They watched her

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or any of the characters. I think that Draco and Blaise might be softer around the edges than J. K. Rowling wrote them but I hope they're not too far OOC.

They watched her. Both of them knew that it was wrong; she didn't belong to them, despite the glances she stole when she thought they weren't looking. But they still persisted in watching her, playing with that precious boyfriend of hers, talking to her friends, playing Quiddich, walking to classes, it didn't matter as long as her vibrant red hair and warm chocolate eyes were in sight.

It had all started in their second year. Lucius Malfoy had slipped the diary of the Dark Lord into the youngest Weasley's cauldron. Draco hadn't batted an eye. His father had assured him before hand that they just needed a spy within the Gryffindor house to keep a closer watch on Harry Potter and that the girl was only a pawn. Draco accepted the explanation with little thought of the girl's safety or the consequences of Lucius' actions. In fact he found himself soon forgetting the entire incident.

When Blaise and Draco sat in the train compartment closest to the engine later that week, wanting privacy from the gossip mongers of Hogwarts they were able to fall into casualness that most people never saw. "So what did you do with the rest of your summer?" Blaise ran his dark fingers through the silver locks on Draco's head.

Shifting his head on the leg it was resting on he looked up into Blaise's green eyes. "Nothing really. After spending a month with you everything else seems quite mundane." He felt Blaise shift beneath him.

"Your run in with Harry Potter was mundane? I heard it was quite exciting." Draco glared at his smirk.

"No just the same old argument. Though watching my father and Mr. Weasley going at it was slightly entertaining. My father said it was all for the sake of distraction, but I think he just wanted to punch the muggle lover."

Blaise's hand stilled in his hair. "A distraction? From what?"

Draco didn't answer until he felt the fingers begin to move again. "He had some assignment from the Dark Lord to slip the Weasley girl a diary that will help him to spy on Potter."

"And what exactly is going to happen to the girl?" He felt Draco shrug. "You're not even curious? I mean all those arrogant Gryffs brag constantly about their bravery and strength and you have no desire to see how she'll handle this? Just think of all the ammunition we would have against those ponces if she ends up perishing. I'm sorry but I think I want to see this entire thing play out - even if it ends up boring you to tears."

Draco's interest was somewhat peaked as Blaise finished speaking. "Fine, we'll watch her, but we can't interfere with anything. My father would kill me if anything happened to his 'master plan'."

So they had started watching her. They knew the first time that she entered the Chamber of Secrets and they watched as she danced through the halls covered in blood. And by the time that Harry Potter destroyed the diary, Draco and Blaise found a healthy respect for the girl who by night did the work of Tom Riddle and by day was a strait O student. When she was pulled from beneath the school they stood in the background, knowing that despite the nightmare that would plague her for a while she would stay strong.

Even with the diary destroyed and Ginny Weasley back on the side of good they kept watching her.

By the time that their seventh year rolled around she was more than someone to watch, she had become their obsession. When they were together in the dead of night, she was the 'other.' They would call her name as they pleasured each other, hoping, and waiting. Despite this obsession they were vicious, especially to her. As Slytherins they could never be openly nice to her, it would go against everything that they had been taught from birth.

Through this torment, she had only retaliated once when her brother's life had been in danger. Since that moment every time Blaise brought up boogies or bats Draco would glare then ignore him until he apologized. Aside from that one instance she took their torment, sometimes offering a smirk of her own or a small secret smile. They knew that she was taunting them and they relished in her tenacity, purposely brushing against her in the halls whispering naughty things as they passed. The scenarios kept getting bolder as each week passed.

"Riding both of us..." Draco's smooth voice drifted over her.

"Into the ground…" Blaise's deeper voice finished Draco's sentence even as Draco started whispering again.

"All night long." They drifted past her noticing that she turned to watch them, her chocolate eyes almost turning black. She licked her lips nervously and turned to resume walking to class. Time and taunting had made her brazen in her responses. But they didn't mind her growing Gryffindor courage; they knew it was who she was.

