AN: Alas, it comes to an end! And I go into my weird talk. Okay, so this chapter sucks, but I had to give you guys something! So here it is... I couldn't get it right! No big blow out fight- it's not appropriate here. Unexpected ending, balh, balh blah. Anouncement though- if you didn't know I have another story up "Into the World". The next chapter will be there ASAP. AND I may be starting an HP/ Twilight srossover- I really hope I can make it realistic, I don't think I've seen anything like the way I have it planned (i've seen plenty of bad ones... really bad ones... let me know if my qualifies there, because I would hate that!) No emmett bashing- aren't you guys so happy? Honestly, I am soo surprised no Emmett fans have tried to murder me yet! I have been sooo mean to him! Come on, say something in his defense people!

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight, it's characters, settings, or ideas. It's alllll Stephenie Meyers.

"What's for dinner tonight?" my husband, Derek, asked as he came walking through the door. I smiled quietly, swiping the tears from my face with a swift motion. Derek and I had met about 19 years ago, in college. It had been twenty years since I had seen the Cullens or Jake.

Yes, I broke it off with both of them. I couldn't choose. I knew that it would hurt one of them if I chose the other, so I picked the fairest way. I chose neither and hurt them both. They were both devastated, as far as I know, but I cut off connection, swiftly and quickly. The only reminders I had were Edward's lullaby CD, Jacob's bracelet, and both of their charms. And my memories. My memories hurt the most.

"Lasagna, sweetie," I set the plate down on the table. "Use your eyes for once! Or at least your sense of smell!" He laughed joyously before setting his eyes of my tearstained face.

"Are you okay?" he asked, brows crumpled in confusion. I never let him see me cry. He didn't even know what it was about! My dad was forbidden from subjects of old boyfriends and Jacob. I didn't want him to know. It wouldn't seem right. Still, what had happened earlier had rattled me.

I had seen a vampire. I was sure of it! The hair was different, the clothes weren't anything the same, but I was sure it was a Cullen. I saw her from afar, but even from there I could see the glint of gold. She was beautiful, but I really couldn't be sure of which one it was. Furthermore, there was a teenage boy with her, with short, black hair. A werewolf had been my immediate thought.

I was living in the city, a place where I was certain that the Cullen's wouldn't dare go and the werewolves would find too confined. But there they were, standing on the corner, seemingly arguing.

"Nothing, really. Saw an old friend I think. We had a pretty messy fall out," I made up quickly. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't true. I was terrified that Edward would come to the door and try to talk to me. He nodded, pretending to understand. It was pretty great to be with a guy that isn't abnormally perceptive- and of the same race! "Call the kids, will you?"

He called them. The twins, Alice and Elizabeth (you can probably guess who I named them after), ran through the halls of our apartment. Moments later, we were seated at the table, a happy family eating dinner.

The now 13 year old girls chatted about their day and argued with Derek about their curfew. I remained silent and watched it play out, silently grinning to myself. I don't know much about Edward's mother, but Alice sure lived up to her namesake, whether she knew it or not.

"I don't see why two 13 year old girls need to be out until-" Derek was cut off by a sharp rap on the door. I excused myself to answer it. They barely noticed I left the table.

Prying open the door, I was faced with the biggest shock I had had since I found out that Edward was a vampire. Well, that wasn't really a shocker since I had a hunch there was something different about him, but you get my point.

Jacob and Edward were standing at my front door.

Yes, I mean it. There they were, just standing there, looking slightly uncomfortable at their close proximity. Make that a lot uncomfortable. My eyes widened in shock and I stepped back. Jake nudged Edward in the ribs and the vampire jumped and began to talk.

"Hi, um, we were here to…" he trailed off.

"We're here to sell… chocolate! For charity!" Jacob stated off the top of his head.

"I'm not an idiot, I know who you are," I glared at them coldly.

"See, leech? You blew it!" Jake muttered under his breath.

"Chocolate?" Edward hissed back. "I don't know, I think it was you who did that!"

"You both blew it! Get over it and get out!" I whispered, hoping that my husband wouldn't hear. It was too late. Derek was already standing in the hall behind me.

