I'm sorry to say this is the OFFICIAL last chapter of Falling for You . I want to thank everyone who read this story, and especially the people who reviewed (you know who you are, as do I). I will be posting the first chapter to the sequel shortly, but until then, I have two new one shots up that you should check out! Thanks for reading! – Arietty
Josef picked up the box from Beth's bed and slammed it on the floor next to the dozen other boxes there. Beth had been released from the hospital a few days ago, and Josef and Beth decided to move in together. Of course, Josef wouldn't give in, so Beth was selling her apartment.
Beth was looking into her bathroom mirror, staring at the cuts and scrapes on her face from the warehouse business. She looked past that, and remembered all of the times she had been in here with Josh, and how happy they were. She thought of everything and everyone who changed, including her. Beth sniffed, and started taking medicines out of the medicine cabinet behind the mirror.
"Hey, Beth, where do you want this?" Josef asked from Beth's bedroom, holding up some sheets. Beth pointed to the boxes.
"Over there is fine." She responded, unloading the cabinet. She heard a thud in the next room, and Josef entered the bathroom. He took Beth in his arms and kissed her cheek.
"I'm sorry I'm making you move out. It's just I need the freezer and the space and I really like my apartment a lot better." He said, smiling. Beth smiled, and pecked his lips.
"It's okay; I think its better that I leave here. The memories, you know." She replied, looking around the bathroom. Josef nodded, and kissed Beth's cheek again.
"Josef?" She said hesitantly, looking at him in the mirror. He nodded against her face. She took a deep breath. "Do you have any intention of...uhm...turning me?"
Josef's face turned to stone as he looked at Beth slowly. "Do you really want me to do to you what I did to Sarah?" He asked, and Beth noticed numerous feelings crossing his face. Pain, hurt, anger, discomfort, and sadness were among the many. Beth stroked his cheek.
"I'm sorry I asked. I just wondered..." She unwound herself from Josef, and grabbed the box full of medicine. She exited the bathroom, and placed it carefully next to the other boxes. Josef snuck behind her and grabbed her legs quickly, and Beth gasped. Josef swung her around in his arms, and Beth giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck.
"I don't need you to be a vampire, Beth. You're perfect just the way you are." He kissed her, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment. Josef heard someone stiffen, and he looked up. Mick was standing in the doorway, observing the two with slight distain.
"Mick!" Beth cried, and jumped out of Josef's arms and into Mick's. Mick grasped her tightly, and then she pulled back.
"I'm sorry I..." Mick cut her off.
"Its okay, Beth. I'm okay. We're all okay." He said, smiling. Beth nodded, and stood back from him. She observed him, and Josef walked by her, and looked at Mick.
"Thank you for what you did. I owe you terribly." Josef said, and Beth nodded. Mick just shrugged, and looked at the several boxes on Beth's bedroom floor.
"You guys are living together?" He asked incredulously, and Josef nodded, placing his hands in his pockets. Mick sighed, and ran his fingers through his hair, and looked Josef and Beth.
"I wanted to tell you both something." Mick started, pausing. Beth walked towards Mick, and stood in front of him, waiting. Mick continued.
"I wanted to say that I accept that you two are dating. I still care about you in that way, Beth, but I know I must get over it. And Josef..." Mick said, turning to his best friend. "I forgive you for disobeying me." Josef smiled and held out his arms, and Mick hugged his best friend. Mick pulled back, and smiled at Beth. She grinned, and ran into his arms again.
The three friends broke apart, and stared at the boxes. "I can't believe you two are moving in already..." Mick said, waving his hand disbelievingly. Josef smirked.
"You know my affect on women. They can't live without me." Josef remarked, and Beth punched his arm playfully. Josef chuckled and swung his arm around Beth's waist, and clapped Mick on the shoulder.
"You know, we could really use a hand bringing these boxes down." Josef said, staring pointedly at the boxes. Mick rolled his eyes.
"Of course, Master." Mick bowed, and Beth giggled. He swooped up four boxes and Josef did the same. Mick exited the room, and Josef started to follow him. He paused, and turned around.
"Beth, are you coming?" He asked, staring at her. Beth nodded, and picked up a box (her strength didn't match the vampires). Josef started walking, but Beth hung back, observing the empty apartment.
This was the last time she'd be here, and all of the memories came rushing back. Beth wiped away a tear, and reminded herself she was starting out a new life with Josef. She gets to start anew, and be extremely happy with him. Beth smiled, and left the apartment, her mind full of the opportunities of her relationship with Josef Kostan.
Well, that is the end of Falling for You. I am going to miss writing this, but guys, please continue to review, and especially give me some ideas for the sequel if you have any! Give me your opinion on this story, now that is it finished. Bye for now, and thanks for reading! - Arietty