Author's Note: This is a sequel to my other story, 'Journey to the Dark Side'. This story takes place aboard the USS Enterprise-E four years after end of series & three years after Data installs his emotion chip. In this story, Nemesis never happened. This story was inspired by my friend and fellow Star Trek fan, Sarek Fan.

Path to Redemption

Written by S. Bell

Chapter One: Reflections

The Enterprise was charted for Starbase 133 and would not arrive at its destination for another several hours. It was a relatively quiet day on the ship, and there was very little else to do other than to await their arrival. Captain Picard was in his ready room enjoying a book. Cmdr. Riker was going over evaluation reports with Counselor Deanna Troi in her office. Data had command of the bridge. He sat in the Captain's chair while observing bridge operations. For the most part, everything was running smoothly. Suddenly, something horrible took place. Data grew furious with the bridge crew for no apparent reason. He took the life-support systems off-line throughout the entire ship after shooting Lt. Worf with a phaser. Some of the crew attempted to contact Starfleet for assistance, but it was useless since Data locked out the controls. Everyone on the bridge slowly suffocated to death. The captain staggered out of his ready room. Before he could say or do anything, he collapsed onto the floor… dead.

The entire ship was void of illumination, except for the red and blue emergency lights that lit the path of the corridors and the perimeter of most of the compartments. As Data traveled through the corridors, he stepped over countless dead bodies of the crewmembers and civilians who died from asphyxiation. He chuckled coldly as he did so. In his mind, he believed them to be imperfect, weak and unworthy of survival. He also thought it was an interesting turn of events since he was looking down on those who often saw him as an incomplete individual. His emotions were running wild. With his super-hearing, he detected the faint sounds of people panicking in Ten-Forward. Immediately upon entering, crewmembers and civilians — all wearing emergency ventilation equipment — flocked to him.

"Commander! What's happening?!" The people cried urgently.

"You are all dying. Do not fight it, for it is well overdue and there is nothing you can do to prevent it." Data replied with a calm smirk.

Before anyone could react to his shocking statement, Data unsheathed his phaser and began to fire upon the crowd. Nothing mattered, not their color, age nor gender. Before long, the only animate being that remained in Ten Forward, was Data. The smile suddenly faded from his face once he realized what he had done.

"No!" Data exclaimed as he sat up in his bed, relieved that it was only a nightmare. However, it triggered him to seriously contemplate the extent of his emotional control.

Sitting at his console, Data removed a small case from one of the compartments. It contained Lore's main memory chip. Now more than ever, Data was curious about the cause of his brother's unpredictable actions. He wanted to understand why Lore made the choices to do the things he had done. Data wondered if Lore's decisions solely initiated from his emotional program. It was important for Data to discover this since, now that he had emotions, he didn't want to run the risk of exhibiting such behavior. His nightmares alone seemed to indicate that it was a possibility. However, to fully grasp Lore's reasoning, Data decided he would have to download his memories. It was a dangerous prospect to consider, but he felt compelled to attempt it.

However, Data wasn't without reason. He of course knew he would have to seek permission from the captain. He'd already spoken to his friend Geordi about it — who of course objected to the idea due to the fact that Lore nearly cost him his life. Still, as Data held his brother's memory chip in his hand, he felt the strong urge to try and figure out if his own emotions could make him turn out like Lore. If so, Data planned to permanently destroy his emotion chip to prevent himself from endangering those around him.

Early the next morning, Data arranged to speak with the captain in his ready room. Since Data had his emotion chip activated, he was initially a bit nervous.

"You wish to see me, Mr. Data?" Picard asked.

"Yes, sir. It is… an important matter." Data answered, his expression uneasy.

Captain Picard sat up straight and set down his tea. His face now mirrored Data's concern.

"What about, Data?"

"Lore, sir. I —"

"Lore?" Picard interrupted with surprise. "What about him?"

"Sir, recently I have been… preoccupied with thoughts of his actions. I am aware that it has been nearly four years since his last incident, but I have found myself in the uncomfortable position of wondering if I am capable of similar actions… if my emotions will lead me to become like him."

