Disclaimer: Everyone knows that I do not own any of the characters.

W00t! School is finally out and I finally managed to finish a chapter! I've just been itching to write this one, inspiration struck during a gym class a few weeks back and I kept fearing I might forget it. Now I'm waiting for inspiration to strike for the next chapter.

This chapter doesn't focus a lot on the SSE, it's more or less a humorous filler (I came up with it while bored in gym, how the hell was I supposed to put in any plot under such conditions?).


Off Track…

Somewhere up in the dense sea of clouds, a large and imposing aircraft was speeding along at a much faster speed than one would expect it capable of achieving. The reason for this unusual speeding…?

"HURRY! We have to go faster!"

"This thing can't go any faster though!"

"MAKE IT! I don't want to lose my you-know-what!"

"Oh come on, I'm sure he didn't mean it."

"This is Mewtwo on a Thursday we're talking about. And besides, you have it easy: you're not a guy. What do you have to fear?"

"Do I look like some girl to you?"

"…Aren't you genderless?"

"Just 'cause I don't have a visible dick does NOT make me genderless!"

"…If you say so G&W."

--You have 5 seconds to get you asses over here before I rip 'it' off!--

"ROY! We have to press the 'emergency speed up' button. Now!"


"Are you insane? We could damage the engines! If MetaKnight's gonna kill us for scratching the wings, I'd hate to see how he'd react to a fried engine!"


"We're dead if we don't!"


"We're dead if we do!"


"We're dead either way…"

Suddenly, the front of the ship burst out of the clouds. Roy and G&W looked out the front windshield and saw Pit, Ike, and Mewtwo down below, standing on a rock.

"Did we make it?" Roy asked.

"I don't think so…"


"That." G&W pointed down towards Mewtwo, who was speeding up at the two like a bullet.

--.275 seconds LATE!--

"What difference does 3 seconds make?!" Roy cried out in frustration.

".275 seconds actually." G&W corrected.

"Like it matters! The point is, Mewtwo is going to kill us!"

"No he won't. He'll simply rip out our privates. It's MetaKnight who's gonna kill us if Mewtwo scratches the ship."

"That is NOT reassuring!"

"I'm sorry to interrupt, but I have some punishment to deliver." Roy and G&W stopped dead when they realized that Mewtwo had teleported right behind them. After a few seconds of silence, the shock kicked in, with devastating results.

G&W began panicking and accidentally bumped right into the 'emergency speed up' button while Roy toppled over the steering wheel, sharply turning it to the left. This caused the ship to begin a wild and reckless counterclockwise flight above a really confused Pit and Ike.

"What the hell are those idiots doing up there?" Ike wondered as he looked up at the crazy ship through his camera.

Back in the Greek-styled hallway, the 5 remaining figures were staring curiously at the scene on the large screen with mixed reactions.

Master floated there quietly, shocked speechless. Palutena had both hands over her mouth in horror, Mario had fainted out of nausea at watching the ship's constant turning, Marth questioned why he ever became friends with Roy, and Lucario was, well, you know, smiling like an idiot.

Back with Pit and Ike…

"You think we should do something?" Pit asked.

"What can we do? That ship is spinning wildly out of control hundreds of feet above us, and it's not like we can just fly up there and tell those 3 to stop."



"I have wings."



"Well then what the hell are you waiting down here for? Get up there and STOP THEM!"

Not having any response to that, Pit took off and made a beeline for the Halberd. However, midway up, Pit noticed he was slowly developing a spiral flight pattern. Confused, the angel tried to fly straight again, only to get sucked up into a reckless spiral.

"What the hell? That ship's going so fast it created a mini tornado!" Pit had scarcely said that before he got high enough to be swept uncontrollably behind the Halberd by its tailwind.

Ike, who did not have a great view of what was happening, thought that Pit was trying to chase the Halberd from behind.

"Pit! You'll never catch it like that. Intercept it!"

Realizing Pit couldn't hear him from that high up, Ike tried telepathy instead.

--Pit! Go the other way and catch the ship from the front!--

--I would if I could! The wind's too strong!--

"Damn." Ike paused to think up another solution. --Master, we need some help here.--

No response.

--Master Hand?--

Still no response.

"Great. Those guys are ignoring me. Only one thing to do now." Ike turned his camera so that it pointed at his face.

"MASTER HAND! WE NEED HELP NOW!" Master, who had been in a daze from watching the Halberd spin, was knocked back to his senses by Ike's outburst into the camera. The others, with the exception of the still unconscious Mario, were jolted to reality too.

"Oh dear. Seems like this has gotten out of me. Get it? Out of hand, out of me, because I'm a hand…" Palutena and Marth sweatdropped at Master's terrible joke, while Lucario smiled enthusiastically.

