Singing Lovers
KHGF makes her return! Yes, after years of avoiding writing fics, I make my glorious return! First thing to say is I'd much prefer to be known as "Dark Priestess". Since my sudden leave from writing fics years ago, my styles and tastes have taken a 180 spin and I have chosen to adopt the screen name I've been using for the last two years on every other website I have an account on. So, as many other anime fans, I've watched and loved tons of new anime and just have so many wonderful ideas in my head that if I don't start writing fanfics again I think my heads gonna explode! So my first new fic will be this Gravitation fic. Please read & review! And keep any negative comments to yourself please they are not at all appreciated. However, if anyone has some constructive criticism that would be helpful, please don't hesitate to tell me. Ah, well, enough with my babbling and on with the fic! Oh! And by the way, I do not own Gravitation!
CHAPTER 1: Nittle Grasper & Bad Luck
"YUKI!!" Shuichi yelled jumping on his lover as Yuki closed his eyes in annoyance. "Yuki! I had a wonderful day today! You see, we were practicing at the studio for next week's concert and Mr. K was drilling us till our fingers bled as usual when all of a sudden, Ryuichi Sakuma, yes the one and only brilliant lead singer of Nittle Grasper, Ryuichi Sakuma, comes bouncing in and announces that Nittle Grasper will be playing with us at our next concert!"
"I don't care, you're annoying and making it impossible for me to work. I couldn't care less who you played with or how your day was. Your lyrics suck and pale in comparison to any other band. Singing with another group only proves my point that the audience is there for the other group and not you. You are foolish to think that Ryuichi is your friend. He is your rival and with you thinking of him in such a soft way, he'll trample you with his over whelming talent and popularity. I am constantly having to ask myself why I even show up at your concerts. With your lack of wit and talent, you're nothing but, a sheer waste of my precious time" Yuki said bluntly.
"But, Yuki…" Shuichi started to whimper.
"I'm busy, go bother someone else" Yuki ordered coldly opening his eyes and returning to his typing.
"Well, if my day doesn't interest you then, how was your day!?" Shuichi bounced back cheerfully grabbing his stool and sitting next to his beloved novelist.
"Get lost" Yuki replied.
"Wha…What? Yuki? I want to know everything about you! Talk to me! Yuki!" Shuichi pleaded.
"I said get lost! I have no use for you, your annoyance, much like a fly that I'm constantly swatting at but, doesn't get the hint that he's not wanted!"
"I said leave! I don't want you here!"
Shuichi silently stood up and left the writer in peace. He picked up his jacket and left the house. It was dark outside and Shuichi sulking, walked down the brightly active and lit sidewalk of Tokyo. 'Why…why does he never open up to me, he said he was my lover but, he's so cold and never wants me around…It's as if I'm just his stress reliever on very rare occasions'
"Shuichi!!!" screeched a high pitched familiar voice. Shuichi was quickly pulled from his depressing thoughts and picked his head up to greet a pink bunny being thrown in his face and two arms embracing him tightly.
"Ryuichi…Sakuma" Shuichi choked out surprised.
"Shuichi!! Busy?" asked Ryuichi releasing him and giving him the innocent chibi look.
"No, I'm not busy…" Shuichi replied softly.
"Yahoo!! Let's be shiny!!" Ryuichi cried grabbing Shuichi's arm playfully and tugging him into the nearest karaoke bar.
"Quietly embracing, completely captured, until your heart has broken" they sang in unison.
"Ahhh! Shuichi is shiny!! I wanna pick the next one!" Ryuichi said running up to the machine and flipping through the songs. Ryuichi had reserved a private room out back so that he wouldn't be swamped with fans as he playfully sang his heart out and who better to sing with then his newest friend Shuichi Shindo!
'Ryuichi Sakuma is your rival, to think of him as your friend is foolish' Yuki's cold words played in Shuichi's mind as he watched Ryuichi happily choose a song. 'Yuki's wrong. Ryuichi is my friend, he thinks of me as his friend so why…'
"Next is 'The Rage beat'! by the hot new group Bad Luck!!" Ryuichi announced jumping up on the couch and startling Shuichi yet again. 'Forget about Yuki, tonight I'm singing with my number one idol and newest friend Ryuichi Sakuma!' Shuichi declared jumping up, microphone in hand.
"Something frightening attracts my gaze. An irritating desire, spit out by the wanton wind. In a widening crack on the road, the lights of the signals melt, leaving only a scar. Before that dozing noise erases tomorrow. My footsteps echo as I pursue my ambition. I will not stop for anything. Any unsatisfying emotion I will just ignore and move beyond. Shivering, shyly, I took aim for the gap in my world. Following it, I arrived at a new place. I want a new world." they sang loudly. They happily continued to sing until it was nearly midnight.
"Ahh, that was relaxing…"Said Shuichi slumping on to the couch. Suddenly, Ryuichi flipped a switch that turned off the karaoke machine. He turned to Shuichi seriously and knelt down on the couch. The lights were very dim and the two singers looked more like shadows then vibrant humans.
"Shuichi, I love you" stated Ryuichi as he pulled Shuichi into his arms and kissed him with more heat and passion then Yuki ever did. The tender kiss warmed Shuichi enough to pull Ryuichi back for a second kiss.
Yuki walked into the living room and searched the couch. It had been hours since Shuichi had left and way too late for anyone to be out. Yuki had showered twice and drank coffee excessively trying to keep himself awake. Staying out all night with no word to where he is was Yuki's usual routine. For Shuichi to pull something like this truly worried Yuki, not that he'd ever admit to anyone, even himself that he was honestly worried about Shuichi.