"Katsuya," Seto barked, slamming the door behind him as he entered the dorm and glaring around at the assemblage of people who most definitely did not belong there, "when I said to invite people over Saturday night, I meant night, not afternoon."
Jounouchi did not even bother to look up from the television screen where he was currently getting crushed by Yugi Mutou in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.
"By the way, Seto, where are you going tonight?" Yugi asked, looking up at Seto while still managing to beat Joey without even looking at the screen.
"Somewhere expensive where there is no risk of running into you or any of your pathetic little friends," Seto replied, walking past Honda, who was sitting on the floor near Jounouchi's bed and watching Yugi annihilate Jounouchi in yet another round, and stepping into the closet.
"So Katsuya," Otogi asked from his position on Seto's bed, "who all is coming over tonight?"
"Mai and Anzu should be over soon," Jounouchi replied, the momentary lapse in concentration allowing Yugi to wipe him out completely. "Dammit, Yugi, you're killing me here. Oh, yeah, and Bakura might be showing up later if he can get off work."
"How about another round, Katsuya?" Yugi asked hopefully.
"Nah, I'm done," Jounouchi replied, handing the controller off to Otogi.
"What about Shizuka?" Honda inquired curiously.
"Oh, she called me last night, said she had plans," Jounouchi muttered, sprawling out on his bed. "Kinda weird, seeing as she usually rejects most guys who ask her out, and if she were hanging out with friends she would have told me."
"Speaking of your sister, Katsuya," Seto called from the closet, "What color does she prefer: black or navy blue?"
"Blue," Jounouchi answered. "Why?"
"Oh, no reason," Seto answered, stepping out of the closet moments later, clad in a navy blue suit, white shirt, and black tie. "This look good?"
"Yeah, it looks…" Jounouchi began before realizing what was going on. "Oh. No way. No. I forbid you!"
"It's not really your choice, is it, Jounouchi?" Seto replied, smirking and walking into the bathroom to comb out his hair.
"Hey, you listen to me, and you listen good," Jounouchi seethed, getting to his feet and taking a step towards Seto. "You keep your filthy hands off my sister or there'll be hell to pay."
"Really, Katsuya, I thought you would see this as me doing you a favor," Seto admonished in a slightly mocking tone.
"How the hell would I think you're doing me a favor by making a pass at my little sister?" Jounouchi demanded, thoroughly enraged.
"Well look at it this way: if she's not with me, what's to stop her from going out with one of those two?" Seto asked, gesturing towards Honda and Otogi. "Oh, and I want your little posse gone by two a.m. at the latest. The last thing I'll need after this date is the Third Degree from you peasants."
"Two a- look, Kaiba, you had better have her home by midnight at the latest, or I swear I'll kill you!" Jounouchi threatened, glaring daggers at Seto.
"I wouldn't count on it, Katsuya," Seto replied, putting toothpaste on his toothbrush and proceeding to brush his teeth. This being done, he made his way to the minifridge that he and Jounouchi shared and pulled out a corsage. "Well, I'll be going now. I'll expect all of you to be gone when I return, whenever that will be," he said, staring pointedly at Jounouchi's friends.
"Why are you leaving so early?" Yugi asked. "It's only seven o'clock, and you don't have to pick Shizuka up until eight."
"I have to make a quick run to the drugstore," Seto answered, glancing meaningfully at Jounouchi and causing the blond to clench his fists in anger. This reaction being attained, Seto left the dorm and walked confidently to the parking lot, where his chauffeur awaited him in his limousine.