50. Second Chance (Shinedown)
A/N: Futurefic. After all's said and done, Roy and Riza are alive and well, and they're goin' to the chapel and they're… gonna get ma-a-arried! (Actually, this is supposed to occur along the same post-manga-by-my-imagination timeline as 49.)
Also, pretending Chris adopted Roy from Xing, as usual with this collection. If you know what actually happened, please ignore it, as it would screw up some of the dynamics here.
Roy took a deep breath.
"Roy-boy, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were getting nervous."
Roy spun around to face his foster-mother. "Chris, it's not like that."
"Better not be," Chris muttered. "Commitment was one of your strong suits, last I checked."
"That so, Mom?"
"Roy-boy…" Chris's grin softened, and Roy could swear the woman was about to cry. "You've done me proud, Roy. Through all of this, you might not have always made the best of decisions, but you've stuck to your convictions and you've accomplished what you set out to do." She ruffled Roy's hair.
Chris grinned. "I get to do that only so often, Roy-boy." She pulled a comb from her bag. "I'll fix it."
Roy sighed good-naturedly. "Maaaaa…"
"Don't whine, Roy," Chris chided in Xingese. "My little boy, getting married!" She barely paused. "And don't you start in on that, Roy! You're every bit my child like I'd birthed you myself! Who was it who sat by you when you were sick? Who sat you on her knee and taught you Amestrian? Who raised you right?"
Roy stared quietly—and a bit sullenly—at Chris, who grinned.
It was Fuery who poked his head in at that moment. "Showtime."
Roy stood and faced Chris.
Chris hugged him. "It's another chance for you to make the best of something. Don't ever take it for granted, Roy."
"I love you, Mom. A lot." Roy returned Chris's hug.
"I love you, too, Roy-boy." Chris left the room to go take her place.
Roy slowly walked toward the back entrance to the hall. It was a formal ceremony, but just civil. Religion still seemed a little weird. Everyone had opted for non-military. That was then, this was now. While Roy still ranked fairly high up there, this new government was (for the most part) by and for the people. Being in the military had nothing to do with the wedding, anyway.
As he walked in, he started to remember something.
"Do you really have to process in last?" whined Roy.
Riza sighed. "What do you have against it, Roy?"
Roy almost pouted, looking a bit embarrassed. "You're always behind me, supporting me to the top. This wedding has nothing to do with that."
"I beg your pardon, but it has everything to do with that. We're now supporting each other through trials, standing side-by-side, but one of us has to walk in first, and it's traditional that that person is the groom. We've bucked tradition for so long that it would be nice to observe it once and a while." Riza's hands were now on her hips, and she looked a bit miffed. "Understood?"
Roy could only nod.
The wait, short as it really was, was killing Roy. A part of it was just impatience, another part curiosity. He hadn't seen Riza's dress at all, and then he was actually a little worried that somehow, she wouldn't show up. Not that Riza would actually leave him at the altar unless he had really pissed her off. Even then, she'd only make him wait…
Now Roy was worried. Where was she?
He felt the arm of Havoc's wheelchair nudge him. "Oi, you're fine. Have a little faith in her, would ya?"
Roy would have answered, but it was at that moment that he saw Riza, and every little thing he had been worrying about vanished. Funny how the mere sight of someone you love can do that to you.
It seemed she was at his side in the blink of an eye, smiling at him a little uncertainly.
"Don't worry," Roy whispered. "Just working myself into a panic over nothing."
Riza rolled her eyes and smiled fully.
What had he been worried about, anyway? It had all gone off without a hitch, unless one counted the one that was supposed to have happened.
He and Riza had danced the night away, been toasted by a relatively sober bunch, and had filed out.
Chris stood by the car, waiting.
Riza was the first to approach her. Chris hugged her and whispered something in her ear. Riza smiled and got into the car.
Roy followed her, or tried to. Chris grabbed his arms. "Not without saying good-bye, Roy-boy."
"Chris… you know I'm not one for good-byes."
"Neither am I, Roy-boy, and I know you're not going far for long, but it's one of those traditions that it has been decided you will not buck. A hug's all I'm asking, or are you going to disrespect me since you don't have a mother-in-law?"
Roy hugged Chris again. "Since when have I ever respected you, Chris?"
"Good question." Chris gave him a squeeze, and before releasing Roy, said quietly, "Remember, Roy. Second chances. Don't mess 'em up. It's your life to do with what you want, though. Just don't come crying to me."
"I won't. I won't need to… I hope."
Chris laughed. "She's waiting for you, Roy-boy. Have fun and good luck."
Roy had to blush just a little bit. "Maaa…"
Chris closed the door, and Roy knew that he was beginning the first day of the rest of his life.
A/N: How horrid of me, ending with a cliché! (I don't know what's worse: that or the chapter title! At least I had the title planned well in advance.)
Well, this pretty much wraps it up for SC. I hope you've all enjoyed this as much as I have! Millions of thank-yous to all my readers and reviewers—you all made it well worth my while to keep it up!
I'll keep on trying to write in college, but I can't guarantee anything nearly this substantial for a while. I'll still be reading and reviewing your stuff, if nothing else!
So, thanks for coming along for the ride, and I hope to see you soon!