I know its been awhile for this one and I am sorry. My laptop that contained this file was infected with a Virus it wasnt until i fixed it that i found it. Its not much but I hope you like it.




It had been six years since the whole incident in Wave had happen, many changes had occurred since then. Konoha had lost a lot of creditability in the Ninja world. Mainly because of the propaganda Hell country had circulated. At first the other major villages had sided with Konoha, but after the destruction of Suna they got the message Makai was sending them. Side with Konoha and you will suffer the same.

Suna was now nothing but a sheet of glass as the war machine that was Makai had descended from the sky and from below the ground. Many human lives were lost before the word got out that Suna had been attacked. Once the first wave of the alliance forces reached the area they were shocked to find Suna in the state it was in.

Men, laid dead drained of all chakra and fluids some of the corpses had their limbs pulled from their still living bodies if the looks of pain were any indication. Surprising the alliance forces never found any bodies of women and children in the mist of all of the carnage. The alliance had spent three days sifting through the carnage for any clue as to who had done this unspeakable act of sheer violence.

On the third day they had finally found a recording of one of the high member of the council. In his recording he mentioned a traitor the name of Gaara which from intel reports was the son of the current Kazekage, a whore named Temari older sister of Gaara, a blond demon that only went by the name Namikaze, and strange creatures that looked like wolves but moved like men.

It was clear to know that Gaara, who was a demon container had betrayed his village and sided with the demon lord Namikaze, in doing so spared his sister the only person to ever care for him. Namikaze then ordered his army to attack the village, kill the men and take the women and children. As they finished the investigation they noticed several object in the sky.

They watched as on the objects broke in several pieces before hitting the ground they watched in horror as they objects exploded in a huge fireball then the other objects did the same. Little by little the explosions got closer to the shocked alliance force before they were hit by the missiles the end result was the barren wasteland of glass that Suna was today.

Konoha had never felt so weak as they did now. Having lost their long time ally was a major blow to them. With the destruction of Suna the other villages pulled out of the alliance not wanting the same fate Suna had suffered. It was clear to know that Konoha needed a miracle if it was going to survive this latest threat. Most people knew the only reason as to why the demon had yet to attack was of his word to wait for the old Hokage to die. After the fifth year they noticed that Hokage's health was declining, as such they had placed him on a life support machine when he suffered a stroke and went into a coma.

Jiraya was named the next Hokage though he had declined many times. He told them that there was another sannin who would be a better Hokage, his female teammate Tsunade. Unfortunately when he found her he discovered that she had betrayed the village, and it wasn't just her that betrayed the village. Many clans had lost confidence in the village and packed up and left. The Nara, Inuzuka, and oddly enough most of the Yamanaka. Only the branch family were the ones to betray their clan and village. Many of the more prominent shinobi also packed their things and left the village as of yet their where abouts are unknown but from reports they state they have been seen near the borders of Makai and Grass country.

Grass country was the next target of Makai as its rich mineral deposits were of great importances to Hell country. Speaking of Hell country many things had everyone in the elemental countries worried. First was the influx of demon activity that the country had produced. When Makai first made itself known the only demons that were known were the Fox demon Lord and his mates, then followed the appearance of the Chakra vampires. As the years went on the number of breeds had jumped to nearly a thousand. The humans had categorized the demons into two classes which were Humanoid and Beast. In these classes were a social structure much like the one that the humans had.

Humanoid demons were higher in the structure as they had more mental capacity then their more feral counterparts. Beast demons came next while still regarded highly they were often looked down upon by most of the humanoid counterparts or so the humans thought.

They reality was that the Humanoid demons needed the Beast demons as much as the beast needed the humanoid. They had a mutual respect for each other, this being said the Humanoid demons knew that for a beast demon to work to their best they needed a constant amount of anger. It is why they treated the beasts so badly and beast were grateful.

At the moment Maki had hundred of Humanoid demon ranging from two different clans of vampires one blood and the other chakra oriented, shadow demons which were used for assassination and spying missions, Succubus demons the only female clan was also one the rise. Telepathic demons though small in size were greatly feared for their ability to invade human minds and take over were among their powers.

The Beasts had no differences other than the animal they were, which ranged from wolf or Lycans as the humans had named them. Others were the fox, bear, tiger, snake, dog, and salamander demons. What the humans did not know was the third class in which ruled the other two was the Hybrid demons, meaning that they were a mixture of the Humanoid and Beast demon. They were perfect in every way as they had the intellect of the humanoids and the strength of the beasts. Though the smallest category of demons they held most of the power of Maki. The royal family was part of this sect.

