Reviews for Beautiful Dreamer
grassandsafetypinsandthings chapter 3 . 7/27/2010
really good story.. cant wait to find out what happens next
samster1819 chapter 3 . 7/5/2010
cool please write more.
Delete account please forever chapter 3 . 7/5/2010
Good story!
BrownEyedPippa chapter 3 . 6/6/2009
Yay! I was so happy when I checked my e-mail and saw that you updated :] really good chapter I like Remus in your story alot.
Addictedreader09 chapter 3 . 6/5/2009
ouch...what an asshole. way to remus though! stand up for what you believe
Ali-chan et Vani-chan chapter 3 . 6/5/2009
James is such a bastard! Poor Sirius... He must be heartbroken. Can't wait for a real lemon between Remus and Severus by the way! I hope Remus'll top;p plz update soon.
angelstone340 chapter 2 . 3/27/2009
Please say there will be more! This was so good
sleipnirfenris chapter 2 . 3/14/2009
please update! I'm dying to knwo what happens next!
SillyLesbianPanda chapter 2 . 12/23/2008
Short, but cute. Please continue!
XlatrenXloverX chapter 2 . 10/17/2008
love it! more soon please!
EgyptAdbydos chapter 2 . 9/14/2008
Please update soon. It's a great story, I really loved it!
Fancy-Hart chapter 2 . 5/15/2008
oh please write more!
ladyasile chapter 2 . 5/14/2008
ah, bummer! they were getting to best part! uh-oh james and sirius! hope they can get out of this one a-okay. update soon!

ladyasile chapter 1 . 5/14/2008
that was the cutest thing i've ever read! out of all the snupin fics, this is the cutest and most adorable one!

ChaseTheMorning chapter 2 . 5/8/2008
Please update soon!-Kitty
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