the first half is snape pov and the second is lupin's pov

hope you enjoy!

disclaimer: i do not own harry potter

It was five-thirty in the morning when Potter, Black and Pettigrew finally emerged from the Whomping Willow. I would have jumped for joy if I hadn't been so bloody cold. My arse hurt like hell from sitting in the bushes so long. I listened closely as they walked by, inches from where I was hiding. Black was murmuring something about getting some sleep.

James laughed that annoying laugh of his, flipping his hair, and I felt my stomach cringed. AS if there were any girls outside at 5:30 in the morning. He was so full of himself. "Good thing he finally came down. I need my beauty sleep." he laughed, and I felt my fingers tightened around my wand. It's impossible to hate anyone more than I hate him.

They went inside and I waited a minute before creeping over to the Whomping Willow. The crisp grass crinkled under my feet and I cast a disillusionment charm, just in case. I looked around, breathing in the cold morning air. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, excitement clouded my thoughts. Am I really going to do this? Can I? A familiar tingle passed through my stomach and I dropped into the passage.

The air inside was even colder. The hall was dark, dank and riddled with dust. How could they leave him in this? My heart was beating three times fast now. It had all seemed so much easier when I planned it. Months of spying and now suddenly I had cold feet. I opened each door along the hallway hoping I'd find him. The sooner I found him, the less nervous I'd be. But every room was empty. I chuckled deeply as I opened the last door. Of course it was empty.
Which meant I'd have to walk all the way upstairs, my palms sweating buckets.

I walked up the stairs silently, wary of squeaking steps. A bead of sweat fell down my face and my knuckles whitened as I clutched, the banister harder. I reached the top and my heart was in my throat. It was beating so hard I was sure my ears would bleed. I took long deep breaths,
trying to calm myself down. 'I just had to talk to him, just talk' I told myself. It wouldn't be the end of the world if he rejected me, everyone else did. I put my hand on the door knob and started to open it when I realized the charm was still on me. I lifted it and walked in.

I saw him and my heart stopped. He was so beautiful. Remus Lupin lay there sleeping, curled into a little ball on the dusty floor. My stomach fluttered gently. He was naked, the hair was receding now, leaving his frail form open for my view. His skin was milky white, veiled with many scars; he was the most stunning thing I'd ever seen.

I knew at once I had to have him. I needed him, even loved him. I'd tried to convince myself I didn't. This whole year I fed myself excuses. I mean, it was only natural to appreciate him, right? After all he was the only one who defended me from Black and Potter. I didn't "like him", like him.
At least it started out like that. Soon I found myself looking forward to seeing him. I would purposely start arguments with Potter just to hear him intervene. I found myself staring at him in class: And he would stare back.
He was the only who smiled at me; who acted like I was there.

My eyes fell past his back to his arse and I felt my cheeks burn. Suddenly I felt horribly embarrassed. I was standing there staring at him naked. It was sorta like seeing him in a public shower. I should look away but I can't. It was strange, I never fancied a boy before, but as I looked at him now, it seemed stupid that I was just now realizing it. I felt myself twitch and I quickly conjured a bed. It was king-sized with a black blanket set and it nearly filled the tiny room. I drew back the covers and picked Remus up.

He grunted softly as I carried him in my arms. His face was pale, his hair dirty with dust.
I tiptoed toward the bed, catching the smell of his hair. It was marvelous, I found myself snuggling in his hair breathing in deeply. It was the queerest scent; like melon and wood-chips.
I inhaled again and felt my knees buckle as he snuggled closer to me, his hands touching my chest. His body was warm against mine and I felt an overwhelming wave of affection wash over me, the likes of which I've never felt before.

I looked down at him, he couldn't possibly get any cuter. I laid him on the bed gently, marveling at how close I was to him. I'd never been alone with him before; it was unlike anything I ever imagined (and he hadn't said a word). I accio-ed some of my pajama pants and quickly dress him before covering him with the blanket.

My smile faltered as he sighed deeply at the new warmth surrounding him. I didn't want to leave him. I couldn't. Not after everything.

I shuffled out of my shoes and climbed into bed with him, careful not to disturb him. I lay staring at him, a slight smile graced his face as he slept. Before I could stop myself I kissed his lips softly, a chill traveled down my spine. I laid back down and soon fell asleep.

Sunlight crept through the windows warming my skin. I slowly stretched out my arms(hey, transforming was hard work) and yawned loudly. Wait a minute, my ass doesn't hurt. I looked around and realized I was in a bed. Wow, nice work. Prongs must have done this. I started to get up, but I heard a soft moan. I turned around to see a boy fully dress laying with me. My heart lept, I knew that long raven black hair. I knew that adorable nose.

I was sleeping with Severus Snape.

Please tell me if you like it and I should continue.