"Data, we've been through this before. You and Lore are two entirely different beings —"

"Yes, sir. I recall that conversation. However, it was said that I was different due to the fact that I had no emotions of my own at the time. Now that I possess them, I wish to ensure that I will not be capable of the same acts as Lore."

"How do you propose we go about that, Data?"

"I recommend downloading his memories into my frame. It may provide me with enough information to figure out why he turned out the way he did."

"Data! Do you hear yourself? Do you know what you're proposing?!" Picard exclaimed with disbelief.

"Yes, captain. I have a complete memory record of our entire conversation. Do you wish for me to repeat —?"

"Data, what you're proposing would pose a risk to the Enterprise and its crew! We both know what Lore was capable of."

"Yes, captain. However, humans often wish to learn about their history in order to gain perspective. I am merely attempting to do the same. Despite his actions, Lore is part of my history and I wish to learn more about him."

"But Data…" Picard's voice trailed off as he sighed and placed his head in his hands for a moment before returning his gaze to Data. "What do you expect to gain from downloading his memories?"

Data thought for a moment before answering.

"Sir, there is a quote: 'Those who do not seek to learn from their past are doomed to repeat it.' My intent is clear. I wish for the history of Lore not to repeat itself." Data replied.

As had occurred many times during their service together, Captain Picard realized that Data had him against a wall. How could he treat Data as a human and yet deny him the right of discovering the details of his brother's past? The answer was simple, he couldn't deny him. On the other hand, Picard had the well-being of the crew in his hands and he was not willing to sacrifice it. The captain was in an incredibly difficult position and he gave the only reasonable answer he could come up with.

"Data, I will… consider your proposal and will contact you when I have an answer."

Data opened his mouth to make a statement, but thought better of it. Instead he replied: "Yes sir. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me regarding this matter."

With that, Data rose from his chair and left for Engineering, leaving Picard with the weight of his complicated thoughts.

"What?!" Geordi exclaimed after Data informed him of the conversation. "You mean he's actually considering it?"

"Yes, Geordi. Does this surprise you?" Data asked.

"You're damn right it does! For starters, Lore was a maniac and it's risky for you to download his personality into your frame!"

"Correction, Geordi. I plan on downloading his memories, not his personality."

"Either way, you'll be seeing things from his perspective."

"Yes, that is the point. I wish to understand the reasoning behind his actions. I need to be sure that those actions didn't stem solely from his emotional program."

Geordi frowned as he pondered something.

"Wait a minute, Data. You're not making any sense. Didn't you say that Dr. Soong figured out what went wrong with Lore's emotional program before creating yours? Wouldn't that mean he constructed your chip in such a way that those anomalies would be avoided?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"That is correct. However, when my emotion chip was installed I realized something."

"What's that?"

"I realized that when Lore installed my emotion chip into his own frame, it would have overridden his existing emotional program. Yet, he still experienced intensely negative emotions. However, he simultaneously experienced the desire to reunite with me… his only remaining relative. I have deduced that one of two things have happened. Either my father failed in his attempt to perfect the technology of the emotion chip, or…"

"Or what, Data?" Geordi asked while entering commands into a console.

"Or the emotion chip somehow became corrupted by Lore's emotional program."

Geordi immediately stopped what he was doing and concentrated his concerned gaze on Data.

"Data, maybe you should run a self-diagnostic." Geordi suggested.

"I already have. All of my systems are functioning normally. However, a self-diagnostic would not help in this case since we have no baseline on which to compare my emotion chip. It is in the same condition as the day we installed it. This is another reason why downloading the memories of Lore would allow me to compare how my chip is functioning now, to how it was operating in his system." Data explained.

"Data, I understand your motivation to learn more about what happened with Lore, but as your friend, I urge you… I beg you, to think this through very carefully, okay?"

"I have given it serious thought, Geordi. I understand your concerns, but I have made up my mind."

"I see." Geordi replied quietly as he dropped his gaze, clearly disappointed.