In the main village of Maki at the highest point was a tower. Inside resided the Lord of all the lands of Maki, demon Lord Naruto Namikaze once known as Naruto Uzumaki. Six years had change the once happy human boy into the demon he was today. Everything was going according to plan as he expanded his ever growing empire. He was now a good six feet tall with broad shoulders and a body that made many females want to mate with him. His power had grown exponentially as he was finally complete. He was brought out of his musings as he heard the door open and the sound of small feet running towards him.

"Daddy!" a little girl said as she jumped into the waiting arms of her father.

"Lucy-chan what are you doing here, I thought you were at school." Naruto said as he looked at his oldest child and heiress to the Maki empire. She was the daughter of Ino his first mate, though both fox demons being that Ino had possessed the Telepathic bloodline from her family had made her daughter a different demon all together. The mixture of his and his mate genes had brought the next high ranking demon clan named the Diaclonus demon. He knew that his daughter was going to be one of the most powerful demons in the world and he couldn't be prouder.

She had an immense hatred for the human world and wanted nothing more than to kill every single human in the world with the exception of the humans of Makai. Only five years old she had already shed the blood of hundreds of human young and old. She was Naruto's pride and joy even the other six sons and daughters that Naruto had she was always by his side.

"but daddy, those teachers are so boring." Lucy pouted cutely that made Naruto chuckle. "besides I wanted to be with daddy."

"I know Lucy-chan but you still need to go to school, what would your grandma say when she finds out you escaped your teacher again. You know what she did to the last tutor you had for letting you escape."

"It doesn't matter he was just a stupid human, he was not important, besides you know that Baa-chan likes Iruka-sensei too much to kill him even if his teachings are soooooooo boring." Lucy replied with a pout.

Naruto laughed as he remembered his old sensei and his famous teachings. "I know his teaching can be a little dry but its for your own good, one day all of Makai will be yours and you need to be smart and strong Lucy-chan." Naruto said as he picked up his daughter "but seeing that it is too late for you to go back lets go get something to eat and then we will visit your Baa-chan. I am sure she would be happy to see you."

Placing Lucy on his shoulder and walked out of his office. As they walked on the streets of Makai all the demons bowed to their Lord and Princess. After eating Naruto walked towards a huge mansion that was situated on the side of a mountain. Fox statues lined the walk way heading towards the house. Many flowers and trees littered the land. Even though Makai was considered one of the most dangerous and violent nations of the world it was also the most beautiful, demons loved nature.

As they walked down the path leading towards his mother's estate he couldn't help but smile at the memory of how he finally had his mother back.


Deep underground four men chanted in a foreign tongue, many seals glowed white and red. In the center of the room was two urns filled with the ashes Naruto's parents. Suddenly from Naruto's stomach red demonic chakra flowed out and filled the room. For three minutes the chakra swirled around before descending into the urns.

Two sacrifices were escorted into the room, one was a man in his early thirties. He was once a great general from Suna but now a common slave. He was the property of Kakashi and his mate Rin but had made the mistake of seeing Rin's breast when she fed her adopted child, his son, now transformed into the heir of the Chakra Vampires clan.

Kakashi and Rin soon found out that the price of power and bringing Rin from the dead was that they lose the ability to produce children but Naruto told them that they could change any infant they chose by injecting them with their chakra and taking theirs at the same time. Currently Kakashi had six sons and two daughters.

The other sacrifice was a female in her early twenties, she was very beautiful. She was once a rich merchants daughter who was betrothed to a rich clan's heir. Unfortunately when she was captured they found out that the man she was marrying was from Konoha so she was sent to the mines. Though her beauty was unparalleled she was never touched as decreed by Naruto himself.

Suddenly the urns burst open sending the ashes into the air but never mixing. The male and female were covered by the ashes before it began to penetrate their skin. They let out a blood curling scream as they fell to the ground. Then they began to emit a white glow, then the glow left their bodies and floated in the air before being sucked into a small pebble. The bodies laid motionless for three hours before they began to rise and pulsate with power.

The woman finally opened her eyes and took a breathe. "Finally I am complete." she said in a angelic voice that deceived everyone to her true nature.

"Yes my love for far too long we remained asleep but now that our son has completed his mission we can finally move on with our plans." the man said in a evil tone that sent shivers down the mystics in the room.

"Greetings father, mother. I hope you find your bodies to your liking." Naruto said as he stepped out of the shadows.

"Yes my son this body works perfectly for me, its quite a beautiful shell for one such as I." the woman said.

"Well you can thank the snake sannin for his fine research in this type of research pity he had to leave this plane." Naruto said with a sick smile, which was matched by the man and woman.