"Never mind. Let's just go. Marth, Lucario, on my back. Palutena, watch over Mario would you?" Master sprawled himself on the ground so that Marth (without his camera) and Lucario (without the SEAE remote) could climb aboard. He then clutched himself into a fist.

"Hang on, this might get bumpy." With that Master sped out through the doors in a flash.

"You're going too fast!" Marth cried over the wind that was whipping all around them. The poor prince was having a lot of trouble hanging on.

Lucario, on the other hand, was perfectly comfortable. Being able to wall cling, he had no problems staying on. Noticing Marth's difficulties, Lucario decided to help. He reached over Master's knuckles and pulled one of his fingers out of the fist.

"Grab on to this." Lucario called out. Desperate, Marth wrapped his arms around the giant finger.

"Do you realize which finger you just pulled out straight?" Master asked.

"Who cares? As long as I don't fall off, I'm happy!"

Master sighed and sped through and out the cloud tunnel, finally arriving at Ike's location.

"About time you…why are you…?"

"Lucario did it, not me." Master interrupted the swordsman and sped up towards the Halberd.

"Master! Thank goddess you're here! I really needed some hel…why are you…?"

"Shut it." Master silenced Pit as he flew higher and higher. Being heavier, Master was able to control his flight better against the wind, but when he reached Pit's level, the wind overcame the glove, smashing him into Pit.

"At least you stopped giving the finger." Pit mumbled as he collided with Master, who released his fist due to the wind.

"Lucario did it, NOT ME!" Master yelled out, frustrated.

"Great. Now what do we do? Even Master can't fly against the wind." Marth complained as the wind whipped at their faces.

"Why don't we just ask them to stop the ship via telepathy?" Lucario asked, still grinning.

Marth and Pit looked at the pokemon for a few seconds, then both facepalmed simultaneously. Master would have facepalmed too, had he a face.

--Roy, G&W, stop this ship NOW!-- Master yelled out. He and his 3 passengers looked up towards the ship hopefully, only to see a really annoyed Mewtwo teleport onto the deck.

--Those two are in the process of being punished right now, and I would appreciate it if there were no disturbances.--

--We are getting really off track right now, and this movie won't film itself! STOP THE SHIP!-- Normally, Master would not have yelled at Mewtwo on a Thursday, but he was getting desperate.

Mewtwo sighed and teleported back to the control room, where Roy and G&W were wiping, scrubbing, washing, and moping every square centimeter of the room. Both were extremely tired, yet extremely thankful that they had avoided bodily harm.

"We have to get back to filming now, but do not think your punishment is over." Roy and G&W exchanged nervous glances at what Mewtwo meant by that.

Outside the ship and on the ground, Ike stared up at the ship as it began to slow down. He watched as Master, clearly not prepared to fly, fell back to the ground with increasing speed. He winced as Master somehow managed to land on the hard rock instead of the soft clouds and collapsed as the other 3 smashers landed right on top of him, Ike that is.

"GET OFF ME! Geez are you 3 heavy." Ike pushed himself out from under the dogpile (get it, 'cause Lucario's a 'dog', and he's on the pile, oh what's with all these bad puns). "How'd you stop the ship anyways? I didn't see you get onboard."

"We said 'pretty please'." Marth responded unenthusiastically.

"No we didn't. Master told Mewtwo to stop the ship telepathically." Lucario replied, obviously unaware of Marth's sarcasm.

"You mean all we had to do was ask them to stop the ship?!" Ike was infuriated. "UGH! We wasted so much time for nothing!"

"I think I injured my wing." Pit moaned.

"I think I broke my knucklebones." Master moaned too.

"I think you're all being a bunch of whiny children." Mewtwo teleported in front of the group with Marth's camera, the SEAE remote, and a trophyfied Mario. "I took the liberty of getting you stuff and trophyfying Mario because he was still unconscious. Now let's get back on track or else. And do you realize that Palutena fainted from watching your shenanigans?"

The others, having no response, decided it best to get back to work before Mewtwo got angry again.

Meanwhile, back on the Halberd, which Mewtwo piloted out of view before leaving, Roy and G&W were composing their wills in their heads. Why?

Mewtwo had scratched off a bit of paint from the Halberd's front.

"Mewtwo really knows how to deliver punishment." G&W sighed. "MetaKnight is going to kill us."

"I know." Roy agreed. "And to think this all happened because we were 3 seconds late."

".275 seconds actually."

"Oh shut up already."

So I started out imagining how Roy and G&W would react to Mewtwo's threat in the last chapter, and my imagination got the better of me, resulting in this rambling chapter.

And as far as my update schedule is concerned, I'm not sure how stable it'll be. Studying non-stop for the last month really gave me a bad case of writer's block for this story and my Final Smash story, but I'll get back into the swing of things eventually. Fret not though, for inspiration has struck for an AU longshot that I'm currently working hard on, so look forward to that later this summer.