Reviews for Singing Lovers
christina chapter 11 . 4/19/2013
really good story please add more.
TrannysaurusBoi chapter 11 . 2/17/2013
AH! I LOVE IT! 3 3 3 Keep Going!
titansweets chapter 11 . 1/7/2013
I really love this story! and hope u continue plz )
sonic108 chapter 11 . 11/19/2011
"As of right now I still owe 36 more chapters and that number may go up if I get new reviewers in the future." Well ya just got a new one, even IF it is one o'clock in the morning, and I hardly ever review anything at all... Anyway funny story, very fun to read. Love the fact your making just about everyone I can think of trying to get Shuichi to love them. (Or in Yuki's case love him AGAIN.)Also sorry to hear about your dog... I know how that feels like. I had to put down my dog down on christmas day... (This is true) Lets just say it was a very depressing time. But, I'm glad to hear you went out an' about for a while, it's always good to go out every once and a while. I'll look at that website to, sounds cool. Hope you have a good one, and update quick or you'll find out I'm not always this calm when it comes to reviewing... Now to get some nice comfurting sleep... Oh how I miss it...
Aryu Takomie chapter 7 . 9/24/2011
Holy crap! Could this story get any better? Good end of the chapter! My jaw dropped to the floor!
Aryu Takomie chapter 5 . 9/24/2011
OMG! This is an awesome story! I love it! Good job!
pandas'n'kisses chapter 3 . 7/25/2011
go for it hiro even though theres a 100% chance that you will get your heart broken cause its a ryuichi shuichi fanfiction... bring on the drama whoooohooh
pandas'n'kisses chapter 1 . 7/25/2011
take that you stupid douche yuki
TheVampire'sAssistant chapter 10 . 6/19/2011
please please please update! this is such an amazing story and i would be heartbroken if u didnt finish it! D
VannaOrihara chapter 10 . 4/18/2011
Ohhhh please tell me he's going to choose Ryuichi! Dx I have to say, you're making me very impatient with this fanfic haha. I want Ryu and Shu together, I can't wait till you update!
PuffinSunday Muffin chapter 10 . 4/2/2011
I found the ides placed in this fanfic very, very amusing! *nods my head vigorously in agreement*

Really, Chapter nine surprised me very, very much! (So, I guess I should have took seriously the warning you gave the readers about the upcoming storm Hiro have brought upon Ryuuichi and Shindo. _ _ ) And Chapter ten made me squeal a lot! But despite that I still wish Ryuuichi and Shindo will end up together! (Sometimes, it wouldn't hurt for Yuki to be hurt in return, right? ;D)

But I wish you'll write this story in different angles in order to show the different perspective of the characters, especially now that the story turned like this. It is also partially because the story is written in third person and not in first person. As of now the only character whose feelings I have fully grasped in this story, as a reader, is Shindo. I think it would be better if each characters feelings and inner thoughts are edified.

I wish this story would be longer! Wait, thank you for making this story longer, anyway! Its all thanks to our dear Hiroshi, right? 0 I really, really LOVE the twist! But, can I request, can you let ASK's leader to join the fun? You know, I can't help but think that there is a hidden agenda for what he did to Shindo other than his desire for bigger popularity. _ _ But everything is still up to you anyway! *bows down* Sorry for the randomness of my review and my random requests!

I can't wait to read more of this story! -(That sentence could be translated as: I can't wait to see hot men fight for Shuichi's heart.) I just really, really love the twist!

PS: I love that fact that Ryuuichi and Shindo will randomly turn in to chibi mode! It makes me feel the Gravitation feel/atmosphere! Sorry for the long review! *bows down*
And here comes the chocobunny chapter 10 . 2/17/2011
I hope you make this a Ryushu since that pairing is rarer than the other two, and Ryuichi and Shuichi looks so cute together _
Monita chapter 10 . 2/15/2011
That was a good chapter. Do you think that shuichi will pick ryuichi. That would be way different
Monita chapter 9 . 1/9/2011
I love it. Please contuine with this story. This is totally awsome.
Yaoi Lover chapter 9 . 12/16/2010
OMFG The ending was so unexpected. Loved it, u r truely amazing wen it comes to writing this. keep up the good work and I can not wait till chapter 10
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