A/N: Hello everyone. This is my first story so please show some patience and respect in the way of reveiws. You might make me sad. But on a lighter note I don't own Sailor Moon, only this little story which can't begin to compare to what Miss Takeuchi created in the first place. Oh, drat I think I made myself sad anyhow. Well on with the show..cough ..story.

The blue convertible came to a stop near the creek. Trees stood tall in the silvery light of the full moon. Stars were glowing in abundance tonight and I couldn't wait to lay out and watch them. Tonight it would just be Seiya and I gazing at the stars.

I started to open the passenger door but it remained locked. Startled I glanced at Seiya to see what was going on.

" Can you unlock my door please? You know I have to be home in an hour. Id like to enjoy while I can." I said, jiggling the handle for emphasis.

He stared at me. My heart skipped a beat and I had to remind myself that girls need not be nervous around boyfriends. He reached across the chasm dividing us and tugged at my blouse.

"Seiya stop! I told you we're going to have all the time in the world for that if we get married. Right now hand holding and kissing should be enough. "Entertain" yourself or find another girl!" I hissed. I was tired of his antics. He had been trying to pull the same type of stunt for the past several times we'd been hanging out.

" Come on Serena. Seven months is already a long time to wait. What's wrong afraid that I might find out your not put together right or something is that it.?" He pulled himself over to the passenger side and grabbed my skirt, struggling to look for "defects". The pink fabric was making its way up to my waist , when he tugged at my panties.

" God damn you! Stop!" I screeched slapping at him wildly. This couldn't be happening not with some one I've known since the second grade. I kept trying the handle hoping miracoulsly the lock would undo itself.

" Your seventeen , its about time you gave it up." He spat in a low and guttural tone. With that he grabbed me and tossed me into the back seat and in this two door car farther from escape. Once in the back he ripped the panties off completely and started working on the button down shirt. I punched at his face to no avail other than he started to hit me back. In the stomach his fists rained down upon me again and again. I wheezed trying to recoup some of the air that was getting knocked out of me. With the respite from my onslaught he managed to get the last button undone, along with the front clasp to my bra.

" Why Serena, your not deformed at all. Look at the delectable feast that is mine." He viciously groped at my breasts. I wiggled under his weight trying to free myself. His hands started to work on his own clothes. In desperation I clawed at his face. He slapped my hands away and pulled himself free of his jeans.

" You bastard" I screamed. I spat in his face. I saw his hand pull back and fly towards the side of my head. Everything faded to black.