They also knew that it wouldn't be long until Voldemort staged his final attack; they had been receiving reports about Harry Potter destroying pieces of the Dark Lord's soul for several weeks now. With that being the case, there were only a few weeks until Ginny left them. It was almost enough to worry them. Maybe they could come up with a plan, Blaise decided to start looking up their options but he wasn't going to tell Draco that yet. Draco was always a bit touchy when it came to the redhead.

The weeks passed and the tension between the three students mounted and nothing that Draco and Blaise did together could assuage the desire for Ginevra. Draco would pound himself into Blaise pretending that the dark hair clenched in his hand was red. And when Blaise came to his completion and sank his teeth into the pillow beneath him he would imagine Ginny's shoulder beneath him. Sometime instead of calling Draco's name he would whisper hers.

Draco would never tire of hearing Blaise call out Ginevra's name in ecstasy. And he certainly couldn't fault him, for his own pale lips had uttered it on occasion. They collapsed in a tangle of limbs on the bed panting and slick with sweat. He pressed a tender kiss to the dark neck beside him. "I don't know if I can do this for much longer."

Blaise turned to meet his steel gaze. "Do what Draco?" His fingers stroked through Draco's hair.

Draco pushed his hand away. "I don't think that I can be without her much longer. I know that we always agreed that she was off limits I just…I suppose that I hear you call her name and I want to have her beneath you as you cry out 'Ginevra'. It's like…we have this fantasy and we just need to fulfill it before I go crazy." His head dropped against the pillow in defeat.

"I know what you mean, love. It's almost painful to want something so much and not be able to do anything about it." He wrapped his arms around Draco's chest. "But let's think about it tomorrow. I'm too tired to start plotting tonight." He could hear Draco voice as he slipped into slumber, but his mind never caught the words themselves.

They slept through the first class of the day and when Draco finally woke, he swore. Their morning consisted of a flurry of activity: getting dressed, snogging, getting books and parchments together, snogging, running to make it on time for potions, snogging.

That's how Ginny saw them. Draco opened his eyes as his tongue dueled with Blaise's and saw Ginny bite her lip and eye them with obvious interest. He pulled away from Blaise with a soft kiss and strode toward Ginny.

Blaise turned and watched as Ginevra's eyes widened for a moment then as her lids dropped to half mast. She cast a sultry look at Blaise then turned her attention back to Draco. Draco's steps led him within a foot of Ginny and she stood transfixed as his hand moved to cup her cheek and his face dropped to her neck. Blaise felt himself harden at the sight of Draco's tongue and lips at her neck, her fingers threaded through his hair. So when he felt himself moving toward them he didn't stop his feet.

Draco watched Blaise come up behind the redhead and wrap his arms around her torso. Draco smiled against her flesh when her gasp signaled Blaise had dropped his lips to her ear. Draco nipped at her flesh one last time before several seventh year Slytherins rounded the corner. Draco and Blaise pulled away from her skin and quickly entered the Potions classroom.

The last thing Draco saw was Ginny standing in the midst of a sea of Slytherins with a dazed look and a bright red mark where he had last bit her. He met her brown eyes and winked.

Blaise sat down delicately next to Draco, who he noticed couldn't keep a genuine smile from his lips. "Now I'll never be able to stay away." His whisper voiced exactly what both of them were thinking. But now, Blaise thought, I really have to work overtime to find a solution to her departure.

"Why in the name of Merlin would you do something like that Draco?" Blaise was still in shock, but the taste in his mouth confirmed that he had in fact just sampled Ginevra Molly Weasley's flesh. Draco turned to face him and was met with Blaise's wistful smile, to which he offered an arched brow. Licking his lips Blaise whispered. "Wasn't the taste of that skin divine…?" His eyes rolled back in remembrance.

The door slammed behind them before Draco could respond and they both turned to the Potion's Professor. This conversation could wait until later, but Draco and Blaise didn't have to be pleased about it. They glared at the Professor through the whole class.

