Disclaimer: If Shaman King were mine, I wouldn't need to write fanfics. If any of these songs were mine, I wouldn't be writing fanfics.

Background music: ---

Important Questions Answered – 14 – Answered by Yoh Asakura, Ren Tao, Horokeu Usui, Lyserg Diethyl, Hao Asakura, and Chocolove McDanields!

If you had to paint your nails a certain color, what would it be?

Yoh: I have to paint my nails? Do you know how great I am at painting?! Ag, it would be all over my fingers!!! Can I not paint them? Or no, I get dibs on clear!

Ren: I'd have a bold red with a gold dragon design. Men wear nail polish.

Horo: No they don't! And I'm not painting my nails! I never will! Incidentally, I like an aqua blue.

Lyserg: How many people are waiting for me to say green? Or white? Or actually, black, since I'm stereotyped as emo and holding back my emotions? I say a burnt sienna.

Hao: Set my nails on fire!!!!

Choco: I like those stick on nails with all the swirlies and flowers and…(is punched by Ren)

for all: if it was valentines day and you guys HAD to choose, who would you

choose to be your valentine and what would you do on your date? – zinnie

Yoh: To avoid offending anti-yaoi readers and readers who expect said author to write yaoi and will feel disappointed if she doesn't, Mankinfan will leave the pairings to your imagination, but we're allowed to say what we'd do. And I have to say, I don't know what I'd do. I'd let my date decide.

Ren: I would take said date out for a candlelit dinner along a beach then have a moonlit stroll before going back inside for champagne and caviar. Thus exhibiting my ladykiller skills and wealth.

Horo: Um…I would rent out a ski resort so we could snowboard together…

Ren: …said the guy with no money.

Horo: Shut up! Then we'd snowboard until we were tired and we'd go inside and sit around the fireplace with hot cocoa. And cuddle.

Choco: Comedian night! We'd go to a show with a lot of famous standups! Then after that, chocolate until we puke! And of course a lot of hugs! But then again, I get no love…(cries in a corner)

Hao: Whatever we do, it's going to be full of fiery passion if you know what I mean.

Lyserg: My date and I would go somewhere rural where we can watch the stars. We'd bring dinner to eat while we're there and fall asleep in each other's arms.

Hao: Yeah, real practical when you think about the mosquitoes and West Nile.

Lyserg: Hush it, you horny jerk, it makes the fangirls crazy.

Choco: What about the fanboys?

Fun poll time! As you review to leave a question or just review in particular, please leave who you'd want to spend Valentine's with based on these answers! And if you've never reviewed for this before, now is your opportunity! The winner of the poll will get to dictate how the next Questions goes!

Yoh: What about democracy?!

to hao and ren: kinda random but...in science class we're growing plants and

i named my plants after you guys. your thoughts on this?

Ren: What kind of plants? BEAN plants? Trying to make a statement?!

Lyserg: Why would you assume they're bean plants?

Ren: Easy to grow and manipulate. Don't you know anything about Mendel?

Hao: BURN THEM!!!!

to everyone: i know we've disscussed yaoi, but how do you guys feel about


Yoh: I think the author's hyperventilating for a second cause she's never gotten a question like this…

Choco: Girl on girl action!

Horo: I didn't know you were in to stuff like that.

Ren: Like yaoi, I have no comment.

Horo: You say that but you have a huge nosebleed.

Hao: Horo, you're surprisingly bloodless!

Horo: I'm mature.

Hao: Silk underwear.

Horo: (loses gallons of blood) Hao! I'll be anemic if this keeps up!

Lyserg: Next question!

to mankinfan: do you have any touble keeping the characters in character when

your writting this fanfic/ your other fanfics? – black anime fan

Um…not really…I have the characters have a set personality that expands from the main storyline so they won't be too OOC (I hope I used that right), and I just write off that.

To Ren, Yoh, Choco, and Horo: How was it like to feel like you've repeatedly died? I'm always thinking about how I will die, so I'm curious.

Horo: You emo or something?

Hao: Hey! I've died too! And so has Lyserg! I see how it is.

Ren: I'm hoping you won't die as dramatically as we did. We were practically murdered.

Horo: Death doesn't feel like anything. It's kind of like…you die, you experience a moment of blankness…and you're dead.

Choco: Seeing how the author hasn't died, there's really a lack of adequate adjectives.

Yoh: That and no one who's died has come back to tell of the experience. Except for those 'I saw heaven, I saw hell, I saw the light' kind of things. But those are pretty much BS.

Lyserg: Don't say that, there might be believers reading!

Hao: They shouldn't be reading then! Shaman King is pretty much an atheist manga!

