AUTHOR: Sobriety
DISCLAIMER: "Kim Possible" and all characters within (c) The Walt Disney Company and its related entities. Kim Possible created by Mark McCorkle & Bob Schooley. All rights reserved.
SUMMARY: How do you catch the world's most wanted criminal? By hiring the second most wanted to find her, of course.
TYPE: Kim/Shego, Slash
NOTES: Set about a decade after "Graduation", and acknowledging everything from the TV show as canon. The world is definitely more "shades of gray" than in the TV show, and some of the content will be a bit more adult, but this isn't intended to be much darker than the show itself.
Oh, and Kim and Shego don't start the fic already in love. One of my personal preferences is to see their relationship develop in the course of a story, and I'll be doing that here. KiGo may be the destination of this story, but it'll be something of a journey to get there.
"Dr Director speaking."
"Word on the In-Terror-Net is you're looking to hire me."
"Shego." The head of Global Justice thumbed a button on the handset. "I suppose it's pointless asking how you got my direct number?"
"As pointless as the trace you just started." The pale green woman agreed. "So why are you so eager to find me, Betty? Apart from the usual, I mean."
Dr Director paused. She'd hoped Shego wouldn't contact her. That the master thief's caution would be greater than her curiosity. She felt dirty even as she opened her mouth to speak.
"The rumors are true. We have a job we'd like to offer you."
"Right. You haven't forgotten I'm a villain, have you? Saving the world ten years ago was a one time only deal."
"I've been authorized to offer you a full amnesty on all current warrants for your arrest. Worldwide."
Shegolaughed. Dr Director clenched her jaw. This was hard enough already, without the villain's flippancy to make it worse.
"I don't see what's so funny."
"I'm sorry, Betty. I'm sure the thought of offering me an amnesty seems like a big deal to you, but let's face it, there'd be another warrant on me within a few weeks, at the most. Not to mention it's been a year since you lost the only agent you had who might have caught me."
Dr Director scowled, but forced her tone to stay calm.
"I've also been authorized to offer a payment of five hundred million dollars on successful completion of the job."
That caused an intake of breath on the other end of the line.
"Well, now you're talking my language. I'm going to have to know a little more about the job before I commit, though."
"Is this line secure at your end?"
"Doy. You don't get to be the world's most wanted woman without some basic elements of security."
"Second most wanted."
"Since when?" A flare of anger in the tone, now. According to the Psych Unit's report, that was good, at least from the point of view of getting Shego to sign up.
"Since four days ago. That's what the job offer is about."
Silence, almost long enough that Dr Director thought the call had been ended. Then a soft, throaty chuckle.
"I'm sorry, Director. I just want to clarify. Are you really saying that Global Justice wants to hire me to hunt down ..."
"Kim Possible? Yes. That's exactly what I'm saying."