corporation they were no longer considered human beings. They became property of that corporations to be sold or leased as best seen fit for the business. Often these humans owned by corporations or human slaves, were sold to business men as house servants . However, if a human slave was found to be very attractive they would be sold to brothels and commence work as a prostitute.

Nevertheless, those dreadful statements barely scraped the surface. Human slaves were inferior beings treated not much better than trash. Their housing in the corporations were similar to that of a dog-pound and their rations were on the scarce side. So if a slave wasn't attractive enough to be sheltered into the much more pleasant life of a harlot and likewise wasn't hired under an elite business man, then they would undoubtedly live of the corporations lackluster living arrangements.

Among human slaves there is a high fatality rate. For those living under the corporation there was a great risk of starvation or any disease resulting from poor nutrition and hygiene. For those living in the brothel there was the slightly lower risk of sexual disease. The least likely risk was for those living under the house of a business tycoon, who were sometimes murdered by their 'masters'.

Although, the life of a human slave seemed impossible to endure there were those who lived to adulthood and ever fewer lived to ripe old age. However, it wasn't an impossible achievement.

Inside a small cell with cement walls and floors , with iron bars instead of a door , lay a springy mattress with ebony haired human slave sprawled on it. The slaves name was L and he was plainly dressed

in a long-sleeved white tee that and denim jeans, both of which were extremely baggy. His flesh was pale and untouched by the sun, which was most likely due to his windowless cage. His ebony tresses were as dark as a raven's feathers if not darker and his opalescent eyes were just as bleak.

His room was just a plain as his appearance. There was nothing other than the aforementioned mattress and a small hole in the corner for excrement. The cell held no lavish finery or any flamboyant decoration, in fact L was the most attractive item in the room. Not that he was deigned as much more than an eyesore. In fact that day, one of the corporation's officials had visited him to inform him of just how ugly he was and that if he wasn't soon taken in by some pitiable rich man that he would be put down. He was further told that he was very fortunate that the corporation had fed and sheltered him these many years after all the sponsors had looked upon him with disgust. He had never been viewed as attractive and his gangly figure had never been fit for strenuous labor. Therefore, he was nothing more than a useless mouth for the corporation to feed.

It was almost incomprehensive as to why the corporation had been his life support for as long as they had. When he was 10 he had been bought by the corporation and 17 years later he hadn't repaid a single penny. When the corporation had bought him they also held claim over his birth certificate. Therefore, after his death his existence would be untraceable. That was the way this corporation and others alike were never liable to charges of neglect, manslaughter, homicide, ect. Not that such charges could ever be brought against them, for in society human slaves were no longer human beings but merely assets .

As L began to ponder about his supposedly immanent death, he thought it ironic. Usually such a drastic action would not have to occur. Either a slave would be sold or would die before such a measure would require enforcement.

Suddenly, the sound of a door opening shrieked down the hallway lined with similar cages and occupants. The sound of footsteps and the whispering of many voices ensued.

" Quiet, you mongrels!" bellowed the gruff familiar voice of one of the companies attendants.

" It is a quite unpleasant that your previous stocks had nothing to meet my specifications, you know." came a smooth and foreign voice. L knew that an unrecognizable voice could only mean on thing that another sponsor was perusing the options. Most of the other imprisoned occupants were likely preening and trying to appear presentable to the new possible escape to this hell-hole. Nevertheless, L lazed carelessly about on his lumpy mattress. After all, no one had ever shown any interest in him and so he had refrained from humiliating himself like the others did .

" Ah! Sir, here is a new one. Isn't she lovely? She has already been requested by a local brothel, but if you wish her yours…" the attendant began.

" Indeed she is lovely. Yet, her eyes have an idiotic dullness to them." the strange voice remarked .

" Then this one."

" Has a crazed smile."

" How about this one?"

" Inches from death."

" Oh! Then this one surely."

" Is a brothel return with oral herpes."

Meanwhile, the pair of voices were growing ever closer to L's cell and the raven-haired slave had become slightly intrigued by the new sponsors snide comments. Part of him yearned to hear what insult would be launched at him and yet part of him dreaded the approached.

The worried face of the attendant appeared as he glanced into L's cage and looked even more worried.

" And what foul pet waits for me next?" the stranger's voice scoffed.

" Never mind this one , Sir. He is to be put down first this tomorrow morning."

" What a grotesque pile of flesh this one much be then…." started the foreign voice, but the jib never finished as an exceedingly handsome young man with auburn hair and sharp golden eyes appeared. This gorgeous being was dressed in a button up white shirt with khaki pants that flatteringly clung to his trim form.

L was momentarily taken in with the elegant man, who now stood before him silently scrutinizing. A few more tortuous moments passed and the young man never once took his eyes off of L. The dark haired slave felt his inside boil over at the intense attention he was receiving. Yet, he returned the others tentative gaze.

The silence between the two's staring contest was broken by the perplexed voice of the attendant.

" Sir, you need not gawk at his hideous face. There are far more pleasant creatures to beset your precious time with."

" Extract him from his bindings." the handsome man stated as he continued to glare at L.

" Sir?"

" Just do it!" he barked.

The attendant immediately procured a sizable iron key and inserted it into the lock on the cell's iron bars, which swung open loudly.

" Now bring him closer."

The attendant hurriedly met the command by roughly grabbing L and pushing him in the direction of the man. Once L was close enough the handsome fellow grabbed his pale chin. Those honey brown eyes moved back and forth as he studied the dark-haired slave. Suddenly a finger caressed the raven's pink lips . Yet, before he could enjoy the riveting sensation that it inspired, the handsome fellow prodded the two buds apart. His mouth underwent a meticulous inspection as each of his molars were examined and counted.

" He has all of his teeth and no cavities. Impressive." the young man remarked.

" Sir?"

" Tell me more about this particular slave."

" His name is L, Sir."

" L? What is his age?"

" 27"

" His ethnicity?"

" British."

" Any disabilities?"

" None we are aware of."

" His IQ?"

" 180"

" So he has good dental records, a strange name, he's older than me, a foreigner, possibly defective , and nearly my rival in intelligence?" the man inquired.

" umm…that is correct."

" Can he understand Japanese?" the man inquired. L silently laughed at the obvious question. The man knew he was intelligent and could easily deduce that he had been residing here for quite sometime. Therefore, it was highly unlikely that he would not be able to understand the local language.

" He even speaks it, Sir." the attendant replied.

" Good. L , I want you to undress." the man stated blankly as his auburn eyes met the onyx ones challengingly.



Yippy!! Another L and Light fan fiction.

Please Leave me some reviews to let me know what you think.

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Otherwise, thanks for reading and I would love a review.

Sends you love.