The older gentleman didn't seem to notice the hostility aimed at him, so when class ended Draco and Blaise weren't stopped from leaving. They walked out of the room more rushed than usual and made their way out of the dungeons.

"We need to go to the Library." Blaise decided it was time to tell Draco what he was planning. There was really no way to avoid it.

Taking things in stride, Draco followed Blaise to a table near the Restricted Section and sat across from him. He was almost able to pull off waiting patiently, but really he was a Malfoy impatience was a family trait. "Sooo…"

Blaise knew better than to keep Draco waiting so he began to talk. "I think I figured out the solution to our problems with Ginny." He nearly sprinted to a nearby shelf and brought back a slim volume. Setting it down before Draco then he retook his seat.

The Charms of Sleep Draco's brows furrowed as he tried to discern the use of this book. He began flipping the pages and scanning the entries until he came to a page that made him catch his breath. "Do you really think that this could work?" The look of amazement on his face was radiant and Blaise couldn't help but to kiss him gently.

"I think that it could, but we just need to cast it simultaneously while she's asleep. I haven't quite worked that part out yet."

"We need to figure it out tonight, she's going to have to leave soon because of this ridiculous war. Do you want to discuss it in our room later?"

"No." Blaise answered quickly. "I think that the Room of Requirement is the best place to talk about all of this, then nobody can interrupt us. You do still remember how to get in, don't you?"

Draco nodded. "We missed lunch though; we need to get to Divination in five minutes." He gripped the dark flesh of Blaise's hand in his and they walked out of the Library.

Once curfew had passed Draco and Blaise left the comfort of the Slytherin common room and glided silently down the hallways to the Room of Requirement. Draco opened the entrance when they were sure that Filch and Ms. Norris were nowhere in the vicinity. When they walked into the room they were assaulted by maroon and gold.

"What the hell are we doing in the Gryffindor common room? This wasn't what you asked for was it?" Blaise was on the verge of panicking.

"Honestly I was thinking of Ginny, but I still don't think this is what I asked for." They both turned abruptly as steps sounded from the stairs. "And I certainly didn't expect company." They pulled their wands, ready to hex the intruder.

Blaise's wand clattered on the ground and Draco's arm dropped to his side as Ginny came into view. "Is this a hallucination?" Draco whispered in disbelief. They saw Ginny's eyes widen in surprise and her feet halted their descent.

"Draco…Blaise…What the hell is going on? Why are you two here?" Ginny had finally started moving again. She was backing her way up the stairs.

"Ginny, wait." Her frightened eyes met Draco's grey orbs and he started walking toward her. The stairs creaked under Draco's dragon hide boots as he slowed his approach. He let the cloak fall from his shoulders when he reached her. "What are you doing here?" He reached out for her hand.

In response Ginny took another step back. "I was here to study. I don't like being in the common room most of the time. What are you two doing here and, and…how were you able to get in when I was already here?" Her chest was heaving as she tried to suppress her panic.

"I'm not sure, but we're here because of you. We wanted to be able to fantasize about you without the rest of our house knowing about it." He teased stepping toward her again; this time he kept his hands to his sides, unwilling to frighten her. "Calm down, love. We would never hurt you." She wouldn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry about earlier. I just couldn't help myself."

"I don't understand, Draco. What you did earlier…I know you've been watching me but I never thought that you would accost me in the middle of the hallway." Her eyes were darting past him, probably to see if she could run past him and escape faster than he could grab her.

"Gin," He offered her his hand one more time. "I couldn't help myself earlier. I just want you so bad it hurts. Please Ginny, just come talk to us." She was processing his request; the thoughts flickered over her face. Just as he was about to drop his hand she grasped it.

