It was a quieter dinner at the Weasley's. Fred sat at one end of the table, twirling his fork skillfully around his fingers, trying to decide what carrot to eat next. Hermione, who sat at the other end, watch him with a raised eyebrow. Fred really was one of the most random guys she'd ever known.

"You know they all taste the same, right?" She asked, half-mockingly, eyeing the orange veggies in front of him. Fred scoffed.

"Psh, no way! It's obvious that this one-" He speared a carrot with the fork. "-Is better tasting then the rest!" He then threw it into his mouth, took a bite, then spit it back out. "Gah, never mind, it was too juicy."

Hermione laughed. At least she satisfied Fred with some of her meals…

"Excuse me?" She asked quite taken aback. Helga raised her head eagerly.

"During intercourse. Is it satisfying for both parties?" She asked. Hermione knew this was a serious question, and yet Helga was nearly overflowing with giddiness that she had finally caught Hermione off guard.

"Fred, I satisfy you, right?" Hermione asked suddenly. Fred looked up at her, half a carrot poking out of his mouth. He spit it out and took a sip of his butter-beer.

"What?" He asked. Hermione sighed with frustration.

"I asked if I was satisfying to you." She snapped quietly. Fred gave her a quizzical look.

"Uh, well you are really fun and nice…and I like you a lot. Obviously, since we've made out like five times." Hermione turned bright pink at his blunt statement. "But yeah, I mean I love you so how could you be not satisfying?"

"Well, it's about a question my interrogator asked me. Yeah, I know, this was like, almost four months ago or whatever, but I was just reminded of it. She asked me if I…well if I um, satisfied you…in…b-bed." Hermione looked down into her lap. Terrific, there goes that dream-marriage plan. She could hear the sharp intake of breath from Fred and the gulp.

"Uh…my interrogator asked me the same thing." He confessed. Hermione looked up, met his gaze, and looked back down.

"A-and, what exactly did you…s-say?" She choked out, the happy feeling around them vanishing into a wave of awkwardness. Of course, she already knew his answer.

"Well…you know, I said no. Because we've never…n-never done anything…like that. Besides the snogging…b-but that was only on the couch." He said. It sounded like a question.

"Oh. I said no too." Hermione said, and was surprised as Fred slowly smiled widely.

"Well that's good." He said plainly, and stabbed another carrot with his fork and popped it into his mouth. "Hermione, there will be plenty of time for that when we find that we're ready. Right now, you just keep being the best wife ever known to wizard kind and I'll just keep being the most handsome guy ever known to women. Sound good?" Fred asked, raising an eyebrow at the brunette. Hermione took a breath. Fred was right; they had all the time in the world to them.

So, with a new confidence and ambition set into her heart, Hermione stood from her chair. She placed her fork and knife neatly down on her plate and took another deep breath. Then, with wavering realization of what she was actually doing, Hermione was walking towards Fred. He had stopped eating and was watching her every move with confusion. Hermione took slow, deliberate steps toward him until she was finally at his side.

Then she smirked, and did something very un-Hermione like. She swiped the plate in front of Fred away, allowing it to fall from the table with a loud crash and splinter into who knows how many pieces. Fred was even more confused now. Neat and tiday, clean-freak Hermione had deliberately broke a dinner plate? He could imagine hell freezing over and pigs flying as she bent towards him.

Hermione gave him the largest, most beautiful smile he'd ever seen. Fred opened his mouth to question her motives, but he couldn't speak because two seconds later, Hermione had brought her lips to his.

AN: FINALLLLYYY!! Gahh it's over, I'm sorry but that was so hard to finish. Takes a deep breath and yeah, I know the ending is horribly short, but what else was I supposed to do? I mean, last chapter was supposed to be the end so…

Anyway, I think I'm going on a Harry Potter Hiatus for awhile. I'll still be writing, but maybe for some other topics and categories. HOWEVER, before you fill up my message box with death threats and rotten fruit cake, I promise that you can probably see a harry potter fanfic coming up regardless of the hiatus. Itr just probably wont be about Fred and Hermione…who knows, maybe I'll take requests wink wink nudge nude…that means request something please and I'll choose my fave ship!

Until then, adios mon amis! (yeah, I just combined French and Spanish, got a problem?