"Who's this?" I was busted. Jake and Edward shifted again in their spots.

"We can explain," Edward said, suddenly confident in his vampire way.

"If we can come in," Jake finished, looked extremely annoyed. "Let me say my own thoughts for once, okay?" he added, sneering at Edward.

"Oh, alright, mutt, just keep your temper. We don't want a fight, I'm sure Carlisle and your pack wouldn't like that."

I sighed and let them in. Derek was still looking extremely baffled and once we were seated in the living room, I began to explain.

"Derek," I started, taking a deep breath. "I want you to meet my ex, Edward, and my former best friend, Jacob."

"You forgot to mention 'second love'" Jake laughed from the sidelines.

"Note the second in that Jake, always note the second," Edward taunted him, chuckling to himself. I blushed a crimson red and he sobered immediately.

"Man, Bella, did you really need to do that? Ugh, it hasn't been this bad in years!" He pinched the bridge of his nose, looking away. My husband demanded more information. I told him.

"So, are you really trying to tell me that the kid's a vampire, this one's a werewolf, and you were once in love with both of them?" The short explanation had taken about half an hour, and thankfully the mythical creatures were calmly sitting on complete opposite sides of the room.

"Yep." He looked at me in astonishment.

"I believe you, I really do. I actually found their pictures the other day- and I always wondered why you wore that bracelet. Plus, that song you always hum! This explains so much! Like why you never watch vampire movies- or you refuse to let the girls read anything to do with werewolves. That includes Harry Potter because you found out one of the characters was one!" He was ranting now, face flushed with excitement.

"Wait, where did you find the pictures?" I was very curious about that.

"You still have the bracelet?" Jake chimed in.

"You remember the song!" Edward was excited now. "Alice told me you remembered it, but I didn't believe her!"

"How would Alice know? And you never answered my question before, Derek!" I wanted answers and nobody was giving them to me.

"Alice knows because she saw you today. You didn't recognize her, that's ll. You were humming," Edward said, a matter of factly. So that's who I saw… "Oh and he is going to tell you that he found your old scrap book. Wow, I forgot you had that!" Derek had been told of Edward's mind reading so he was just annoyed, not surprised.

"Thank you very much, I can talk to my wife!" he snapped, angry. Edward shrunk back, hurt. I could have sworn I heard "she was supposed to be mine" from his corner of the room, but I wasn't sure.

"Out." I gestured toward the door. I was sick of it, I wanted them out. "Go, leave me alone. Edward, you're suffering from my scent. Jacob, you- you're just agitating Edward. Go."

"It's always about him, isn't it! You left us both because you didn't want to hurt him, you cut yourself at the newborn battle because you didn't want him to be hurt, you nearly sacrificed your life- not just that, your soul, too!- for him! Never for me! I'm starting to think you were lying about the whole "loving both of us" thing." Jake accused, chair knocked over and in a rage. Tears welled to my eyes and I tried to deny it all. It wasn'y true, but I couldn't see and I couldn't breathe, and he took my silence wrong. He stormed out the door. Edward followed, taking one last look at my face. I sobbed my heart out, Derek comforting me the whole night.

In once universe, I woke from my change. My eyes were red and ravenous, my heart aching for Jake but longing for Edward. I saw the second and filled with joy. My diamond desire was here and I was equal to him. My existence would be perfect as long as I had him… I hadn't left them both… all was good, except for that little wooden wolf on my arm.

In another, I woke from a nightmare. The hot summer air was humid, and I peeled the covers off my legs. I tiptoed over to my computer, being sure not to wake up Charlie. I rattled off an email to my boyfriend, my wooden wolf, and tried to ignore the pounding in my heart- the heart that, if I had chosen Edward, would not be pounding that night. The nightmare had been nice, but I wasn't sure if I could really take it- losing Edward and Jake? Impossible. For the rest of my life, all was well. The only reminder of my sad past was the diamond desire, represented on my wrist.

AN: That's it! sucky ending, sucky chapter, but that's what happens when you promise readers something that you realize you really have no ideas for! Take that as a lesson! I like feedback, even though I know this chapter's terrible!