To Ren:1 Do you really hate girls that much? I love you anyways. I usually prefer

taller men, but you're an extra special exception!

Ren: What the hell. And no, I don't hate girls.

2 How come (even though it's gel) when you take a shower, your hair doesn't

fall down? Do you use like, a cement solution? If so, tell me what brand! I

wanna have spikes in my hair. – khanh

Ren: Like I would ever tell you the secret Tao product. Come back when you're dead.

Sorry... about that... anywayz, I just have a question for the author that I

beg you do NOT take it to heart... How could you like Yoh and Lyserg together?

I mean they're like both guys? - xmegaminoaix

What? Now I'm not allowed to like yaoi? Heavens to Lyserg, what kind of thing is that? I happen to know a lot of people like that pairing (cough…flyinggazzebo…cough). I guess it's based on personal reference though. I try to be less bias in this fic though, so I'm not littering it with random romanticism. So I ask you to be tolerant.

for everyone: What Disgaea character can you relate to the most?

Yoh: The author hasn't got a very good background with Disgaea and will not waste time looking for information about such.

For Ren: hey do you think you might a Tsundere? - Kazumi-Chama95

Yoh: Again, the author is assuming the meaning of the word due to laziness in the author's part.

Ren: I honestly don't give a crap.

what 'other' weapons would u choose, for non-shamanic uses? i mean, other than

the weapons u use...

Yoh: Ideal weapon…?

Hao: Yeah, like you'd get an honest question from my pacifist brother. I'd have a bat with nails!!

Ren: I like blades.

Horo: Snowball gun!

Choco: Brass knuckles!! (slight, coincidental reference to Roadtrip)

Lyserg: I like running people over with cars.

ah yes, another question, there's a part in the anime concerning ren and the

use of computers...and you're like 'enter'... so, i just wanna know, did u

enroll in any computer classes after that? do u hv computer at home? - flameyamikage

Ren: Me, enroll in classes? That's a laugh! The Tao family has personal tutors. As for a computer at home, we have no use for it. We've still been educated about it because of course, a Tao knows everything.

This is a question for Hao...are you a vegetarian? Because I know you're all
"Save the Planet" and stuff, but do you eat just veggies? In the manga and in
the anime, we never see you eat.

Hao: Save a horse, ride a cowboy!

Horo: The question just asked for that.

Hao: I'm not very vegetarian. I know it sounds good in theory, but hells to the no. I could never be vegan like Horo. That's just…yuck.

Hao: If you insist, RETURN OF THE HAIR FETISH! XD I noticed that your hair is
really long and pretty Okay, your hair is GORGEOUS, but has anyone threatened to cut it?

Hao: Obviously you have not read Scissors by theFlyingGazzebo. Or else you would know that in the wonderful fanfiction world, I cut my hair. For fun purposes.

Lyserg: (groans)

Question for all: I just want to know how you keep your stuff right where
you need it. I mean, has anyone lost an Oracle Pager And our Anna cosplayer Janie wants to know: Hao, can you cook at all? – rosesempai

Yoh: Oh, I lose things all the time. Anna's threatened to surgically attach things to me so I don't keep losing stuff.

Ren: Oh please. Me, lose things?

Horo: I like to keep belts on my things and tie them to my hands. Then I just pull and zip! There's my stuff.

Ren: Remember when you had your snowboard on a leash and it was tied to your hand and it accidentally slipped off that one cliff?

Horo: (cringes)

Choco: Guess what people in asylums are losing?

Lyserg: Their minds. We know.

Hao: Everything I lose, I can always get back again, somehow. And yes, actually, I can cook. Thank you.

Hao, have you ever ridden in a car, even for a short ride? If you
have, what was it like? If you haven't, would you like to?

Hao: In this high tech world, if I haven't ridden in a car, I'm a sorry sap. Just because I'm anti-human doesn't mean I'm a caveman. Honestly.

Me: When was the worst time you got sickTell how you felt, what you think you had, and how you got through it - rosesempai

Yoh: Um…

Horo: He's been too sick to know anything. And I'd just like to say that northern men don't get colds!

Ren: Men? You're a man?

Horo: SHUT UP!

Ren: The Chinese have an uncountable number of herbs and medicines at their disposal. I've never been sick long enough to notice.

Hao: Sickness is nothing from what I've gone through.

Choco: What was the pony who just recovered from the flu?

Lyserg: A little hoarse. Yes. And it gets a bit nippy in Britain so I'm used to colds. And medical doctors these days stop major things from happening.

And we have our finish. I say finish because it's been so long since I last updated, I just wanted to bring people closure. I don't know if anyone still wants to post questions, but if you do, then this fic will be REVIVED! VIVA!

Hao: But we live forever.