I'm back! This is not much...but i don't really have patience to write. Read the A/N at the end.

Disclaimer: me own nothing.

They are all 16/17 years old!!! Don't lose yourselves.

Naruto POV

The full moon overhead shined down in the forest, the moon glow illuminated the young adult, suffering and changing down below.
My body burned, the raw chakra was slowly consuming me. I could see through my hazy eyes the grass near me burning away.
It was always the same thing I accessed the, now previous, Kyuubi no Kitsune's chakra.
I started reminiscing how I ended in here, in the middle of the forest, in this situation.

(Kind of flashback)

I slept peacefully, dead to the world. My last few days had been hectic with all the missions and my birthday, I was 18 years old now, and considering the life span of a ninja I was could almost be considered a survivor.
I received the normal gifts a ninja could have, new shurikens and a brand new fuuma shuriken, courtesy of Tenten.
Sakura gave me a couple of first aid kits… I could almost guess she was going to give me that.

I'm too sleepy to remember the rest, however, in my opinion the best gift came from Hinata. I'm the densest person to walk this earth, but a couple years ago, I started to realize why she was always so red and kept fainting.
At first I couldn't believe that she liked me, hell, that she loved me!!!
As soon as I figured that out, 5 days later I finally got the courage to ask her to a formal date/dinner to a quiet restaurant that actually treated everyone fairly.

I remember how nervous I was, the waiting was asphyxiating and seeing Neji like an overprotective brother wasn't helping any.

(End of the kind of flashback)

The bones were changing and shifting and it stung, the muscles destroyed themselves to be replaces by new ones, everything hurt, even my blood hurt, if that was possible. Even like this, I'm still trying to be funny.

My body was changing to accommodate the chakra and the new powers I would receive, since I'm going to be new Kyuubi no Kitsune, although it wasn't possible for me to be a full demon, since I was originally human, I was going to be the a half-demon, probably the first one to ever exist.

(Kind of flashback II)

Although it was a funny thing to see Neji worried, it was even better to be walking with Hinata, side by side, especially when she grabbed my arm and got all cozy with it, not that I minded, of course.

I don't know why she likes the color purple so much, that damn kimono with that dark blue sash makes her look like an angel, damn! I have to admit it looks REALLY good on her. She looks almost ready to eat and then we could always start by…ahem…I better stop with these thoughts.

"Say, Hinata, why did you accept my invitation?"
"H-hum…I wan-wanted to"
"Any other reason? Besides having a good time, with yours truly, one and only, Naruto Uzumaki?"

I heard her giggle at that and it was a cute giggle too, if giggles could be cute.

"Ano…It's j-just that I wanted t-to spend a g-good eve-evening with y-you, Naru-Naruto-kun" – she answered while looking at the ground.

In that moment, I knew, by the way she stuttered that she had the jitters.

I grabbed her chin and softly turned her head do mine and as I looked seriously to her eyes, and couldn't help myself to take a couple of seconds to appreciate her natural beauty.

"Look at me Hina-chan" – I heard her small gasp at her new nickname, heck, I didn't even where that came from. – "Don't stutter, besides being a sign of weakness, something that you aren't, you don't need to be scared of me, I'll do everything in my power to make this evening worthwhile. Besides, call me Naruto"

She almost fainted at that point, she was so red, and kept swaying in her spot.

(End of Kind of flashback II)

I couldn't help it, even with all the pain that was coursing threw my body, I laughed. It was something worth remembering.

We had a good dinner, went for a good walk in one of the many parks in Konoha and when I finally dropped her at her clan house, I got enough courage to give her a kiss in her cheek right in front of the gates.

As I left, I could hear her gasp, and when I looked behind a little later, I could swear I could see her blush from that far away…She vaguely resembled a tomato. I think she even swayed a bit, couldn't be sure from that distance.

I snickered at that memory, even as my spine elongated itself, preparing for the tails I'll be soon having. I grunted as one tail come out, as I looked behind I saw a ugly thing, barely resembling a tail, but as I kept looking, it transformed in a yellow tail with a red tip and it was a bit bushy. As I was mesmerized by the sight of my own tail, I mentally cringed, if Hinata found about it…she would go all crazy for my tail…women! (A/N: No offense xD)

A couple weeks later, we were in another date, unfortunately, the life as a shinobi kept us really busy, and somehow we ended discussing food.

Who would have guessed that Hinata couldn't talk without a stutter? Must be my influence, damn me! I'm corrupting my sweet little Hina-chan.

(Kind of flashback III)

"Everyone knows that you love Ramen, I bet you like it more than missions" – Hinata uttered.
"Hum…well, about that… "- She was giving me a stern look, daring me to try and find a way out of this – "Fine! I'm going to tell you a little secret, promise me that you won't tell anyone!"

She was curious, and I asking her to do a promise it must be big – "I promise".
I sighed – "In case you haven't noticed I barely eat ramen nowadays"

"What has that to do with anything? You are on missions all the time like me."

I sighed, again – "It's not only that, it's that I when I was young, I was poor, and I could not buy anything besides ramen, and well…even when a genin I barely won enough to survive. Any way, you know why I'm hated by lots of people, most restaurants/stores would kick me out as soon as I entered them, but now that I'm a jounin I can get inside a few places that were denied before."

"You mean you couldn't eat anything besides ramen because the stores wouldn't let you buy anything? That's so mean!"
"That's the reality."

And the conversation steered to more pleasant thoughts after that.

(End of Kind of flashback III)

I ended up frowning remembering that piece of conversation, but I smiled afterwards. His Hina-chan was very strong physically and mentally, she did not judge him, and even seemed more sympathetic towards him.
I was almost screamed as another two tails shot out, making a total of three tails.

I barely managed to grunt: "Still 6 to go."
'I have to remember to give her a special present after this. A really big present. She gave me her heart, her mind, her soul and her body to treasure always, and I believe I'm doing a good job.'

THAT was a good memory. Who knew that little, shy and sweet Hinata was such a wild one in bed? It's always the quiet ones you have to be careful about.
It was my birthday, she was actually older than me by a couple of months, and I was now 17 years old.

(Kind of flashback IV)

"Bye guys! Thanks for coming!" – I said as I waved goodbye to my friends.
"Did you enjoy you birthday Naruto-kun?" – Hinata said as she embraced me from behind, putting her head between my shoulder blades as her arms encircled my waist.

I was thoroughly enjoying her hug. – "Very much, thank you for the surprise Hina-chan, by the way, you never gave me your present, you said it was for later."

The door closed as I turned to face her.

"I've hidden your present in your room, silly. Stay here and only come in when I say so, okay?"
"Sure thing, Hina-chan"

I watched as she went to my room and closed the door behind her as she gave one last look that I couldn't identify.

A/N: I hoped you like this, i don't know when the next chapter is coming...i was thinking on updating a one-shot but because i was taking so long, i give you this as a consolaton.
Constructive reviews are appreciated! thank you. review even if it is just to point out mistakes.
Next chapter will have a lemon.