A/N: I thought it was about time there was some Bread fanfiction.

Disclaimer: Bread, The Boswells, etc, do not belong to me and I gain no profit for writing fanfiction about them.

Julie held the photo out to her friend, and picked up the baby, just for something to do while the Judgment began. And she knew it would. She already was fully aware that she was an idiot to have been with him.

"I already know he's not that… good looking." She said to break the silence.

Her friend snorted, relieved. "To say the least! I mean look at his hair! And his eyes have such a stupid look to them!"

"Stupid?? He's not stupid." Julie held the baby in one arm as she took the photo back, annoyed. "A bit young and inexperienced, yeah, but he has got brains in there somewhere, has my Billy! And what's wrong with his hair?" She'd quite liked to touch it when they slept together.

Her friend was staring at her now. Julie wished she'd never shown the photo.