
He could feel the contempt seize his heart.

The assassin standing before him, oh how it fills him with the feeling of indignantly!

The assassin was neither apprehensive nor filled with morose at what he caused;

The deed that cost him of a brother and an arm!

His brother, Kadar, was earnest & naïve.

He did not need to die!

He should not have died!

But the assassin before him, Altair, oh how he hated that name!

Altair was the arrogant fool who caused his brother's death!

How Malik wished to murder the assassin, the assassin who got off almost scot-free!

A slap on the wrist is what happened!

Their dear Master played favorites; Altair was reckless, arrogant, and foolish!

What did he get?

A stripping of rank! No death, no retribution for his crime!

Call him bitter, but Altair was the pugnacious one!

The one who walked to his enemy, without a care about the Creed;

Altair was the one who vexed Malik so!

So why did Altair seem so bewildered when Malik spoke to him with venom?

Altair was an assassin yes, but why should he get away with the blood of Kadar on his


Why should Malik pay for Altair's sins?

Malik paid with left arm, what did Altair pay with?

Nothing! He escaped punishment like a rat.

Altair, how Malik hated him…