This is the result of speaking to Selene08 online and the B-52's song "Rock Lobster". SO, this is for you, Liz. Enjoy it. : D

Disclaimer: Hellsing isn't mine.

Walter stood in the kitchen of Hellsing Manor. He lifted the lid off of a giant pot of boiling water. Then, he picked up a lobster. The doomed creature writhed in the butler's grip. He began to set it into the pot, but stopped short. A twisted morality stopped him. He looked down at the creature again and made a pained face. This creature had lived it's life, right? He could cook it…right? He went for the pot again.

"WALTER! NO!" a shrill English voice arose behind him and in a second Seras Victoria was behind him, shaking him. "Don't kill it, Walter, don't!"

"Ms. Victoria," He said and turned around to her. She looked pitiful, her eyes had tears on the edge of her lids. She took the lobster from his grip and looked down at it's hideous face.

"You can't kill it! They scream you know! Like people," Seras said and lowered the crustacean into the crate with it's friends.

Walter felt himself go sheet white. They scream? Oh god, like people? He shuddered and watched the young woman before him carefully speak to the lobsters. They were supposed to have enough cooked for the twelve. His shoulders sloped. He couldn't kill them.

"Let's set them free!" Seras had hoisted the crate up and balanced it on her hip. She took Walter's hand and led him out to the dark woods.

"Ms. Victoria, you can't release lobsters in the woods, they don't-"

"I can't let them be eaten, Walter. Could you?" She turned and looked at the old butler. Tears on the edge of her eyes again. The moon was full and illuminated their path perfectly. The dark woods around them seem to glow. Walter looked at the lobsters again.

"I know where a creek is," he took Seras' hand and led her threw the woods, she coed happily to the lobster's in the crate. Walter thought she sounded cute. Her empathy was amazing for what she was. A creature born of darkness and blood, yet she could only think to spare life. To save life. Walter wished he was like that. Behind him, Seras Victoria was a beautiful beacon of love and caring. How lovely this girl was. Walter sighed.

They had reached the creek. It was low, and ran slow, but it was water. Walter didn't want to imagine what would happen if there were lobster's living in the forest. That was much to creepy for words. Seras went to the creek and began showing the creatures to their new home. Walter joined her. They laughed as they dropped the lobsters one by one into the water.

"Be free!" Seras insisted and they were.

When it was all over and done with Walter stood next to her, splashed with water and smiling. He removed his monocle and cleaned it on his vest carefully. Seras turned to him and smiled.

"Thank you, Walter," she stepped closer and he wrapped an arm around the young woman's shoulders.

"You're welcome, Ms. Victoria," he said and she leaned into him. The lobsters swam the creek awkwardly as their liberators stood on the bank, watching the water run and the moon shine.