"Okay Draco, but when you're done explaining I'm out of here." She allowed him to lead her to the couch of the common room. Blaise sat on the opposite side of Ginny politely staying out of her personal space. She refused to look at either of the men sitting beside her and she hissed as she finally spoke. "What in the hell were you two doing earlier? Just trying to make a fool out of me in front of your housemates?"

Blaise chanced placing his hand on her shoulder. "No Gin. You have no idea how long we've been watching you, wanting you. It's just that with all the attacks happening lately we weren't sure how much longer we would be able to see you."

"Yes," Draco continued when Blaise paused. "We didn't want you to leave without finding out how you felt. We've seen the way your eyes darken when we tell you what we want to do with you. We just want to know if you really want us as much as we want you, or if we're just a distraction while your precious Potter is away." Draco and Blaise couldn't even look at each other; this was hell to the two Slytherins. Feelings and emotions were a weakness.

Ginny turned to glare at Draco. "I may have had a thing for Harry, but he never…" Her tirade trailed off.

Draco's hand moved to cup her face. "He never what, kitten?"

"Kitten?" Her eyes met his and he shrugged. "Harry never made me feel the way you two do." She felt the words rush out of her mouth. "Are you happy now?" She moved to stand.

Draco and Blaise moved simultaneously to press their hands into her thigh and shoulder. "Kitten, I like it Ginny-it fits you. You have the attitude of a feline and the claws to match." Blaise purred in her ear and felt Ginevra instinctively relax into his body. He took the lobe of her ear into his mouth and scraped his teeth over the sensitive flesh. "Do you want us kitten?"

Draco's hands started stroking her thigh, stoking a fire that burned into her core. "Yes." She hissed and tilted her head to grant him access to her pale neck. Draco took advantage of the distraction Blaise provided and moved his unoccupied hand to start unbuttoning the crisp white uniform shirt. Starting at the bottom of the shirt he caressed each inch of skin he exposed. Soon the entire shirt was removed, Blaise moving away from Ginny only long enough to expose her torso to the air.

Blaise brought his hand to Ginny's bra stroking her nipple to an aching point then trailing his other hand across her back to the clasp in her bra. He looked over her shoulder to meet Draco's almost black gaze, they smiled at each other. Draco dropped his lips to her neck and Blaise trailed his lips to meet her in their first kiss. Ginny groaned into his mouth as their tongues glided against each other.

Taking over the task that Blaise was distracted from, Draco removed Ginny's bra. His hands roved over the responsive pale flesh and his mouth followed to lick at the expanse of skin and puckered nipples. He nipped at the flesh as she writhed under him.

Suddenly the couch under them shifted. The Room of Requirement had transformed the once Gryffindor common room into a decadent bedroom. Ginny fell back on the green silk sheets and Draco and Blaise were switched places. Suddenly it was Draco's cooler lips on hers and his tongue demanding entrance and sweeping through her mouth.

Blaise was trailing kisses from Ginny's chest down her stomach. Stopping to dip his tongue into her belly button he then moved down to the hem of her skirt. His hands moved to the back of her skirt and she raised her hips to help him remove it. Both skirt and knickers were removed with one swipe of his hands then his mouth was on her.

Ginny screamed into Draco's mouth and when Blaise thrust two fingers into her tight sheath she bit his lip. Draco could taste the blood as soon as Ginny pulled away. He growled at her. "Maybe I should call you tiger, not kitten." He licked the blood off of her lips before moving to kiss her neck then bite the juncture of neck and shoulder. Now they would both have marks.

Fighting to keep Ginny's hips from bucking him completely away from her, Blaise continued to thrust into her warmth and suck on her clit. He eyed Draco as he moved to her breasts and was unprepared when Ginny threw him off of her in the throes of orgasm. Draco moved his lips from her body to meet Blasé in a kiss that tasted of Ginny. Blaise's fingers continued thrusting as she rode out the wave of pleasure.

