Reviews for Important Questions Answered!
crissylover chapter 5 . 8/22/2015
Shamans React to Viral questions...too hilarious.
Lyserglover chapter 14 . 8/20/2013
Hey again, I came up with two more questions:
1. To Lyserg: In the manga chapter 136 you had marks on wounds over your chest, what happened? Yoh saw it you know...
2. To the twins: I came to thing of, Hao is around 1 000 years old and Yoh's twin, shouldn't Yoh also be around 1 000 years old then?
Lyserglover chapter 15 . 8/17/2013
I really love this fanfic and it's always make me laugh, so I have some questions :) First of all, I love you Lyserg! You're so cute and I don't understand that you have haters :/. Btw, to the questions:
1. To everyone: If you could swap body with anyone från Shaman King, who would it be and why?
Lyserg: How do you live? In a big house or something? :)
Lyserg again: What do you honestly think about the X-LAWS?
: Do you have mobilephones?
again: What would you do if someone/some of you suddenly became 6 years old?
To the author: You are doing an awsome job and it feels like you know the characters very good :)
Kim Santos chapter 14 . 4/23/2013
It is amazing to me how long it can take to get your hair the right way. What also is really interesting is how which types of hair styles are more common. I found these really fun stats at .
dandelionroots chapter 15 . 7/30/2011
Ooh, I would like to ask some questions...I mean if that's ok...So the main questions I'd like to ask are for Yoh, Hao, Ren, and...maybe Horo[?]. To Yoh [You're so cute!], if you choose to answer, who, out of all the guys there right now, would you date? (Horo, Ren, Hao, Lyserg, or Choco?) To Hao, one thing first, I love you! Ok, on to the question, I seriously don't get what is wrong with people who say that they want to 'destroy the world'. If you destroy the world, wouldn't you die as well? With no water or food and such. [Since the world is 'destroyed' and animals and plants live in the world. And the people are gone as well.] To Ren [Why the heck are you so awesome?], on to the real question, wouldn't you want your sister to be dating? Shouldn't she find her true love where she would most be happy with? Since girls go search for their 'knight in shining armor' and true love mostly means true happiness. [And you do want your sister to be happy, do you not?] And finally, to Horo, since you are a vegan, that means you don't eat meat or milk and stuff, right? Something like that...Well, how about this, I eat the cows which produce the methane gas which effects global warming, you guys eat the plants which are trying to prevent/fix global warming. So what do you say to that? :D Oh, and I LOVE YOU GUYS ALL SO MUCH! AND OF COURSE CHOCOLOVE TOO! :3 YOU GUYS ARE MY LIFE. Oh, and of course, the author. Thank you for your hard work in this story. Update Soon :3
whatkindofTMNTru chapter 15 . 1/9/2011
I have a question for Chocolovedo you like little kids?cause you seem like you'd like those I'm a Choco fan(your jokes make me laugh all the time even in exams!)
Lyserg-chan chapter 15 . 1/3/2011
I like how long you have come. I read little of the manga and watched the anime. but I want to know. I have a question to Lyserg and one for everyone.

1:Lyserg who are you in love with?

And 2:Who would like to be paired/together with Lyserg?

From Lyserg-chan.

I love Lyserg! 3
Maggie chapter 15 . 9/10/2010
Please update, this story is cool.
Maggie chapter 12 . 9/10/2010
So far I have only read like the first line of this chapter.

Hikaru no Go rocks! It isn't supposed to be funny.

About the last chapter...thanks for putting Faust in, he's my favorite character. However, I would like to point a few things out. 1:You had Faust get the weird neck tattoo before Eliza died. In the picture of Faust, Eliza and Frankensteiny in front of the clinic/house before Eliza died in volume 6 pf the manga, Faust has no tattoo. 2:The gray patch on Faust's torso is rimmed with stitches. It must have been sewn on, it couldn't have simply rotted like that.
Maggie chapter 5 . 9/10/2010
I have crocs! I don't have an iphone! I wrote an ask fic under the penname Maggie-baka, please check it out? It has no reviews yetT.T The title is Shaman King:Q&A.
Lydiacatfish chapter 15 . 7/1/2010
What in the...never mind. This has made me laugh so hard my whole face hurts. Yeah...

As for that poll, definitely Chocolove. I mean, comedy and then chocolate! That's just awesome! :DD And Ren, I hate you. Just had to get that out there.

I also have a few questions for Manta, but since he's not here, I'll just keep those tucked away...

Hao: I have a quote I would like your opinion on. "When there is nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire." That was the beginning to a song in an album called Set Yourself On Fire. By Stars, and you seem to like those little balls of gas in the sky. So what do you think of the quote?

Also, your appearance strikes me as that of a cowboy. Why do you dress like a cowboy?

And to everyone: I found a website dedicated to Hao's pants. What do you all think of Hao's pants? 'Cause I think they're awesome. And so did Pandora C, one of the main translators/editors of Shaman King online for the longest time.

And just as a reminder...Ren, I hate you. :)
UsagiSquared chapter 15 . 9/17/2009
In the hopes of a revival, I give you the questions that stewed in my mind as I read this thing from start to finish!

To Chocolove- First off, you are, by far, my favorite character. Love your puns man. :D But.. Seriously, what were your parents thinking when they named you. A (Or is it some weird nickname that just 'Stuck'?)

Second off, a question on Oversouls. Badass as they are, which one do you like better? The anime one (Giant Jaguar.. Car... Thing...) or simply OSing Pascal and Mic into the air and completely destroying everything in the area? :D

Third.. Horo Horo? Did you know that the Ainu are actually blond? It's true! Infact.. It wasn't until I actually saw your image in colour that I realized your hair was blue and not blond. o_o (Random fact: appearantly, there are many descended from the Ainu, who don't even realize it.. So sad..)

Also, now that the end of the manga has come... to all but Ren (Who, no matter how how it seems you've become by that epilogue, will always rank second on my character list, tieing with Hao and Opacho. *huggles Opacho* Kawai..), what was your reaction when you found out just who Men's mother was? (I would especially like to see Horo-Horo's. *grins*)

(By the way... No offense Yoh, but you and Anna look like you two walked right out of the seventies! YOW!)

Horo-Horo... As you dream about Maiden-chan and Bluebell, you... do recall that your spirit partner is the girl you fell in love with first right? (Poor Kororo will feel as bad as when you were looking at Morphine. :/ )

Hao - Has it occured to you just how much Ohachiyo resembles a terriermon? It's rather.. Odd. Also, out of curiosity, how's being the Shaman King going for you? (I tend to stick to the manga.. Hence why I was colour blind to Horo-Horo for a while. :/ )

Lastly, for Chocolove again, if he remembers this particular joke... Cheesecake. That is all. - UsagiSquared
LoveNote chapter 15 . 8/4/2009
That was awesome xD Most of the answers and questions were hilarious xD Really good job on keeping people in character. Though Hao does seem a bit obsessed with fire and killing (in my world, i dont rather agree...i just dont see that in him o.o)

But neways, I love it Can't wait for more D
CheshireGrins chapter 11 . 7/4/2009
hana had beleived that his parent was Tamao so he actually doesnt know about his parents and i dont think he knows that the gang was in the shaman fight. though i think someone alrdy explained this o_o
twinkletwinkee chapter 1 . 6/1/2009
it's so funny. i hope the hiatus will soon be off. :)
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