"Geordi, if the captain approves my proposal, I will need your help with the procedure."

"Yeah. Sure, Data." Geordi reluctantly replied with a helpless sigh before changing the subject. "Hey, can you perform a level 2 diagnostic on the warp core relays?"

Data performed his duties, but not before turning back to regard his friend with a concerned glance.

Although Data knew that each day had the same number of hours, the days following his discussion with the captain somehow seemed longer. Day after day, Data would carry out his usual duties, but found himself distracted by thoughts of his brother and the possible instability of his emotion chip. Once the Enterprise finally reached the space station, he and Geordi were busy with routine maintenance procedures. Data decided to continue the discussion about his desire to learn about Lore's past.

"Data, not this again." Geordi sighed.

"Geordi, I understand that you are uncomfortable with the idea. However, as I have mentioned to the captain, I wish to learn more about my history."

"Data, you already know what Lore was capable of. Is that not enough for you?"

"No, it is not."

"Why Data?!" Geordi cried, "Don't you remember what he made you do to me? You nearly killed me because of him!"

Data lowered his head as an expression of guilt flooded his face.

"Data, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you like that. It's just —" Geordi gently replied.

"Geordi, I have not forgotten what I have done to you. However, there is something I must tell you. Perhaps you should… sit down." Data replied, the gloomy look still present on his face.

"Okay Data, you're scaring me. What's going on?"

"It is about the time when I held you, the captain and the counselor hostage. The three of you have mentioned… reassured me that my actions were not my fault. As I reflect on that event, I am compelled to disagree."

"What?! But Data…"

"Please, Geordi... allow me to finish." Data calmly interrupted, "The emotions I experienced at the time came from my brother, but in the end, it was I who threatened your life… and nearly killed you. For that, I am very sorry, Geordi."

Data's voice quivered and it became apparent that he was on the verge of tears. Hating to see his friend like this, Geordi placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Data, I've already forgiven you for that. Your ethical program wasn't functioning. It really wasn't your fault."

"Yes, but what of Lore?" asked Data.

"What about Lore?!" Geordi exclaimed a bit more harshly than he'd intended.

"Perhaps his ethical program was not functioning either. Perhaps that is one of the reasons for his actions. That is why I wish to learn about his past. I am afraid there is a chance I may become like him. It may be possible for me to do terrible things if my ethical program were to… fail."

"Wait a minute… you think your emotions might corrupt that program? You think it corrupted Lore's? Data, you don't even know if he had such a program!"

"I know. That is why I intend to find out."

As if on cue, the captain contacted Data through his Com-badge.

"Data, here." Data answered.

"Data, please report to the ready room."

"On my way, sir."

With a nod to Geordi, Data swiftly walked to the captain's ready room. Upon his arrival, the captain gestured for Data to sit in a chair. Once he was seated, there was a brief, awkward moment of silence before the captain finally spoke.

"Data, I have given your request serious consideration. I must say, it was not easy for me. On the contrary, it was damned difficult. Nevertheless, I have reached a decision. However, before I disclose what that decision is, I want you to know that I value you both as a friend and an extraordinary colleague. Your endeavor to become more human is admirable and inspirational. In some respects, your intentions and actions have led most to believe you may be more human than us all. Unfortunately, error is often a recurring factor in humanity. I urge you to avoid it if at all possible because… I hereby approve your request."

The captain sighed quietly and Data's eyes lit up, a smile spreading across his face.

"Thank you, captain. You have my word that I will maintain the highest level of caution."

"I'm afraid you don't have much of a choice. I've made the decision to have Cmdr. LaForge oversee the procedure, but not before backing up your system."

"Yes, sir. That is a wise precaution."


Data nodded to the captain then walked towards the door.

"Oh, and Data…"

"Yes, captain?"

"I only ask that you not perform the procedure until the maintenance in Engineering has been completed. If anything happens I don't want Geordi to be stranded down there."

"Yes sir. Maintenance should take no more than twelve hours. I will not proceed with the download until then." Data informed prior to making his exit, leaving the captain to ponder if he had made the right decision.