Blaise felt Ginny withdraw from his fingers and broke his kiss with Draco to see why. She was watching them. Her fingers had moved to stroke at the flesh Blaise had just left. He felt and heard Draco chuckle behind him at the sight of Ginevra pleasuring herself. "Undress each other." Ginny's husky voice was barely recognizable. When they just gazed at her she amended her request. "Undress each other, now."

Draco moved his hands from the broad shoulders they rested on to the buttons on Blaise's shirt. A broad dark torso was exposed inch by inch to Ginny's obvious pleasure. Immediately after discarding the shirt pale hands moved to the trousers, deftly unzipping the cloth to let it drop.

Blaise kicked his shoes and socks away. He stood before Draco, turning to face him in nothing but green silk boxers tented from the erection that strained from his body. Starting with Draco's boots he started exposing pale skin. Every piece of cloth was removed from Draco's flesh before Blaise ran his tongue over his the pale erection. He heard Ginny moan from the bed and moved behind Draco to watch her impale herself on her fingers while still stroking Draco.

Ginny pulled her fingers away from the wet heat between her thighs licking them off before reaching out for both their hands. A pale hand gripped one and a darker hand gripped the other letting her lead them to the bed. The three of them lay on the bed; Blaise immediately started nipping at the mark that Draco left feeling himself harden at her moans.

Ever the one to be direct, Draco rolled Ginny to face him and started running his shaft along her slick opening. Finally as she began to writhe against him he thrust into her without preamble. A hoarse scream of Draco's name slipped from her mouth before Draco felt her teeth sink into his shoulder. Her tight sheath gripped at him forcing him to concentrate on his control. He wouldn't end this before it began.

The look of pure pleasure on Draco's face made Blaise crave the warmth of being inside Ginny. He shimmied himself out of the now too confining boxers grabbing his wand from the floor, using it to lubricate himself. Unable to wait any longer he met Draco's eyes, nodding at him to stop all thrusts. "Kitten are you sure you want this?"

"Yesss." She hissed though clenched teeth.

Finally getting the approval to enter her Blaise started inching his way inside of her. He could tell that Ginny was being stretched to her limits with every muscle of her body clenched. Then he felt himself fully enveloped in her and stilled.

Draco couldn't wait any longer the pressure in his body was unmistakable so he began to thrust. And when Blaise began to move as well the pleasure increased tenfold. Ginny threw her head to rest on Blaise's shoulder moans and whimpers coming in a constant stream. Blaise felt the coming of his release and moved his lips to Ginny's neck to distract himself. He could hear Draco muttering on the other side of Ginny.

"So good…so tight." Draco found himself pounding into her harder.

Ginny responded to Draco's words. She writhed against them and screamed her release. Draco grabbed Blaise by his unruly black hair and pulled him into a kiss. He could feel Blaise's thrusts becoming erratic and knew it wouldn't be long before Blaise climaxed. Ginny's mouth moved to Blaise as Draco's mouth moved to give attention to her puckered nipples.

Feeling Ginny pull him closer to her, Draco began to thrust more earnestly. The groan that he heard from Blaise told him that he was spilling himself within her. With Ginny's muscles clenching onto him as they were she had to be riding a continuous wave of orgasm. He could feel the tension coil in the pit of his stomach before he thrust one last time, seating himself to the hilt and releasing his seed.

They lay in a tangle of limbs, breathless. "Is that what you've wanted kitten?" Blaise chuckled into her neck as Draco panted out the question.

"Oh yes. I've been waiting for that all year." She was almost purring in contentment. Draco slipped from her and moved to pull the covers over the three of them as Blaise grabbed the two wands from the floor and placed them on the nightstand. "That was more than I ever expected. I just wish this didn't have to end."

"Don't worry kitten, we'll be here. We fell in love with you that day you came out of the chamber, we'll never leave you" He ran his pale fingers through her hair as she started to drift off. Draco held out his hand for the wand. Victus Somnium they whispered simultaneously. As the white light surrounded them, they smiled at each other.

Throwing their wands to the floor, Draco and Blaise pulled Ginny closer between them and drifted off to sleep.