"Yes pity, so tell me son how has your life been since the sealing of the fox." the man asked.

Then Naruto began to explain how he was treated for the first thirteen years of his life and how he and the fox made a deal to change him to who he was today. He also told him that the fox was sent to Hell to rule in his stead until the time for him to take over.

"Why those no good sorry excuse of filth! Once I get my hands on them!" the man yelled only to be calmed down by the woman.

"Now now Minato-kun, it not all bad I am sure that Naru-chan has already burned the village to the ground." the woman said

"Your right Kushina-chan, so Naruto tell me did you make them suffer?" Minato asked as he held his wife in his arms again.

"No I have not made a move on those peasants. I gave my word to the old man that I will not move on the village until he dies." Naruto explained as he gave his newly revived parents some clothes to put on as they were naked. Then he had the mages killed for seeing his mother in the nude. "but I have made their life a living hell and will continue until the name of Konoha is nothing but a disgrace and as soon as the old fool dies his beloved village will burn and I will piss on the ashes." he laughed at the end and his mother and father soon joined them.


A few months later his pride and joy came into the world, and his mother instantly fell in love with her granddaughter. Naruto chuckled when he remembered Lucy's first world, Kushina nearly had a heartache, "Kush-baachan!" Lucy yelled and ran into the arms of her grandmother. Yep that was her first word not daddy or mommy, much to Ino's displeasure. He chuckled when his mother locked herself in her room refusing to come out, even though her shell was in its twenty she was in fact 34 in age. She was far too young to be a grandma, it wasn't until Lucy cried thinking that Kushina hated her now that she came out and nearly hugged the girl to death.

"Hello mother I hope everything is well?" Naruto asked as he hugged her.

"Yes everything is good my dear, I just miss your father very much." she finished sadly.

"I know mother and I promise that I will bring him from the front lines as soon as I can, but I need him there for the time being."

"I know, trust me I know this isn't the first time he has left to fight in a war but this time I do not have to worry about him dying. After all we are demons now and the ones who could really do any damage are stuck in Konoha at the moment." then Kushina smirked evilly, "So tell me how is your little 'project' doing?"

"Mother you know she has a name and she is doing fine. She is a little mad that I still won't take her from there but knows that she is needed there."

"I see so tell how are my other babies?" Kushina asked as she held Lucy.

"They are good the boys are currently with Kakashi training and the girls are with Tsunade-chan." Naruto replied

Kushina just nodded her head then chuckled. "How you manage to bag her and her apprentice I will never now."

"Bah I just gave them what they always wanted but were denied, a family. Shizune-chan should give birth any day now." Naruto replied with pride.

"Come on in I just finished dinner." Kushina said as she carried Lucy into the mansion.


Three hundred men were fighting a large group of Lycans but were losing badly. Tsume the wolf queen roared as she cut a poor man in half with just her claws, she was originally from Konoha but later left because of the way Konoha began to treat her clan.

The Inuzuka clan was a warrior clan and such had a need for battle, Konoha fearing for their safety made her clan nothing but guard dogs. After three months of being 'caged' she decided to leave the clan under the cover of darkness of a moonless night. She later meet up with a representative of Makai and was granted an audience with the Demon Lord.

Under the light of the Full moon she met with Naruto and after speaking with him they came to an agreement. She and her clan would become part of his empire are the tip of his spear, then he granted them power beyond imagination, he turn them into Lycans with the usage of the pebble of souls. In return she gave him her first born and only daughter to do as he pleases.

Hana later became one of his mates and she bared him a son named Kouga prince of the Lycans as decreed by Tsume and Naruto, as Kiba refused his birth right so that he could fight. Hana is currently three weeks pregnant with her second son which she named Sesshomaru.

Tsume absolutely love the taste of battle, the feel of blood on her claws the sounds of flesh being ripped from her victims. The sweet taste of blood in her jaws was like nectar of the gods to her, and thus continued on wards towards the main village of Grass. She was ordered by her Lord to take the village by the days end and she would be damned of she failed her Alpha.

Minato looked on as his army cut through the country side killing anything that was unfortunate enough to get in their way. His son had ordered him to take over Grass by months end and time was almost up. Though he was the elder he still followed the orders of his son, he was awarded the best men and beasts to command, Tsume being his second in command. He smiled with he saw the flustered look on his bitch's face, tonight he was going have a lot of fun with her.

Later that day Grass had fallen and had been claimed for Makai, the survivors were branded with the slave seal and sent to the mines to mine the precious metals for Makai. Minato sent a message to Naruto via shadow demon to inform him that Grass was no more, before going to his tent where his bitch was waiting for him.